win2k jumps!

Hey ok im running windows 2000 pro my system specs are below AMD Athlon XP 1800 256Mb DDR ATI Radeon 7500 graphics card (64Mb) 20Gb Maxtor HDisk MS Motherboard my problem is: when windows loads up and when the desktop is on the screen and you try to run a game or dvd or even drag a window or icon accross the deskto ...

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ok im running windows 2000 pro my system specs are below
AMD Athlon XP 1800
256Mb DDR
ATI Radeon 7500 graphics card (64Mb)
20Gb Maxtor HDisk
MS Motherboard
my problem is:
when windows loads up and when the desktop is on the screen and you try to run a game or dvd or even drag a window or icon accross the desktop the game/dvd etc jumps every 1 second, this is not so bad when using windows functions like explorer etc but when playing a game or watching a dvd its not good!
so basically the computer jumps every 1 second making it hard to play games and watch films i have disables norton antivirus and all system try i cons etc what else can be wrong?? this is annoying me no end!!

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Quote:I would try a video card from a company that doesn't have a 7 + year track record of completely horid drivers. Matrox and NVidia make quality cards.

i hate reading this, just considering i have had a few ATI cards, never had any problems, O/S 's ranging from 98 - XP and not ONCE had a performce issue, bad dirver issue, NADDA! - as well my uncles lives by ATI - again, no issue since his first p 233.

really makes we wonder.....


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ok the windows patches i have installed are:
Windows 2000 SP3
Windows 2000 Hotfix (Pre SP4) See Q324096
Windows 2000 Hotfix (Pre SP4) See Q324380
Windows 2000 Hotfix (Pre SP4) See Q326830
Windows 2000 Hotfix (Pre SP4) See Q326886
Running Direct X 8.1 for win 2k
i assumed you meant windows patches??


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Is there any way to rollback your directX version? When you said you'd tried a different video card did you try another ATI? Did you try a PCI video card to diagnose if it was an AGP functionality issue? The Graphics window size has gotta be the same thing as the AGP Aperture size. Go ahead and make sure that it's not taking up any more than ~1/4 of your total RAM. Has anyone considered that it could be an Anti-Virus program or some Adware running in the background eating up CPU time? Why don't you start windows and when everything has finished loading (wait until the hard drive quits chewing) press CTRL+ALT+DEL (3 Finger Salute), T for task manager, and click on the processes tab, write down the names of every .exe running and post it here. Also you might try to install Ad-Aware to remove any addware that could be eating your CPU for breakfast. Ad-Aware download.


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Ok here are all of the processes that i have running when ctrl alt delete pressed
System idle process
IEXPLOR.EXE (this is open cause im writing this post!)
NPRTOECT.EXE (Norton Anti virus) (i have tried disabling this)
svchost.exe (running twice???)
Phew! right thats all of them, How do i roll back my version of Direct X??


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I just looked at their home user faq and it wasn't listed you might try this larger version Expanded Faq or the Search the Knowledge base.


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IEXPLOR.EXE (this is open cause im writing this post!)?
Did you make a typo? Shouldn't it be Iexplore.exe? Otherwise you might have one of those bloody virusses .
AppServices.exe -hmm what is this file for? Search for it and see who made it and what it does? Right click over the .exe file and choose properties.
NPRTOECT.EXE (Norton Anti virus) (i have tried disabling this) -Okay this I know the answer to for sure .
1. Press Windows + D
2. Right Click over the Recycle Bin
3. Click "Properties"
4. Click |Norton Protection|
5. Click [X] Enable Protection (Thereby disabling it)
6. Click [Empty Protected Files] (Remove the files you already tried to delete)
7. Click [OK]
If you ever need to recover these files just run their undelete module and it'll scan your disk physically. However I like systemsuite 2000's undelete much
better you can select which drive to search and include a filespec. Norton's app just treats you like an idiot and searches for every deleted file on all
your drives (this can get messy folks).
usrbridg.exe -what's this one for? Sounds like a PCI bridge, or some other Bus to Bus bridge.
svchost.exe (running twice???) -that's okay. I'm not sure why that happens, but I believe that behavior is normal. It happens on my system too .
ZipToA.exe -Ahh the dreaded Iomega drivers . IMGICON Could be part of the problem.
ADService.exe -What is this crap, it looks like adware search and find out.
devldr32.exe -This is seems to be hardware related what is it?
NclConf.exe -What's this?
ImgIcon.exe -Ahh the dreaded ImgIcon. I would try not running this at startup and see if that doesn't resolve some of your video issues. I had trouble
with this application back on windows 95 and haven't used it voluntarily since.
MPAPI3s.exe -What is this? It looks e-mail related, but it's not part of the OS or Office 2K
ADUserMon.exe -yep this looks like more of that adware, maybe it's your problemo
AcroTray.exe -Isn't this Adobe acrobat's reader. Man this is the kind of garbage Real Networks like to keep resident on everyone's computer. Look if you
need acrobat double-click on a .pdf it'll come up just fine. If you browse to a web page it'll load just fine. All their cutesy app will do is eat CPU time
and put an adobe logo in your system tray .
Well I'm not sure if I resolved your video issues, but you were able to remove Nprotect so life ain't all bad . Send me a reply about the .exes I asked and maybe there's will be a clue to your problem.


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I should also note that IMGICON slows down your system. There is an alternative if you have to have that special zip drive icon. You can overwrite the windows icon with the zip drive icon by up[censored] SHELL32.dll. However you would want to edit a copy in windows and then overwrite the original SHELL32.dll in dos. Note this will apply your icon to all your removable drives that aren't a CD-ROM or Floppy. So a Compactflash or SmartMedia reader might appear using this icon as well.


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ok i have tried shutting down all of the exe that you dont think should be open, it seems to make the problem even worse for some reason!
i did make a typing error on the IEXPLORE.EXE this exe is still in capitols though?? not sure if that matters
I think all of the drivers i have on here are windows certified
As i have said before i have had Windows Millenium running on this exact spec and the problem does not occur however on windows XP it does!
Finally do you think it might be worth uninstalling one program at a time and seeing if that clears it up?
or as a last resort do you think i should re install windows 2000?
thanks again for your help on this i do appreciate it!


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Holy Cr*p!!! i got it to work!
ok im not entirely sure how it happened
The things i have changed are:
Disabled Norton Anti Virus on startup
Deleted a number of things including Adobe Acrobat and Microsoft Office from the START -> Programs -> Startup folder
im going to try and put Norton Antivirus back on and see what happens


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Ok heres the fina updatel and maybe the final post for this topic hehe
i have managed to bring the problem down to either the Zip drive (external Parallel version)
or the Network card
If either of these hardware devices are enabled when windows starts the jumping occurs
If its the network card it could be trying to detect computers on the network? or if its the zip drive i have no idea lol!!
let me know what you think it is anyway!
thanks for all your help with this


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ok i have tried shutting down all of the exe that you dont think should be open, it seems to make the problem even worse for some reason!

Wow really? That's interesting, sounds to me like whatever is the problem got more processor time and therefore occurred at shorter intervals.

i did make a typing error on the IEXPLORE.EXE this exe is still in capitols though?? not sure if that matters
Not really, because WIndows 2000 is case-insensitive. It's possible that if you renamed IEXPLORE.EXE to iexploRE.ExE some code might burp somewhere, but for the most part windows programs don't care. It's a programming issue really. If a program requests a file and it isn't found matching whatever case, then alternative file cases searched. However programatically if someone has a string value
of If strProgram = "IEXPLORE" Then
and you rename IEXPLORE.EXE to Iexplore.exe their code won't work. Kind of confusing really. Don't worry if you don't understand what I'm saying. It's just programmer mumbo jumbo .

I think all of the drivers i have on here are windows certified

While that definetly helps clearly it's no Panacea. Did you ever try a different video card like we all suggested?

You could buy some cheap PCI S3 Virge or S3 Trio64 (slower) card ebay for about 3-7 dollars! If you want a good secondary card then you might also want to consider a Matrox, because they have the best drivers and support record in the business. They're still writing drivers and supporting 10 year old video cards! What a company. Too bad their hardware is no longer king of the hill. It used to be, a long time ago they came out with the first 128bit mainstream video card. Years later they also released the first DirectX supporting video card with bump mapping. However if you simply want to replace the ATI card with something comparable not a cheap test device that would be too slow to use long term then I strongly suggest you pick up a Nvidia Geforce 2 MX or whatever their latest budget model happens to be. I think NVidia came out with a chipset that has a TV tuner, if it were me I'd look into that.

As i have said before i have had Windows Millenium running on this exact spec and the problem does not occur however on windows XP it does!
Well then it could be the OS, but I highly doubt it, because Windows 2000 is far better product in every way aside from zip file support. (OK I'm sure there a few others, but let's not go into that). It could be the OS in the sense that your Video card manufacturer didn't write good drivers for Windows 2000 and did for WinMe.

Why don't you take your PC to a tech savy friend's house and placing some of their parts in your system and seeing what happens. Did you already try removing everything shy of the video card hardware wise and see if your problem goes away?

Also have you considered the possibility of a bad power supply and or motherboard. You may also just need to replace a fuse or flip your breaker in your house.

Finally do you think it might be worth uninstalling one program at a time and seeing if that clears it up?

Hell yes! Start with Norton SystemSucks. I swear there are only two good programs in that suite: NAV and Ghost everything else is only so so and typically does as much harm as good.

or as a last resort do you think i should re install windows 2000?
Why what a wonderful idea. I don't see why not. If you have a backup system you could try that first. Especially since I don't think you can unisntall DirectX and that may be the source of your problem. It may not be DirectX in the most literal sense ie: it's Micrsoft's fault. It may just be that your drivers don't work with directx 8.1 and that could be due to some design flaw.

thanks again for your help on this i do appreciate it!
Ya I've put in a lot of time into this, but you're welcome. Just take the advice and roll with it.

Peace Out 8) ,


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yeah i did try a different video card and the problem still was there, as i said earlier it turned out to be the onboard network card or the external zip drive that was causing the problem, i havent tried eliminating one of the two yet but im guessing its probably the network card trying to ping the network?


760 Posts
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Hi are you sure it's not your refresh rate and or your monitor? I take it you removed both and the problem went away? I think you could get your Zip drive to work okay if you just don't use their drivers. Simply use the ones that come with the OS. If you have a Zip Parallel or Zip Plus you might still have troubles, but the SCSI versions are solid. I guess I dont' know if they have a true SCSI external ZIp or not. I know there's an internal. I don't really consider the Zip Plus to be SCSI since it doesn't comply to the specification. I mean what kind of SCSI device won't share with 14 other devices? What a joke, reason #457 why Iomega blows. If it's your NIC you're in luck. Nics are cheap, even name brand ones. It'll be easy to afford a replacement.


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Im using the NIC on my motherboard but have disabled it whwen windows starts up.
i also have ther zip plus parallel so its gotta be one of thoes, i turned the zip drive off cause i dont (like the NIC) use it all the time so its not a problem


760 Posts
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Oh man I'm sorry that zip drive absolutely blows! What the hell was Iomega thinking when they released that?


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I couldn't agree more. I lost 2 zip disks and one drive that way, my dad lost about 11.