The Asian Situation

I think we all know about it, and a lot of us feel powerless to help as it is such a gigantic tragedy. With the deaths now over 123,000 and in 11 different countries, ANY help you can give is appreciated by all.

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Joined 2004-08-03
I think we all know about it, and a lot of us feel powerless to help as it is such a gigantic tragedy. With the deaths now over 123,000 and in 11 different countries, ANY help you can give is appreciated by all.
I myself have been lucky enough to have been unaffected as far as deaths of people I know are concerned, however my heart goes out to all who have been affected, and I feel for your loss at this global tragedy.
Hopefully, in time, there will be some kind of tribute set-up, listing those lost in this time of strife, and commemorating all who helped rebuild these countries affected.
And 'rebuild' really is a key word. It's not only death, it's food and water supplies, shelter,sanitation, even industry.
The economy of all the affected countries will be shattered, industires will come to a stand still,refugees numbers will soar, and in 10 years time, this will still be affecting everyday life.
I know this is perhaps an advertisement post, but I think it should be allowed due to recent events.
Please give anything you can afford to help rebuild the lives of millions of people
It doesn't matter whether it's 00.50 or 5million, it really WILL help, as it all amasses. There are many methods/locations to donate, so please take that time to check your money, and see if you can afford to donate to the cause.
Again my deepest sympathies to anyone who has been affected by this tragic event, and please know that the entire world mourns any sad losses that may have been someone you knew, were related to or a relative of your friends.
Regards and sympathy,

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Responses to this topic


3867 Posts
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Joined 2000-02-04
Was watching the news tonight and they are now estimating 150,000. Hard to say what the exact count is since they are just guesstimating.


686 Posts
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Joined 1999-10-28
It's just terrible.
I dunno how the rest of the world it opening their wallets, but the Australian Gov't has kicked the can to the tune of $60M plus troops, planes, medics etc. The Australian people have matched that in donations up to this evening, including $1M from collections from the people watching the fireworks at Sydney harbour.
There were many doctors and nurses who just left their holidays and went straight to the airport and waited for any airline to stick them on planes.
I thought about signing up to do stuff but as my expertise is IT and Bushfires I decided that I would only be good for lifting and shoving and given that I would need food too, it was better just to get the VISA out and go visit the Red Cross site.


418 Posts
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Joined 2002-03-25
This kind of disaster just goes to show that not only is the human race itself volatile but also that the very crust of this planet that we live on is equally unstable.
Fortunately, earthquakes of this particular type and scale are rare. However, it's a sobering thought that the Pacific Ocean is littered with minor underwater quakes and every year minor tsunamis are recorded.
Of particular concern, though, is a potential mammoth tsunami sitting off La Palma in the Canary Islands, just off the north-west coast of Africa. La Palma is noted for its unstable volcano on the coastline and for it being on a tectonic line of the American-African plates. Geologists have been warning that when that volcano next erupts or when there's a significant tremor there (which could be at any time), half the coastline will fall into the ocean and cause a tsunami of epic scale. It'd make the Asian tsunami look like a trickle, they say. The tidal wave generated would travel the width of the ocean and completely wipe out the entire eastern seaboard of the USA, obliterating places like New York City, Boston and Miami. Parts of the Caribbean and of Europe would also be affected.
There seem to be few, if any, plans to mitigate the effects of such events. At least, the public has not been educated about this and told of any contingencies. This is rather worrying.
If, in Asia, this is what we get as a result of a 9-point quake on the ocean shelf, just think what the devastation anywhere in the world would be if a small asteroid were to hit. (Sorry to be alarmist).
Religion needs to be put aside and the world needs to unite on such matters. Hey, but that's too much to ask for. We humans are flawed and will never learn the errors of our ways.