World Trade Center is gone

This is a discussion about World Trade Center is gone in the Slack Space category; Big News. . . I can't believe that the buildings are gone. I was there couple months ago. Anyway, i hope the US people are okay. .

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192 Posts
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Joined 2001-08-07
Big News... I can't believe that the buildings are gone. I was there couple months ago.
Anyway, i hope the US people are okay.

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1915 Posts
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It's pretty hard cause I work for the Army here in Korea and my wife is a soldier. Its hard to hold back anger, but I dont wanna add to the fire. I do hope when we find who is responsible, that we will act accordingly


68 Posts
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Joined 2000-10-24
The most important thing in a crisis like this is to not sink to their level. Search for justice instead of revenge. Realize that showing scornful vengance is exactly how they want you to respond, they want to sink you to their level. They want you to hate them, their family, their ethnicity, their nationality, their everything. Once you get to that point you allow yourself to become a monster completely controlled by vengance, and you are no better than the terrorist.


1778 Posts
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this "Asymetrical Warfare" is cowardous, war must be properly declared and both/all parties must realize that there are rules to war. I hated President Bush before all of this, but now (even though i'm a die-hard democrat) i have faith that he will be able to deal with this matter, we SHOULD not take action until the facts are known. think about it, there has to be people working with the terrorists on the inside, this attack was so well planned that i find it hard to believe that some machine-gun carrying moron(s) could carry out such a task, no citizen of the US (talking about the pilots) would fly a 747/757/767 jet into a building just because his/her life is at risk, i know if i was the pilot i would do everything in my power to stop it and i'm sure the pilots of those passenger jets tried their hardest. These terrorists knew how to fly a plane, how did they get in the country? how did they get on the plane? why didn't the passengers try to stop them? The reports say that they were carrying knives.......This is turning out to be a mystery and it will be very interesting, if not scary, to see everything unfold.


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and yes, please donate blood, i have a universal O- type and find it sad that the Red Cross will not let me give 2 pints instead of just one, the way i see it, if i pass out or get sick, its a small price to pay for saving someone else's life.


3087 Posts
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[H]ardOCP is keeping things updated. Last update I saw, they had something about a new lead on the terrorists that carried out the attacks yesterday.
I do hope that the US does retaliate against these cowards who murder innocent civilians for whatever cause. This was an unprovoked attack, not to mention another "day of infamy".
I find it sick to find at least one group, the Palestinians apparently, rejoicing at this mass murder of Americans.
I do wish that we find those who are responsible and demonstrate to them that people don't mess with America and get away with it. I don't care who did this, but I do want to see them pay for there terrorist acts. Hopefully their innocent civilians won't get caught up in this, but unfortunately this may not be preventable. War is ugly, but apparently some people want one.


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I would like to thank all the users from around the world that has shown support for the people of the United States and especially the New Yorkers and the people of Washington DC. Being a born and bred New Yorker this is especially a hard time for us one being that 2 monuments that will forever be in our minds is lost and as being a person who has possibley lost a family member in this tragedy. I have not found a single person that has not been or known of some person that was not directly affect by this act of war to our nation. I would like to reiterate what President Bush said, this is not only an act of war to the United States but an act of war to all people who embrase freedom. We need to come together, first pray for those of died from this horrific event but second, hunt down and make who ever did this come to justice. America will live on, Freedom will live on... New York will live on.
The sleepig Giant has awoken again.


54 Posts
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Sadly Americans have to be reminded every so often that Freedom isn't free. This is such an instance.
We are at war. We should unleash ALL the might of the USA upon ALL countries that harbor these terrorist monsters. KILL them ALL!!!
God Bless America


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I have not read all the posts, but all I can say is that please anyone that can, please help with what ever you can. Blood, money what ever. This is a time to pull together as a nation and help our fellow Americans. This all may sound very cliche but oh well.
We will survive as a nation and will only grow stronger. God help those that have casued this horrible situation. We now have a President from Texas and we (as a Texan I can say this) are trigger happy.


651 Posts
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True, not the best time to pull-off something like this, with a Republican, from Texas in the White House. There's gonna be hell to pay.


686 Posts
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I must say I have been shocked and saddened by the scenes that our local TV broadcasts have been presenting. Basically they have been piping CNN, ABC & NBC to us constantly since 11pm Tuesday night.
I was watching West Wing at the time and at first I thought I was still watching it when the news came on as it seemed so unreal. I still feel that I am reading a Tom Clancy novel instead of seeing reality. Fortunately the only people I know from NY are okay so I am quite relieved.
I must say though I was surprised today as CNN outlined the proposed changes to Airport security proposed in the wake of this tragedy. I say surprised as most of these changes have been in place in Australia for the last 10 years. It seems difficult to believe that these simple security measures were not implemented years ago.
On Tuesday night, the American population of my college was glued to the television, concerned for family and friends. To support these friends, out University is holding a memorial service tomorrow at lunchtime in one of our largest lecture theatres.
I think the thing that has allowed Australians to best identify with this crisis is the way people have come out to aid each other with donations of labour, blood, money and food. When I look at this I see a spirit that I would categorise as what I would expect to happen if a similar disaster occured in Australia. I hope that anyone who knows an Australian would say the same. Our Red Cross has been operating extended hours to allow both Americans and Australians to donate blood to be sent over to the US and the response has been encouraging. Perhaps also, the amount of flowers and messages of support that have been placed at the entrances of the US Embassy and Consulates shows how much the Australian people wish to lend their support to the Americans. May all the American people know they have the unqulaified and unquestioned support of the Australian people and government.
I would like to share with you all an email that I received from a mailing list I subscribe to:

Friends, I'm at a loss for words. To say I wish to extend "my condolences" to the friends and family of those working in the Trade Center buildings would be a severe understatement. I simply cannot believe the images I've seen this morning. Never again will I look at a plume of smoke or collapsing building in the same way.
The easiest way to react to such a monstrous catastrophe would be out of anger, to cry for revenge, to want to see someone else hurt as much as you are hurting right now. I must warn you, friends; such feelings are exactly what caused the terrorist attacks in the first place. Evil begets evil. All we can ask for is that the leaders of our world not make important decisions out of fear or anger, and that no important decisions be made for at least three days.
If I were given the chance to do absolutely everything I could to help avert a global catastrophe as a result of today's events, I certainly would, and this is the most powerful medium I know of to communicate my message. I ask you now to forward this e-mail to as many people as you can, in the hopes that somehow love and light may spread more powerfully and quickly than the hurt and fear that is being experienced across the continent. An avalanche begins with a single stone, friend; you alone can make a difference.

God Bless Humanity, Democracy and the American people.


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Nato have decided yesterday evening (European time) to fully apply article 5 of the Treaty for the first time in 52 years since the creation of the organisation.
At least 16 nations will eventually go to war together.


68 Posts
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Joined 2000-10-24
Nato have decided yesterday evening (European time) to fully apply article 5 of the Treaty for the first time in 52 years since the creation of the organisation.
At least 16 nations will eventually go to war together.

I think this is a HUGE turning point for American foreign policy. It has been said that when "empires" start having to increasingly act defensively to protect their "holdings" then they have past their prime. Now Im wondering if this will begin a new age of American dominance through championing against terrorism and rooting out the terrorist elements througout the world, or will the US have to act increasingly defensively to maintain its infrastructure and economic/cultural dominance?

I also think that I have a greater understanding of what the WW2-Depression error people went through, and why they are generrally more patriotic and appreciative. The things we gen-xers and younger take for granted were torn from us and others, and I think all of us have a greater appreciation for the fragility of life and of freedom in the world.

Its also inspiring to see how helpful people can be in a crisis. In VA Beach where I live we get a fair deal of hurricanes, at least a serious one every few years, and Im always warmed by the amount of neighborlyness people have when the city's infrastructure has been destroyed. Unfortunately, however, it tends to go away when things get back to normal. Still its nice to know that the jerk yelling at you on the interstate is another human being who would pull you from the rubble like anyone else.


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Basically, we need to turn the Middle East into a big hole.


68 Posts
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Basically, we need to turn the Middle East into a big hole.

Yeah! we should do the same to the midwest and south because of the militia groups! Oh wait NO WE SHOULDN'T!


3087 Posts
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Joined 2001-01-21
The thing that we should do is let those terrorist SOB's---not just Bin Laden and his crew---that we will not take this sort of crap from anybody and will come to wipe the floor with them. And follow through on it: idle threats are meaningless.
Yes, some innocent people will die, but I don't think that they should be talking to us about that.