Saddam captured: Do you think this will end the hostilities?

Quote:I may be a late-bloomer finding this out today, was busy posting & watching the N. Y. Jets pre-game show before stumbling on this news! Do you think this will halt the hassles overseas? APK I personally don't think it'll have a big effect overall.

Slack Space 1613 This topic was started by ,


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Quote:I may be a "late-bloomer" finding this out today, was busy posting & watching the "N.Y. Jets" pre-game show before stumbling on this news!

Do you think this will halt the hassles overseas?


I personally don't think it'll have a big effect overall. As long as the Arab world and Israel refuse peace the rest of the world is forced to pick a side. As long as the US even acknowledges the existence of Israel as legitimate, the Arab world assumes us to be on the side of Israel and therefore the enemy as well.

It should boost Bush's approval ratings for a little while though

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1915 Posts
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Joined 2000-03-30
For the Iraqi people they can rest easier. THe effect he had just being around was bad enough.
As for the homefront, Bush secured his 2nd term. Dems will lose big time, unless they start talking about something besides the war.


530 Posts
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Are you sure it's the real Saddam ;(


239 Posts
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Man, I love this website... a few other places I've been today have threads on this same topic and some of the posts are just nasty towards other people. I can't remember ever really seeing any personal attacks to speak of here.
Thanks All!


20 Posts
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Joined 2003-12-13
well, i can't say believe that they found him....
but i don't think that is the reason US went to Iraq,
all they want is OIL and they don't care about people
sorry to say this but look history is repeating it self, but this time its not Germany its USA....


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Joined 2003-08-22
Well Im sure its him. DNA testing will prove it anyway because Im sure hes not related to OJ Simpson.
Just a feeble attempt at humor; I would rather not see this thread turn ugly.


1030 Posts
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Bush stayed the course like he said he would. hehe the 9 Dems can kiss his a@@ today ROFL!


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To think a government ever does anything from the kindness of thier hearts is naive at best
We are in Iraq for the following reasons:
1. To rid the world of Saddam
2. For oil
3. To have strategic bases in the region, to attack Iran, Syria or whomever
You have to understand the oil thing though. Every time we pay a country in the middle east for a barrel of oil, some of it goes to terrorism, whether directly or indirectly. It's a matter of national defense to have oil we more or less control
As to the comparison to Nazi Germany, that's an insult to all the people who died during Hitler's regime. I don't remeber hearing stories of Nazi doctors helping with cancel patients to get them medicine, or building schools for young girls.
Alec I gotta disagree with you bro on the 2nd term. Bush cannot lose now. Not because he's so wonderful, but Dems will nominate Dean who cannot win. Clinton pulled all those independants in, as did Reagan, and Bush SR. BUt Dean is so far left he will only get his base to vote for him and nothing more. The only difference now will be the margin of victory. If economy keeps getting better Dean may have trouble winning his home state, much less the presidency.
Good day for the Iraqi people
Agree with the war, or not, having Saddam in Jail is a good thing for all of us, and the Iraqis who were brutalized by this man, can have some closure now


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Well we seem to agree on everything, for the most part except this
I have to set the record straight on this Gore should have won the election thing
When the last votes were tallied I believe Gore got 49 percent and Bush 48,
So The majority of people didn't want either of thim enough.
ANd to close with this thought.
IN 1992 Clinton won with 43 percent of the vote. THat means 57 percent of Amercians didn't want him as president
THe second time around he only got 47 percent still less then Bush or Gore. and he Still was our president.
So to those who want to point out that Bush should have never been here in the first place, then show a little love to the 57percent and 53 percent of Americans who DIDN't want CLinton in office.
But thats our system and I honestly belive it worked out in all those cases.
Clinton was meant to be pres during his eight years, and Bush was meant to be pres now.
Some men are meant to be where they are when they are
BTW Alec those hijackers of your party are ruining it. I left, my father in law just admitted he left. People like Lieberman and Zell Miller are going to leave.


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Forgot to comment on the Haliburton mess.
Money and infulence buys you anything.
Don't be so naive as think the Good ole boys network, or a large donation to the party of your choice wont' get you access regardless the party
Remember Marc Rich?
Don't hate the player, hate the game
The game is broken, and both parties are players.


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Quote:We are in Iraq for the following reasons:

1. To rid the world of Saddam
2. For oil
3. To have strategic bases in the region, to attack Iran, Syria or whomever

Aren't you forgetting the "weapons of mass destruction" thing...? Seems both George W & Tony Blair would like us to do that as well - but once the celebrations die down, that ol' chestnut is going to raise its head again...

And why rid the world of just Saddam? It's not as though he has any links with Al Qaeda, the US and the UK paid for him to be there in the first place! Why not go after all the other dictators as well, like Zimbabwe, North Korea, etc...the list goes on

And George hasn't made any friends with his announcement last week that only those countries who supported the war will be able to bid for reconstruction work in Iraq.

He seems to have forgotten the old saying: "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer"!

Still, you never know, we might find Osama soon, too - who's currently hiding out in a network of caves containing dialysis machines...



1030 Posts
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hey I dont care about the popular vote thing. Can you imagine Gore as president during 9/11? I shudder to think.


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THats the problem I have with The economy being credited to any one man.
WE THE PEOPLE make or break this economy. Not the president, nor congress but the 270 million or so of us here in the States, that work, pay taxes, and earn wages.
We are the ones who deserve credit, or blame for the economy.
As to Bubba keeping us out of wars, again avoiding something isn't the same as preventing it.
And Bush found this out, when he took office, and all these things that hadn't been properly handled blew up in his face.


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Getting Saddam is a good thing. As for decreasing hostilities, not much will change, but I think it may make a few people think about pushing their luck (the N.Korea mad scientist, other Arab leaders).


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Alec tell that to the survivors of the Holocost after all of Europe tried to apease Hitler, only to let him build an army.
Bruce Lee also knew when to fight and when not too.
If you study his life, you will find a few times he had to defend himself.
I'm just happy for the Iraqi people, and all my friends in Iraq


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To be honest with you, I have been skeptikal about the US invading Iraq from day -1. I was (and still am) against the idea of the US being in Iraq.
As a matter of fact, I am of arab heritage and ethnicity. To me, its a HUGE issue of mistrust betwene us (the arabs) and the United States.
For one I am palestinian, and the US has been supporting Israel for a looong time.
Long story short, I am VERY skeptikal of the US's presence in Iraq and the middle East. Even with Saddam gone, I doubt the tension will cool off for some time to come!


1915 Posts
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You're a good man Alec albeit a but misguided