Windows Hardware

Hello, I'm going to be implementing a direct migration from Novel 3. 1. 2 to Windows Small Business Server 2003. This is the first time for me doing anything like this, and I'm begining to think I took on too much.

Just built my new 2600+ Mobile system, what do you think of my results?
ok update got the system built and running the 2600+ @ 200x12. 5=2500ghz @1. 80 stable. here is my 3dmark2001SE score 3dmark2003 I cant seem to get stable if I try to bump the FSB up above 200.

Weird problem with Audigy 2 card.
Hi, all. I'm having an odd problem with an SB Audigy 2 (OEM) sound card in a TUV4X mobo (Via chipset). Most of the time the system is playing sounds, there is a loud pop every 31 seconds coming from the card.

hard drive size limit?
What is the drive size limitation in windows 2000 pro? I just installed a maxtor 160gb HD in my file server and it only shows 130gb. Is this a limitation of the operating system or the motherboard? The motherboard is an old epox dual slot 1 with a single plll.

Resetting CMOS...
So I have this Toshiba laptop right, it belongs to my brother & I'm supposed to be setting it up in WinXP Pro for him & whatnot because my dad might buy it from him (whether he buys it or not, the system still needs to be redone).

NOVELL 5318 16 PORT 10 BASE T HUB need power supply info
hey all i have this i aquired a few months ago but did not get a power supply with it,my question is whats the voltage on it as i have several psu's that might work. i tried google but came up with nothing at least no info on the power issue.

If you haven't taken a read yet? DO!
Brian Frank
Should be interesting, as well as how nVidia is using a bridge for PCI Express and if that makes any noticeable difference in the end. Hopefully 3rd parties will make some smaller PCB's and cooling solutions.

Neeed help with Upgrade Choices. What do you think?
ok guys I havent upgraded in a while so I need some advice. I am upgrading my case, cpu, ram, mobo and vid card. Can you take a look at the links I have posted and tell me what you think of my tentative choices?.

MS04-011 and imcide.sys
I have read where the installation of MS04-011 can cause issues with slow logons and that imcide. sys, along with a Nortel and DLT tape driver, could be the culprit. I have searched all over trying to find out what this driver is for and all I can find are articles relating to the patch.

P.C reboots due to a device driver
Hello i have installed a Usb-Serial Data Cable for my mobile phone which has infa red but my motherboard does not support Infa Red. My operating system is Windows Xp Pro. The data cable drivers are for winxp ,Me ,98.

ASUS P4E-X/TE going 800MHz FSB
Last month I did a major upgrade and now have a motherboard (changed from the old ASUS P4S133, mainly so I could migrate to DDR RAM from SDR RAM). After getting past the little hassles (doing an install-repair of Windows XP and stuff), everything's running a little better (eg I got a 2000 3DMarks increase in 3DMark ...

CPU temps? good or bad
yeah i was looking at my CPU temps and i dunno if they are good or bad, they average around 20-30 degrees, celcius i think, im guessing thats good right? o well msg to tell waht u know and anyway to get it COLDER lol, cause i want my comp to be cold, which is good.

STOP errors maybe related to faulty cache memory? NEED HELP
Dear All, My cmputer has tripped out on me. Every time i try to start Windows Xp setup it gives me a STOP error with a different message depending on my hardware/bios settings. Right now I have a minimal set of hardware (hard drive, DVD drive, and video card).

win2003 server on dimension v333c
i'm having problems with my cd-rom (dell dimension v333c) running win2003 server. basically, it won't recognize any cd i place in it, music, software, etc. i can't really find any updates on dell's site either.

Video card w/DVI out for a KT133 chipset MB?
I have a Epox EP8-KTA MB with a KT133 chipset. I also have a Sapphire 9100 card that I would like to put in it, but I doubt I can because of voltage differences. Or can I? If not are there any cards that have a DVI out for a KT133 chipset?.

Canon FB630U Driver for win2k
Hello need help i want to install my scanner i take the win98 driver the driver install then at the end a driverprob message comes. Do anybody know how i can get my scanner work under win2k.

I'm trying to load windows XP Pro from Windows ME and I started to load it, It then said on step 3 that my C:\ is Corrupted, I was not having any probs before I started to load XP. Help!!.

Installing Windows XP on a SCSI Drive
I have heard/read that installing XP on a SCSI hard drive will be slower than if you installed it on an IDE drive, the site belows says approx 50% slower. This doesn't seem to make sense. Anyway I wondering if this is true.

3D Game PC???
I don't create videos, and I don't watch DVD's on my PC (thats why I have home theater). So what I need to figure out is which would be the best setup for a 3D gaming PC that will last awhile. Looking at Tom's hardware guide, the results are kind of confusing.

Hardware Failure...Help me identify what's fried!
Hi everyone, a couple of hours ago, I installed a demo and I was happily playing, when my pc froze (see my sig for specs). Ctrl-alt-del wouldn't work, so I shut it down by keeping the power button pressed.