Two IP, One NIC?

This is a discussion about Two IP, One NIC? in the Windows Networking category; I know that it's possbile to have two statics IP on one physical NIC. But is it possbile to have to dynamic IP numbers on one physical NIC? My ISP allows me to have five ip's. So I wonder if I can have two ip's on one nic? I'm running windows 2003 server.

Windows Networking 2246 This topic was started by ,


71 Posts
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Joined 2000-11-15
I know that it's possbile to have two statics IP on one physical NIC. But is it possbile to have to dynamic IP numbers on one physical NIC?
My ISP allows me to have five ip's. So I wonder if I can have two ip's on one nic?
I'm running windows 2003 server.
Is there any negative side on having two ip on one nic instead of having two nics?

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Responses to this topic


2 Posts
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Joined 2003-06-06
From the systems that I have worked on the simple answer is no, as the DHCP server uses the MAC address of th NIC to uniquely identify the card.
The real question is why you would want to do this in the first place?


71 Posts
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Joined 2000-11-15
Cause I want to run två gameservers on the same machine but on different IP's.


530 Posts
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Joined 2001-10-09
why don't you use two nic's? I use two of them, one for my internet connection and one for my local network. I think I could use both of them for internet but I don't know how would windows use such two internet connections.


2172 Posts
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Joined 2002-08-26
Or install the MS Loopback adapter for a virtual NIC.


581 Posts
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Joined 2002-04-27
You can set one IP dynamic and one IP static if you have XP pro, so set one static and all is well. The other IP you configure under "alternate configuration"


645 Posts
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Joined 2000-09-16
I thought that was only if DHCP does not exist on the network?


556 Posts
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Joined 2003-03-28
Everytime I read that title I think of that Beastie Boy's song, "Two MCs and One DJ"


645 Posts
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Joined 2000-09-16
"we be getting down with no delay, mix masta mike watch you got to say!!!"


2172 Posts
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Joined 2002-08-26
Thanks for the reminder, I hadn't heard that song in a while...

(Searches for my "Sounds of Science" 2 CD set...)