Customization Tweaking

Is someone familier with the process of a computer automatically logging you off right when you log on? What is the fix to this problem and how is it done? Can someone please help? Thanks for your help.

Resizing a Partition -- Win XP
Hi, Im running Win XP pro sp2 and have a temp HDD with 40 GB. It contains 4 partitions (C,D,E,F). Windows is installed on the first partition C: which has only 3. 8 GB of space !! ;( B'cause of this it is very difficult to install programs as they take space on C: no matter on what drive I install them.

how to resize DESKTOP icon sizes only?
i want to change the size of DESKTOP ICONS only in Windows XP. please help, thanks.

Updating of wpa.dbl file in XP Pro OEM version
I'm a bit mystified by the functioning of the wpa. dbl file. There lots of information on the web about how XP creates a snap-shot of your hardware and if you change too many hardware components you have to call MS to reactivate your copy of Windows.

possibility of creating virtual directories (not IIS related)
I am having a space crisis. My games are installed in c:\games however my C:\ drive is filling up too fast. Thus I created a directory c:\games2 and also a d:\games2 (d:\drive has loads of space). Now in a similar way to the my documents folder on the desktop which can be linked to any folder on any drive, can I cr ...

Change windows XP Pro Retail to windows xp pro OEM?
When I was in college I took an operating systems class and I was given several of those orange Microsoft XP Pro cd keys. I recently had to reformat and my xp cd was scratched so I downloaded one of those 9 in 1 xp cd's that have all the different versions of xp (pro, corp, oem, retail, ect.

Pop-up dialog showing up in German???
I don't know how this happened, but it is kinda annoying. I am running Windows XP (the english version), the thing is though whenever I make changes to a file in any program be it Wordpad, Paintshop Pro whatever, and I try to close the program before saving, the Save changes to so and so filename before closing?, s ...

im not sur but i think i got a virus on my rca lyra rd2762. it charges but my comp wont regognise it ne more. when i turn it on the flashes RCA and says loading. . . . . . and keeps flashing the backlight of and on.

Need HELP! - RCA LYRA RD 2840A
Just got the 2840 and was able to transfer a few files onto the device. Shortly there after everything locked up, computer and all. Now when the device is turned on without being hooked to the PC, it pauses at the RCA boot up screen for about five minutes and then flashes a warning about missing sys files.

How to make Boot Disk for Win xp?
How to make Boot disk for Win XP? I dont have the Bootdisk folder in the CD of XP. My CD is copie. .

Explorer Not Working When Right Clicking Programs Start Menu
I just completed a fresh install of Windows XP Professional. All drivers and programs installed and configured and system is running very smoothly. However, when I go to organise the icons in the Start Menu -> All Programs, then one of the folders on this menu (e.

Completely documented Tcp/IP, AFD, NetBT, DNS, and more for security + speed
Wow, this thread is an above and beyond type post Alec. I imagine you put in many hours to research this and get it all posted. I give you props man. Hell, it took me a long time just to read through it hehe.

HELP! Computer reboots after installing new RAM
AHHH! I don't know much but I didn't think installing more RAM would be this frustrating. I purchased the exact same RAM as what I have but it makes my computer keep rebooting over and over again. I went into BIOS and it shows up so what's up?? Please help.

Case Wiring/Cables
I have a quick question about replacing some cables inside my case. I am looking at getting a new floppy disk cable, a new dual cable that connects both my 5 1/2 drives, and a new single cable to connect my HDD.

IE Save as ... as Firefox
The save as function in IE - unlike Firefox - doesn't remember the last choice, so when I'm manually saving a page in the only html format (the most of my savings) I don't have to select this format every time, out of the default full page option.

arcldr.exe and arcsetup.exe... What are they?
Can anyone tell me what arcldr. exe and arcsetup. exe are please, as I don't like unknown files sitting in the root of my c: drive. .

Laptop Mods
Hey everyone, I am a big fan of DIY projects. I don’t like to just buy the product, I want to build it and make it better. I've decided that I want to do two things: 1. Perform some Mods to My laptop case (for looks and to enhance cooling abilities for longevity).

local policy on domain pc's
OK here's the deal (me pulling my hair out) I have 5 workstations (WXP) and 1 Domain Controller (W2003). All machines reside in the XYZ domain. I need to lock down the workstations, i. e. remove icons, start menu items ect.

bsod 0x00
at the end of shutdown - BSOD IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL STOP: 0x0000000A (0X000002CC, 0X000000FF, 0X00000000, 0X8053196A ANY SUGGESTIONS?

Help on macroing razer mouse
I wanted to macro holding alt key for 5sec n release it. . How can i do it? anyhow knows? thanks for help~.