Customization Tweaking

Using the color red she is having this problem where she is running aim and CS and like 30 MIN later it restarts. When she logs back on it restarts again again and again. Any way to fix it?.

Shut down Disappeared
hello guyz,i've had this problem for some reason my shutdown and restart button has disappeared from my start up menu,and my folder options button in tools has also disappeared,i tried to do some tweaks in the registry but it's not working.

renewing computer
how do i get my computer back to it's original state. there is no option for recovery and the dvd rom does not read cd's. please help. .

RCA Lyra RD1076A....some questions!
I just received an RCA Lyra RD1076A for Christmas, and I was wondering if anyone knew how to set the songs to shuffle. Thanks!.

RCA Lyra RD2840 "shuffle" mode
Perhaps someone here knows how to avoid this major problem with putting this MP3 player in shuffle mode. When you shut it off and then re-start, it replays all the songs previously heard. It's odd that it does not do a fresh re-shuffle after each power-up.

Setting Rules in Outlook
In Outlook (2000), is it possible to set up rules for reciving & sending Emails. I want for all the emails that I recive they outomatically be Emailed out to another email too (3rd person)& for all emails that I send out be also forwarded to another Email too(3rd person) ? Please advise,.

Machine Check: Regs in event viewer on boot
Yet another unidentifable event log message, occurs in the system log on clean boot: Source: Application Popup Type: Information Event ID: 26 User: N/A Description: Application popup: : Machine Check: Regs Data: (Bytes) 0000: 00 00 08 00 03 00 6c 00.

Windows NT 4.0 USB Flash Drive drivers?
Is there a driver available to make a USB flash drive accessible on my Windows NT system for archiving/backup?. . . .

Event 49 Ftdisk error configuring page file for crash dump
The Evil Empire doesn't like me! Recently, I have completed slipstreaming SP4 and all the SP5 hotfixes into a W2K distribution. In testing this it has become apparent that something isn't quite right.

Old wallpaper appears first
Howdy guyz, Whenever i login to XP,one of my old wallpapers appears and after the the login messages starting up. . . and so on are over my new wallpaper is displayed. I don't know why it happens. Is that i've enabled active desktop or some other thing? Thanx in advance!!.

Upgrading Video card
Jasmines Husband
what is the best video card that the Dell Dimension 2400 can hold?

Desktop Display Properties - Disable?
Question: I have a classroom computer lab, 30 computers, my problem is this: everyone changes the resolution, wallpaper, or theme. They are logged in locally to each computer, as a restricted user. Can i just turn off the display properties for them? Thanks.

Server 2003 Enterprise Edition and Catalyst Driver
I found a post recently in this forum where an answer was asked for Radeon 8500 driver campatibility in Server 2003. After Registering I failed to navigate back to the topic so I will just post openly.

ATI Motherboard case support?
Hello. Im kindda new to this PC scene. I want to get a awsome case for my pc, I have a ATI SG2 motherboard. Do I have to get a certin type of case or can I get any case? And does anyone know of a place with good cases? TIA!!!!!.

would a motherboard fit any case
im thinking about buying a NXZT Nemesis case. But im not sure if my motherboard will fit it.

is leaving the computer side panel off good?
is leaving the computer side panel off good?

Overclocking Guide?
Does anyone know of a good (recent) in depth overclocking guide? I have been looking around and most are telling me how to overclock the Celeron 133mhz or Pentium 4 2. 0 I know the basics but I would like to better understand memory dividers, ratios and some of the more technical aspects of overclocking.

STOP: 0x00000024 (ox00190203, 0x82F612B8, 0xC0000102, 0x00000000)
Dear All: I am seeing a BLOD on my laptop computer screen, with this message: STOP: 0x00000024 (ox00190203, 0x82F612B8, 0xC0000102, 0x00000000). When I try a hard restart, I cannot even restart in safe mode, and the laptop reverts to the same message: STOP: 0x00000024 (ox00190203, 0x82F612B8, 0xC0000102, 0x00000000 ...

Can't Open Certain Files in Outlook Express...
when attempting to open particular wav, jpeg, or movie files in Outlook I am receiving the following error message: This File does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association in the folder options control panel.

i need a little help xp home
iam trying to put an older gateway hard drive in a new compaq box both drives are running xp and i can only get it up in safe mode i got all the drivers in but it just wont boot normal heeellllp