PLEASE HELP ME! Strange IE 6 error!!!!!

PLEASE, I NEED HELP!!!!!!! I DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO. . . . I'll try to write a short post but it will be difficult considering how strange the problem is and info I have. THESE ARE MY COMPUTER SPECS: Intel Desktop Board CC820 for Pentium III Intel Pentium III Slot 1 @ 600 Mhz 250 Watts Power Supply 320 Mb PC133 ...

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Joined 2002-07-23
I'll try to write a short post but it will be difficult considering how strange the problem is and info I have.
Intel Desktop Board CC820 for Pentium III
Intel Pentium III Slot 1 @ 600 Mhz
250 Watts Power Supply
320 Mb PC133 SDRAM
Creative 3DBlaster GeForce 2 MX (Drivers Creative v30.82)
IBM 20 GB UDMA4 ATA-66 7200 RPM
Fujitsu 1,6 GB DMA 2 ATA-16
Sound Blaster 128 PCI Onboard with Creative latest drivers
Diamond Supra Express 56k Modem
US Robotics Cable Modem
Realtek NIC
CD-ROM Teac 540E 40x IDE
CD-RW Teac W540E 40x12x48 IDE
Sony Monitor 17"
Microsoft Mouse PS2
Microsoft Keyboard
Windows 2000 Professional SP3 Portuguese with ALL Updates (in Drive E)
DirectX 8.1
Windows 98 SE (Dual Boot)
I have Updated Internet Explorer 5.5 to 6.0 little time after instaling Windows2 000 from scratch, 3 months ago.
Internet Explorer 6 always worked fine for me but now something really f*cking weird and annoying just happened!
Yesterday everything net-related worked ok but today when I tried to open some webpages THIS ERROR appears and I'm forced to close IE6 (without having access to that particular page):
"Microsoft Internet Explorer will be closed..."
Bla bla... and if I want to deliver an error report to Microsoft. And that report is anonymous and confidential... something like that.
(I tryied to put here an image with this error but I don't know how to do it on this forum)
WTF???????????? And sometimes I even get some BSODs!!! 8) ;(
First one was related to win32k.sys file but I think it varies.
What is really weird is that Internet Explorer crashes completly with no warning only when I visit certain websites!!!
Specially those with some kind shockwave animation or something. Unfortunately I use one of those sites a lot:
I also got access to event log error description. The ONLY error I found was this one (at the time of the crash-I don't have any other errors):
Event Type: Error
Event Source: Microsoft Internet Explorer
Event Category: None
Event ID: 1000
Date: 16/10/2002
Time: 23:54:39 PM
User: N/D
Computer: MACGYVER
Não é possível localizar a descrição do ID do evento ( 1000 ) na origem ( Microsoft Internet Explorer ). O computador local pode não ter as informações de registo necessárias, ou os ficheiros .DLL de mensagem para mostrar mensagens a partir de um computador remoto.
Faulting application iexplore.exe, version 6.0.2600.0; wininet.dll; 6.0.2718.400; 000080d3.
0000: 41 70 70 6c 69 63 61 74 Applicat
0008: 69 6f 6e 20 46 61 69 6c ion Fail
0010: 75 72 65 20 20 69 65 78 ure iex
0018: 70 6c 6f 72 65 2e 65 78 plore.ex
0020: 65 20 36 2e 30 2e 32 36 e 6.0.26
0028: 30 30 2e 30 20 69 6e 20 00.0 in
0030: 77 69 6e 69 6e 65 74 2e wininet.
0038: 64 6c 6c 20 36 2e 30 2e dll 6.0.
0040: 32 37 31 38 2e 34 30 30 2718.400
0048: 20 61 74 20 6f 66 66 73 at offs
0050: 65 74 20 30 30 30 30 38 et 00008
0058: 30 64 33 0d 0a 0d3..
Does anybody have this problem or know what error is this???? And how do I solve it??
Please, format is not an option because I have done 3 months ago and I don't want to do that again for a while. But I hate the ideia of just not having access to some pages!!! And who knows how many are those pages???? Could be millions...
I'm starting to hate Internet Explorer 6!!!
I have tryied to (among other things) reinstall Internet Explorer but with no success.... I'm completeley out of ideias and I don't know what to do...
But one thing is certain. If I do not fix this without a complete format, I really hate Microsoft!! And all their products will be cr*p to me!!!!! ;(
See, I'm not a computer iliterate, and watching something like this happen when I haven't installed absolutely nothing or changed a single option in my system, just gets me CRAZY!!!!
I'll be eternally gratefull to anybody who helps me... Thanx

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Responses to this topic


34 Posts
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Joined 2002-07-23
So, no ideas hey...


214 Posts
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Joined 2002-10-05
Quote:If I do not fix this without a complete format, I really hate Microsoft!!
Well, just because IE doesn't work, doesn't necessary mean you have to perform a complete format.. You can always switch to an alternative browser,
ie. Mozilla, Phoenix, Opera...
Quote:I have tryied to (among other things) reinstall Internet Explorer but with no success....
Have you tried to reinstall with a newer build?


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Joined 2002-07-23
Yeah, I can switch browser but I'm used to this one....
And yes I tried IE6, 5.5, 6 SP1, nothing worked... I think it´s correlated with Macromedia Flash. All sites that use it, gave problems!!
Oh, and after inumerous reinstalls and all sort of solutions my Windows 2000 SP3 crashed completely... Didn´t even restart!! Not even in safe mode!!!
So my only option was really to format everything. ;(
Now that I have a clean install, I applied IE 6 SP1 Update and entered some flash thing site.... And to my absolutely enormous 8) 8) there it was, the same error again!!!!
I'm really piss*d off!!!! WTF?? I won´t format again, so MS can stick IE up their AS*!!!!


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Joined 2002-07-23
I think I tracked it down... It's definitely a Flash related problem. When I first visited a site with it, Windows asked me if I wanted to install Flash 6. I made a mistake and said no. The site did not open correctly.
Now, when I try to instal the damn thing, BAM!! BSOD and a reference to Win32k.sys!!
Can anybody explain me any of this??? This happens after a fresh Windows 2000 install!!!
And before this happened I checked Event Log and everything was fine!! No errors at all!!
It seems to me that if someone refuses to install Flash 6 when asked, at the first time, IE is all screwed up if you try to install it later!! Damn buggy software...
Any solutions?? Can I uninstall and reinstall flash?? How??


2172 Posts
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Joined 2002-08-26
Download the full installer for shockwave flash.... It's buried on Macromedia's site... If you like, I can send you the full installer for the player. Just drop me an email. I think the latest version is 8.5.1, if I am not mistaken.


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Joined 2002-07-23
Thanx, but I have found it.
I used Macromedia Flash Uninstaller first and then installed shockwave 8.5.1. While installing I received a "MSN messenger caused errors and will be closed"!
I hate this sh*t.... I'm starting to think that I'll have to reformat again!!! 2nd time in a week!! ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;(
But I'll still try IErradicator for Internet explorer. If this doesn't work nothing will, but this FUC*ING computer is not more persistent than me!!!
Oh yeah....


2172 Posts
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Joined 2002-08-26
Have you upgraded to MSN Messenger 5.0 yet?


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Joined 2002-07-23
I have been using messenger 4.6. I think it's the latest.
Anyway, another similar error ocurred even when I shut down messenger, before reinstalling Shockwave 8.5.1.
So, I think it's not a messenger's fault but something else I haven't figured out yet.
Tried IErradicator... Like expected it didn't work very well... It messed up my Windows completely. When reinstalled IE6 SP1 there where many strange errors and missing stuff...
So I went back to the beginning. New partition, new format and new Windows 2000 SP1 clean install. After this I have just installed Creative video drivers 29.42, which always worked fine before, and my cable modem drivers.
Then I went imediatelly to sites with Flash animation content. My favorite, the source of all this mess is
To my absolute frustration and surprise, when I said Yes to install Flash player, IE crashed and I had to reboot... ;( ;(
I never quit, but this is starting to look like a curse!!!! Now I really don't know what to do...could it be the cable modem????? It's pratically the only thing I installed after win2000!!! I also thought it could be a site problem, but I receive the same error on other sites!!!
Could someone enter the damn site and tell me if there was any error???
Thanx for your help


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Joined 2002-07-23
Yes, now I have Messenger 5.0. It´s great!!
And I finally found the problem!!!! 8) 8)
BTW, it didn't have any to do with Messenger.
It was, of course, a damn hardware problem!!!! A little before all this mess started, I installed a new 64 Mb memory module. I had a 256 Mb double sided 133 mhz DIMM only, so a installed some more memory that my cousin gave to me. The problem is that the DIMM was a little old (2 years) and functioning at 100 Mhz.
I always thought I would have no problem because my PC has a 100 Mhz working memory and all the "computer geeks" I know, told me that mixing 133 and 100 Mhz DIMMs would be of no harm... in 99 % of the cases!!!
It seems I belong to the 1 % because when I removed the damn 100 Mhz DIMM, and reinstalled win2000 SP3 all my problems went away!!! 8)
And this problem only ocurred in Win2000!!! In Win98 the 100 and 133 Mhz DIMMs gave me no problem at all!!! Weird... It must be Windows 2000 memory management, which is completely different from 98!!
Win2000 is in fact very good and stable but it is just very sensitive with hardware problems!!
But thanx for your help anyway...