Running Final Fantasy VII On windows XP using Geforce chipse
Has someone had any luck? i can't start a new game or anything, it freezes just after you choose new game or finishes loading a game I have windows XP pro and a Geforce 4TI 4600. .
Has someone had any luck? i can't start a new game or anything, it freezes just after you choose "new game" or finishes loading a game
I have windows XP pro and a Geforce 4TI 4600.
I have windows XP pro and a Geforce 4TI 4600.
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Runs fine for me on Windows XP Pro, GeForce 3 Ti500. Have you tried the suggestions at ? Importantly, make sure you're not enabling "nvidia" mode in the FF7 configuration utility because with recent drivers it's a) not necessary and makes it not work.
My daughter is an avid FF fan. I recently upgraded my XP box to 512MB RAM and changed to a GeoForce FX5900XT graphics card so that she could run SIMS2. That works fine but FF7 graphics are truly awful. Any suggestions? I've seen mention of turning off the "nvidia" option using FF7 config but I can't find this option. Any help would be greatly appreciated.