stability and reliability

mmm i just have a general enquiry. . . . reagard to windows 2000 pro and windows xp pro , i just thinking to buy a new pc. . . . but i still not decide , which OS i wanna use , either windows 2000 pro or XP Pro.

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Joined 2002-05-25
mmm i just have a general enquiry .... reagard to windows 2000 pro and windows xp pro , i just thinking to buy a new pc .... but i still not decide , which OS i wanna use , either windows 2000 pro or XP Pro .... , i just thinking the most stable OS and have least of drivers problem , please give me an advise which is more stable OS , 2K or XP .... and what is their advatages or disadvantages in common .... thanks a lot for ur helpful informations .... thanx again

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Responses to this topic


84 Posts
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Joined 2000-03-04
Although xp is pretty stable.. and I consider it much more reliable then win9x... I still think win2k is more of a stable os. However this depends entirely on your hardware. People tend to blame os's and recommend people dont use them due to a problem with their own configuration. Xp has shown some probs.. and this is to be expected with a new os. Win2k had far more problems when it was released. However now it seems to work pretty good. Win2k is just totally rock solid for me. So I recommend win2k. Simply because all the latest software is supported and works good with most hardware configurations. xp pro is basically win2k anyways... just with bloated features I dont really need.


83 Posts
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Joined 2002-02-07
I concur, 2k is a superior product. Xp is aimed at the Mom and Dad market, even the professional version needs a lot of work to fit into a corporate (or professional ;P) environment. Both are about as stable as each other. Both have shown (around here in my place of buiseness at least) that they have similar compatibility problems with older Dos based stuff. I rate 2k over any other MS OS.
But hey, have you considered Linux?
Its free you know...


3857 Posts
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Joined 2000-03-29
Buy XP Pro, as the license is backward compatible with 2K anyway. It's a waste of money to buy Win2K unless it's less than $100US for the full version (which I doubt).


77 Posts
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Joined 1999-12-03
If I were in your situation I would get Windows XP if it was the same price as Windows 2000.
Windows NT4/2000/XP are all much more stable than the Windows 9x operating systems but Windows XP is more stable than Windows 2000 is more stable than Windows NT4 if the device drivers are all compatible.


540 Posts
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Joined 2001-02-28
Buy XP Pro, as the license is backward compatible with 2K anyway. It's a waste of money to buy Win2K unless it's less than 0US for the full version (which I doubt).

I didn't know that. Win2k OEM is retailing at about £90 that makes roughly $140 or so (you just have to buy a new mouse or cable or something with it, not that it makes much difference). Win2k is a lot more stable since XP still needs at least 2 service packs. But in my opinion W2k fared a lot better even without the SP's.

Also just remembered. WinXP Pro and Win 2k pro are about the same price +/-£5.

If clutch is correct which i presume he is. do as he says. Get the XP, Run Win2K, upgrade when SP2 is out etc.

BTW XP is stable but it is a pain in the *ss. Loads of HW does not have decent drivers for it. I advise against it to all my customers. It is good for games though


3857 Posts
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Joined 2000-03-29
Most (but I think all) MS licenses are backward compatible, so there is rarely any good reason to buy an older version of an OS or any of the applications that they sell. There are other software vendors that permit this type of usage as well.


645 Posts
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Joined 2000-09-16
I don't think XP is ready for prime time yet. Sure it's stable, but as stable as 2K? I don't think so. All that extra crap and fluff you don't need. If you want a pretty OS with lot's of bells and whistles then go XP. If you want a great OS that is just as stable if not more stable then XP go with 2K. I ran XP for 6 months and loved it. Then i started getting problems with certain software that works fine in 2K. I will now wait until SP2 for XP to switch back. I get 2K OEM for $89.00. Another thing about XP is the security is f^^ked. My girl has XP on her machine and she was able to get into a triple X site members area just by repeating a made up login and password several times. When I tried this on my 2K machine I got "not authorized" the first try.


3857 Posts
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Another thing about XP is the security is f^^ked. My girl has XP on her machine and she was able to get into a triple X site members area just by repeating a made up login and password several times. When I tried this on my 2K machine I got "not authorized" the first try.

Well, from what you have written it sounds like it has more to do with the site's security than with the workstation's security. The presentation might be different, but I don't see how you made the logical link between the local security of the PC and a prompt from a website. If you can explain further please do so.


1915 Posts
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Joined 2000-03-30
XP is way better. More stable.
Just make sure you stay away from VIa chipsets, and you should be fine with either OS


989 Posts
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Joined 2001-08-14
After using XP for 9 monthds or so (after using 2k for about 12) I can honestly say: 2k sucks balls.


694 Posts
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Joined 2002-06-10
ive had zero problems with xp pro
i dont use via or amd either.
never had a game, driver, app, or hardware fail to execute properly


671 Posts
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Joined 2000-05-04
The guy is in the UK, so linking to sites in the US that sell software probably isn't terribly useful.
As for the XP backward compatibility thing, yes it's true, but buying a copy of XP gets you a copy of XP. You still need the 2K media to install, and that's not something the public can easily get hold of without buying a copy (not counting the dodgy sides of the net).
So if you want 2K, buy 2K. If you want XP, buy XP. It's the easiest way. Also bear in mind that if you buy a new PC, you will be unlikely to get a proper set of media for the OS. You'll likely get a recovery CD that will restore the machine to its factory condition from a hidden partition on the hard disk.
And which one you choose will also depend on the various peripherals you have, and what you actually want to use the PC for.
I found 2K to be a great OS. I've now moved over to XP full time, and find that it too is pretty decent. Most of my hardware works properly apart from my digi-cam (seperate thread about that). But a card reader should fix that.
There's little difference between the two for most home users.


1615 Posts
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Joined 2000-03-25
i was all for 2k then i liked xp now i am .NET only
XP just gets in the way


124 Posts
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Joined 2001-08-23
.net? SO support the MS conspiracy then. They will have ya renting software forever in no time.


540 Posts
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XP Definetely looks neater but i am still all for 2k. just when i was ready to forgive MS for releasing Win XP Beta (Ithink it might even be an alpha) under the name final!!!. a 6 hour in total troubleshooting session reminded me in full why i still prefer XP!!!
And no it was even an intel chipset with P4


177 Posts
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Joined 2000-01-02
I too found XP to be the more compatible OS for games, althou Win2k crashes a bit less often. XP also has the better caching system; on XP I had one third the level load time of Serious Sam (1&2) compared to Win2k. However, XP needs some major tweaking and a decent firewall to go online with.
All of this is with my current and known to be buggy rig. Maybe it changes with my new one.
Personally, I´d buy the XP Pro license, install 2k and wait until at least SP1 for XP is available, then do a dual-boot slipstream installation and check it our for a few weeks to see if the bugs and flaws I absolutely can´t live with are gone.


105 Posts
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Joined 2000-04-17
Win2k is by far superior, just ask the leader of that European country(I think France of Spain) who wrote a letter to Bill Gates asking him why he would release such a crappy product(WinXP) before it was ready. What a piece of garbage. XP is the Me of NT products. If you like unexplained lockups and incompatibilities get XP, if you want rock solid smooth operation get Win2k. I don't even use the service packs for Win2k, I have found that most Service packs just seem to bring new problems with them, unless you are an IT guy and have security risks to deal with. I keep reinstalling WinXP every now and then on my wifes computer(haha, not mine) to muse her for awhile but she always ends up going back to Win2k. XP is like the 3 ring circus of Microsoft, lots of stuff for the kids.


989 Posts
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In the 10 months I've been using XP, I've had less trouble than I did in a year of using 2k. My IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL BSODs have vanished and more stuff installs without having to **** around. Never again will 2k see the HDD of this machine. It really does suck balls.


1207 Posts
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Joined 2000-03-27
Windows 2000 was like a breath of fresh air.
Touted as "for business use only" it made it's way onto my system along side Win98 within a week of it's release.
Within a month my system was reformatted to run Win2k only.
Then WinXP came along.
It was like a breath of fresh air but with a nice smell of freshly mowed grass too!
WinXP incorporated everything Win2k can offer me and more!!
Never again shall I go back to Win2k, WinXP is just too good.
I haven't had a BSOD since I adopted Win2k, WinXP has been equally good, that is not a single glitch or crash with it.
No competition, WinXP all the way.