What is the best messenger program ??
This is a discussion about What is the best messenger program ?? in the Windows Software category; Im looking for some good progie so i can arange online some computer matches. .
Im looking for some good progie so i can arange online some computer matches.
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Apr 28
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Is it complicated(i liked yahoo coz of its simplicity, icq-to much options, cluttered).And preferably i need somethig that uses less resources(since it will probably be on when i play n such)
the telephone
Trillian. Somewhere between Yahoo and ICQ for its simplicity ~ the options are there, but only if you want them.
*Edit* ~ obviously there are gonna be a few more options because you can set it up for more than one IM proggie. Don't let that scare you off, though.
*Edit* ~ obviously there are gonna be a few more options because you can set it up for more than one IM proggie. Don't let that scare you off, though.
Windows Messenger !
I have no problems with it, I use it all the time ! But I can tell anyone how to remove it though I find this solution too sad...
What I don't like with Trillian is that you have to keep it on top of other progs to see if you have new mails ! Hotmail Messenger does pop up a little window that gently tells you you have new mail or that a contact is online and many other things...
I have no problems with it, I use it all the time ! But I can tell anyone how to remove it though I find this solution too sad...
What I don't like with Trillian is that you have to keep it on top of other progs to see if you have new mails ! Hotmail Messenger does pop up a little window that gently tells you you have new mail or that a contact is online and many other things...
...does it all!
Trillian ownz
The best is meeting
trillian does own!!!!
now i no longer have to have 12 billion chat proggies...only 1...and it doesn't bother me...no popups...no nothing...it's sweet...
now i no longer have to have 12 billion chat proggies...only 1...and it doesn't bother me...no popups...no nothing...it's sweet...
Trillian by far, very nice for people who are on many different mediums. ICQ,AIM,Yahoo, and whatnot.
/me chanting I R C I R C
Trillian is definatly the best.. If you want something really simple try imici. This also does chat for AOL, MSN, YHOO, & ICQ chat only no file transfer. Very plain and simple interface.
If everyone you plan on chatting to is looking for a new messenger program, and you're all on Windows - then MSN Messenger will do quite well. If you want to chat to people on different programs (Yahoo/AOL/ICQ), then get Trillian.
If you do get MSN (from msn.com ), then go to passport.com and create a passport for your email address (you'll need this to chat), or setup a hotmail account (which comes built in with an MSN passport).
If you do get MSN (from msn.com ), then go to passport.com and create a passport for your email address (you'll need this to chat), or setup a hotmail account (which comes built in with an MSN passport).
I like Trillian... it does them all (AIM, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo, IRC)
i hope you are all using a firewall, and anti Virus.
From what i have heard, as well from a freind who decompiled the program, it is not very secure AT all,a "hacker" possible dream. Unless they have fixed all that in newer releases.
for one, think of all the ports it needs to run each app..?
i'll stick with ICQ and MSN, thas it for me.
Just found somewhere:
I like Trillian... it does them all (AIM, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo, IRC)
i hope you are all using a firewall, and anti Virus.
From what i have heard, as well from a freind who decompiled the program, it is not very secure AT all,a "hacker" possible dream. Unless they have fixed all that in newer releases.
for one, think of all the ports it needs to run each app..?
i'll stick with ICQ and MSN, thas it for me.
Just found somewhere:
if you use the multi chat program trilian so hurry up get it out of youre computer it´s easy 2 get yore passwords exstracted frim the ini.
Compiled By F_O_S_K 12/02/2002
"Trillian / User / Global / Profiles.ini"
The encrypted password will look something like this: B049E7A25CE3
Simplified: B0 49 E7 A2 5C E3
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6
= C o f f e e
= Coffee
The unencrypted password for *users* account.
And here is all you need to know below. ENJ*Y
Lower Case Upper Case
l | #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 L | #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10
---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
a | 92 47 E0 A5 58 E7 BA F3 10 C2 A | B2 67 C0 85 78 C7 9A D3 30 E2
b | 91 44 E3 A6 5B E4 B9 F0 13 C1 B | B1 64 C3 86 7B C4 99 D0 33 E1
c | 90 45 E2 A7 5A E5 B8 F1 12 C0 C | B0 65 C2 87 7A C5 98 D1 32 E0
d | 97 42 E5 A0 5D E2 BF F6 15 C7 D | B7 62 C5 80 7D C2 9F D6 35 E7
e | 96 43 E4 A1 5C E3 BE F7 14 C6 E | B6 63 C4 81 7C C3 9E D7 34 E6
f | 95 40 E7 A2 5F E0 BD F4 17 C5 F | B5 60 C7 82 7F C0 9D D4 37 E5
g | 94 41 E6 A3 5E E1 BC F5 16 C4 G | B4 61 C6 83 7E C1 9C D5 36 E4
h | 9B 4E E9 AC 51 EE B3 FA 19 CB H | BB 6E C9 8C 71 CE 93 DA 39 EB
i | 9A 4F E8 AD 50 EF B2 FB 18 CA I | BA 6F C8 8D 70 CF 92 DB 38 EA
j | 99 4C EB AE 53 EC B1 F8 1B C9 J | B9 6C CB 8E 73 CC 91 D8 3B E9
k | 98 4D EA AF 52 ED B0 F9 1A C8 K | B8 6D CA 8F 72 CD 90 D9 3A E8
l | 9F 4A ED A8 55 EA B7 FE 1D CF L | BF 6A CD 88 75 CA 97 DE 3D EF
m | 9E 4B EC A9 54 EB B6 FF 1C CE M | BE 6B CC 89 74 CB 96 DF 3C EE
n | 9D 48 EF AA 57 E8 B5 FC 1F CD N | BD 68 CF 8A 77 C8 95 DC 3F ED
o | 9C 49 EE AB 56 E9 B4 FD 1E CC O | BC 69 CE 8B 76 C9 94 DD 3E EC
p | 83 56 F1 B4 49 F6 AB E2 01 D3 P | A3 76 D1 94 69 D6 8B C2 21 F3
q | 82 57 F0 B5 48 F7 AA E3 00 D2 Q | A2 77 D0 95 68 D7 8A C3 20 F2
r | 81 54 F3 B6 4B F4 A9 E0 03 D1 R | A1 74 D3 96 6B D4 89 C0 23 F1
s | 80 55 F2 B7 4A F5 A8 E1 02 D0 S | A0 75 D2 97 6A D5 88 C1 22 F0
t | 87 52 F5 B0 4D F2 AF E6 05 D7 T | A7 72 D5 90 6D D2 8F C6 25 F7
u | 86 53 F4 B1 4C F3 AE E7 04 D6 U | A6 73 D4 91 6C D3 8E C7 24 F6
v | 85 50 F7 B2 4F F0 AD E4 07 D5 V | A5 70 D7 92 6F D0 8D C4 27 F5
w | 84 51 F6 B3 4E F1 AC E5 06 D4 W | A4 71 D6 93 6E D1 8C C5 26 F4
x | 8B 5E F9 BC 41 FE A3 EA 09 DB X | AB 7E D9 9C 61 DE 83 CA 29 FB
y | 8A 5F F8 BD 40 FF A2 EB 08 DA Y | AA 7F D8 9D 60 DF 82 CB 28 FA
z | 89 5C FB BE 43 FC A1 E8 0B D9 Z | A9 7C DB 9E 63 DC 81 C8 2B F9
@ | #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10
0 | C3 16 B1 F4 09 B6 EB A2 41 93
1 | C2 17 B0 F5 08 B7 EA A3 40 92
2 | C1 14 B3 F6 0B B4 E9 A0 43 91
3 | C0 15 B2 F7 0A B5 E8 A1 42 90
4 | C7 12 B5 F0 0D B2 EF A6 45 97
5 | C6 13 B4 F1 0C B3 EE A7 44 96
6 | C5 10 B7 F2 0F B0 ED A4 47 95
7 | C4 11 B6 F3 0E B1 EC A5 46 94
8 | CB 1E B9 FC 01 BE E3 AA 49 9B
9 | CA 1F B8 FD 00 BF E2 AB 48 9A
_ | AC 79 DE 9B 66 D9 84 CD 2E FC
it´s easy 2 get yore passwords exstracted frim the ini.This is an important point - for a hacker to do ANYTHING with this, they have to first have access to that ini file on my computer. And if a hacker has access to files on my computer, there are far more other things to worry about than instant messenger passwords.
it´s easy 2 get yore passwords exstracted frim the ini.This is an important point - for a hacker to do ANYTHING with this, they have to first have access to that ini file on my computer. And if a hacker has access to files on my computer, there are far more other things to worry about than instant messenger passwords.
yes very true
but overall, i have not heard very good "security" reviews for this app. (am, trying to locate some now)
basically if you have this installed, although u have your firewall and such in, because of the ports this program requires to run, you are leaving your computer very open to attacks.
yes very true
but overall, i have not heard very good "security" reviews for this app. (am, trying to locate some now)
basically if you have this installed, although u have your firewall and such in, because of the ports this program requires to run, you are leaving your computer very open to attacks.
I hadn't heard about hese security leaks b4. Of course, wouldn't you have the same ports open as if you were running more than one IM program anyway?? So if I ran AIM, MSN, and ICQ, wouldn't it be the same security risk?
true dat, to my knowledge yes,
but it was basically in the overall programming of the app, it was poorly done.
i am still trying to find the oroginal info i had on the app, and why it was so unsecurem as opposed to just open ports.
true dat, to my knowledge yes,
but it was basically in the overall programming of the app, it was poorly done.
i am still trying to find the oroginal info i had on the app, and why it was so unsecurem as opposed to just open ports.