Date: 2025-03-06 18:32 | Last update:

Customization Tweaking

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Mouse/keyboard locksup after login

i recently installed win xp pro. as soon as i login to my account and get to the desktop, the mouse and keyboard locks up. even ctrl+alt+del dont work. nor do the caps, num lock, etc. the led dont work.
10 4910
avatar Last reply by misaal9,

Changing Splash Screen on XP Startup

Like most of us out there, I've grown quite tired of the Windows splash screen on startup. I was wondering if anyone knows how to do change it in Windows XP. I know how to do it on 9x machines, but they've changed the logo file and I'm kind of stuck.
10 20402
avatar Last reply by mcvicars,

How to change the background image of the Windows Login Screen

Anyone know how to do this? Originally the background of the Windows Login Screen (not using the Welcome Screen; on normal WinXP installations, it's just plain blue, but OEM's like IBM and Dell sometimes put their logo on the background like a wallpaper) of my office Notebook PC was blank and plain blue.
2 50466
avatar Last reply by Sampson,

Search companion on Windows server 2003

Hi ppl, My project dev-box has windows server 2003 SP1. On this machine whenever i try to SEARCH for a particular file, it returns 0 files found, when as a matter of fact files with those names do exist on the drives !!! Has ne1 ever faced such a problem with win server 2003?? Can someone please provide a fix for t ...
3 4480
avatar Last reply by snakefoot,

Is it possible to recover an erased partition?

First of all I'm an idiot and a very desparate guy. . . I have two h. d. s, one 4gb and one 10gb, I started reinstalling win2kpro on the 4gb which is the primary active disk but during the text part of the installtion, the part when you create and delete partitions there was a delay when I tried to delete the 4gb p ...
10 7466
avatar Last reply by Tomay,

disk damaged or unformatted ??????

I've made the following table using Partition Magic: C:Win98 (509Mb, FAT16) Prim Active D:WinNT (509Mb, FAT16) Log E:Crap (16. 5Gb, FAT32) Log F 😀ump (2Gb, FAT16) Log Some free space (4Gb) Win98 is running correctly at this moment, but I want a multi boot with NT4, Lin SuSE6.
4 5841
avatar Last reply by Relic,

How to change default refresh rate into unsuported refresh rate?

Hi ppl I have an issue with my plug and play monitor and unsuported refresh rates Problem is that my monitor (17 ADI F750) can perfectly well handle 100hz refresh rate in resolution of 1024x768, and that has been confirmed to me by ADI support when I've bought it But problem is that there's no drivers for it (also ...
4 18166
avatar Last reply by gesaugen,

XP Myths - Myths Regarding Windows XP

Quote:Myth (Definition) - A fiction or half-truth, especially one that forms part of an ideology. There are numerous Myths floating around the Internet regarding Windows XP, especially relating to Optimizations and Security.
0 2822
avatar Last reply by Mastertech,

Optimize XP - A Windows XP Optimization Guide

Optimize Windows XP to improve both work and gaming performance safely. Windows XP's default configuration is far from optimized. This guide will help you improve your overall system performance. I avoid using or recommending all-in-one Windows XP Tweak programs since many blindly adjust settings that have no affec ...
6 10167
avatar Last reply by Mastertech,

firefox speed tweak

Not sure if this has been here before. Was on my ISP help forum today. Firefox speed tweak, perhaps someone can explain what each entry does. 1. Type about:config in the adress field. 2. Set the value of network.
2 4554
avatar Last reply by American Zombie,

Sysprep Error Message

I am getting an error message stating There is an incompatibility between this tool and the current operating system Unable to Continue This is a clean install of Windows XP w/ Service Pack 2 from a Microsoft Select cd.
2 5408
avatar Last reply by vailr,