Date: 2025-01-15 20:54 | Last update:

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A chit chat forum where you can hang out with other users

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XP Pro Corporate version

How would one go about legally acquiring the corporate version of XP Professional when it comes out? The company I work for is still using NT 4. 0 so they will most likely NOT be purchasing it even if I wanted to steal a copy.
1 1406
avatar Last reply by clutch on

Some weird things I have encountered in Win2k.

1st. All my administrative tools both in the control-panel and the startmenu dissapeared. 2nd. I can't install NetMeeting 3. 01 (which has Win2k support), because it says it doesn't work on my operating system.
4 698
avatar Last reply by treqie on

Blast! Foiled again!

Brian Frank
Ahhhhh! Just when I thought I was going duallie, one of my 800EB's doesn't work! 🙁What have I done to anger the tech gods?! So frickin' close to duallie under XP! You guys don't have to reply, I just needed some place to pour out my sorrow.
5 854
avatar Last reply by Brian Frank on

Javascript/HTML Masters

Howdy. . . Just wondering if this is posible: I have created a gif for web display. The gif is 5 different ovals attached with a line (similar to that of a web). What I want to do with this picture is change it on mouseover.
4 970
avatar Last reply by CrazyKillerMan on

new moderators

I may have not been paying attn before, but i have noticed that clutch and EddiE314 are now moderating all forums as well as SHS. Congratz guys and its going smoothly already I assume?. . . more moderators is definatly cool.
15 1715
avatar Last reply by clutch on

Hooters and a LAN party--Central IL!

Hell, why not bring them together. Hooters and a LANparty First offLAN PARTY Bloomington, IL July 20/21 Room for 18 more people. second. HOOTERS!! Same town! I'll get a map for itbut it's by the airport.
6 2079
avatar Last reply by INFERNO2000 on

Can anyone help me ? I am on a cable modem thru the cable is

Ok about 2 to 4 months ago i use to easily get 200 to 280 KB/sec + on download speeds (KB = kilo bytes per sec) I now only can get up to 150 KB/sec if that. I was paying $45 a month with that speed 2 to 4 months ago but now i am paying $50 a month and only get 150 KB/sec tops on the same download i use to beable to ...
5 1437
avatar Last reply by imtim83 on

No Blue on Dell Monitor

okay, i just got a 9-15 adapter cable for my Dell D1728-LS (Samsung) 17 monitor, it works great except for the fact that there is very little or no blue color at all, i took it apart and adjusted the hidden Blue Bias control, i can adjust the color blue, but it seems that i can't turn it far enough to get enough bl ...
0 1158
avatar Last reply by EddiE314 on

Maximum columns/rows in Excel

Does anyone know the maximum amount of rows and columns you can have in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet? I think its unlimited, but not exactly sure. .
2 7080
avatar Last reply by Sweevo on

Web Gifs

Just wondering what everyone thinks is the best software for designing web gifs for a new website (re-doing mobile agent website from scratch). .
4 1054
avatar Last reply by CrazyKillerMan on

Dos 6.22

Nobody Laugh. . OK Managed to download Dos 6. 22 which came in 3 exe files, how and by using which program do i extract them to 3 floppys? I tried with winRAR but this just extracts the exe files to the floppys, and not the individual files within these exe files.
1 2728
avatar Last reply by DosFreak on

Trillian and Instant Messaging

I saw a thread at about AIM and its Open Messaging initiative targeted at combining Instant Messaging protocols. Well, some of the posters to the forum on that article mentioned Trillian and a couple of others.
8 3308
avatar Last reply by clutch on

Guys/Gals can you do us a favour?

OK, this is a weird one. I frequent as I used to have a G400MAX in my main system. For the past hour, whenever I've tried to view any threads on their forums I get an error message. Normally I'd just assume their forum's were down, however I can view the actual forum and there are new threads appearing and the coun ...
2 926
avatar Last reply by BladeRunner on

Busted lcd projector???

Ok. . . . it was borrowed out. Ive never set one up before, all I know is that the bulb gets hot and needs to be cooled. Got it back, it displays stuff but is really outta focus, and cannot be fixed.
0 1005
avatar Last reply by CrazyKillerMan on


which pentium3 overclocks better? p3 800 133fsb or p3 800 100fsb? what result should i expect w/good ram and mobo
2 1141
avatar Last reply by FadedTimes on

Anybody own DVD slot drive?

I am thinking about buying Pioneer 16x DVD 106s Slot drive. Anybody own this drive? I have never owned a slot drive before. Is there any disadvantage in getting a slot drive? Any good or bad things about this Pioneer DVD-Rom drive?.
8 1527
avatar Last reply by CUViper on