Date: 2025-01-12 18:38 | Last update:

Slack Space

A chit chat forum where you can hang out with other users

Slack Space 1613 Legacy OS 455 Windows Hardware 9627 Windows Software 5498 Windows Games 5469 Windows Networking 2246 Customization Tweaking 1789 Feedback 1316 Everything New Technology 1823 Windows Security 292


Anyone know what the "Services and Controller App"

I know that I need it in order to use the net (sometimes), and I know that it is a part of win2k, but the heck does it do? The times that it accesses the net seem to be random from my prespective, and I can't find any decent explanations of what it does, just that i should allow it to connect.
0 1395
avatar Last reply by HawkBoy on

What is the MCSE certification?

I am currently in college getting my computer science degree in information systems and I am wondering what is the MCSE certification. Is it 5 tests on Win2k, or 25 tests covering everything Microsoft? Also, which certifications are a must for an individual going into the networking field and can a person get an en ...
6 2204
avatar Last reply by clutch on

Video Capture Cards

Hey guys/gals. . Just wondering what type of video capture cards are people using these days. I'm wanting to grab some Star Trek TNG off of the tube and make me some SVCD's so I can watch them while I'm at work and share with my brother.
16 2288
avatar Last reply by INFERNO2000 on

2 years today Clutch

Wow : was looking for your email and saw you first registered here 28 March 2000 So today is your 2 year NT Compatible Anniversary. Happy Anniversary !.
9 1172
avatar Last reply by DosFreak on

My website!

Hey guyz, im wanting to start my own pc building company and have been doing my website over the weekend and have put what s done onto so check it out and let me know what u think. Also i got myself a few suppliers so i have my price lists now.
5 963
avatar Last reply by Marktait on

"Join the Effort: Download Now" - possible cure...

Anthrax/Amyloidogenic Disease/Cancer by using this program, all ur free resouces will be used to find a cure for the above diseases. Ur free time and unused CPU time is a small price to pay for the ultimate goal.
5 1136
avatar Last reply by pimpin_228 on

GeForce3 addon's?

My Geforce3 has like ide pins on the card and i was told that they are used to put addons onto the card, i dont know what they are so was wondering if u guyz know what they are and where i can get them
1 981
avatar Last reply by pimpin_228 on

VCD files....

I have bin/cue files that is some bootleg from a tool concert. . . I am wondering how I am to watch these. . . . Is there any way to convert to mpeg or avi without burning to disc? Can someone give me a quick walk through of the 'glorious' vcd project.
8 2443
avatar Last reply by CrazyKillerMan on

XP 1800+ and CPU Fan

Could a 5200RPM Fan with a 3. 5cm Heatsink handle an XP 1800+? Im sick of the noise from a 7000RPM Fan. Cheers guyz.
10 2037
avatar Last reply by CyberGenX on

Which is better?

Which of these should i go for, as my mam is looking to sell her geforce2 mx200 64mb card and upgrade, which should i upgrade it to? Super GeForce2 Ti 64MB DDR VGA - Retail £80 Inno3D Tornado GeForce4 MX440 64MB DDR With TV-Out £85 Theres no other options like Geforce3ti or anything just these 2 cards
5 1095
avatar Last reply by Marktait on

When is your NTCompatible "birthday"?

Just for curiosity's sake, I would like to see the general age of the active users on this board - I have broken it down into 6-month ranges, so just vote for the period when you first registered here.
11 1852
avatar Last reply by SnowHawk on

Need laptop desktop replacement. Recomendations?

I'm going on a trip pretty soon for about 2 months and I dread leaving my desktop behind. So I need a laptop. Here's what I found so far: I do lots of stuff on my desktop. From the latest games to the oldest games.
9 1719
avatar Last reply by clutch on

Pioneer DVD-144, wrong Firmware...

Hello there. . . My lousy neighbour has flashed the Pioneer DVD-144 with wrong Regionfree Firmware: DVD-104F. . . Now of course his DVD won't work. I also can't simply flash it with appropriate firmware, flashing just kicks me out in the middle of the process and the old wrong firmware is still there.
2 1956
avatar Last reply by iks on

Partition Magic 7 and Linux Ext3 filesystems

Ok, it happened to me twice, had to reinstall Mandrake 8. 2 twice. . . I resized some Windows partition with PM7, formatted it in Ext3 from the Mandrake setup, all went ok. Problems arise when you reboot in Windows and try to run PM7 again, it will report LBA errors.
0 3212
avatar Last reply by Palos on