Windows Hardware

I recently purchased a Maxtor 200 GB Serial ATA drive and a Silicon Image 3112a PCI controller card. I am able to get the computer to see the drive, create partitions, and install Windows XP on it. However, when the machine reboots after installing XP, nothing happens.

DVD CD-RW won't burn CD's (for a NEC VERSA LX notebook)
Hi all. Thanks in advance for any help you might be able to give. I just got a DVD CD-RW drive (part no. OP-270-73502) for my NEC VERSA LX notebook running W2K. It plugs in right where the old CD-ROM used to be, so there are no issues with cables or anything of that sort.

New cpu.....problems
Hello everyone, I recently bought a celeron 335 (533fsb 256 Cache 2. 8ghz) and I know u ppl think theyre awful, but im stuck for cash lol. Anyway. . . . . i tried installin it, taking HSF off and etc etc like normal, then when i came to turn the power on.

Help with 3.3v for 9600 XT
Well i just got my 9600 XT from ASUS and now it is in my computer and the ASUS smart doctor says i need more voltage bcause my mother board is only giving it 1. 5. It tells me to go to the manufactures website, and my mother board right now is from a del opliplex gx260, i know it sucks but owell.

Managed to fix Geforce4 Mx 440 SE problems
Yah, for a long time I've been plagued with ugly colored streaks whilst playing games on my geforce4 mx440 (PCI interface) with windows XP and Abit KT7A-RAID mobo. It looks like a huge chunk of the wall would just be sticking out in some games, while in others these colored squares would just appear out of nowhere.

Geforce or Radeon?
I am i gamer and i wanted to noe whether i should go for Geforce or Radoen my budget is quite tight. .

New Hard Drive ATAPI Incompatible message
Hi, I recently installed a new 200 gig Ultra ATA Maxtor drive as my main drive and whenever I boot it comes up saying that it's ATAPI Incompatible. I enter the bios, immediately hit escape and exit and then the PC boots as normal.

My CDROM and DVD ROM drives are not working
I have no clue whats going on one day my cdrom and dvd drive were working and the next my dvd drive was saying an error that was a paragragh long that says this. D:\refers to a location that is unavaliable.

problem with logitech ifeel mouse
hi guys. perhaps u can help me. since yesterday i ve got an error on my desktop after the start up! it shows mouse ware registry acces error what can i do to fix that error? thanks for help.

Micron Transport GX Laptop Users I need help with video driver
Ok I have a Micron Transport GX laptop that has the S3 Savage 4 video chipset. Does anyone know of a video driver for Winxp that is newer than the one on the WinXP cd?.

Iomega Zip zoom SCSI card, how to install it in W2k?
Anyone can tell me how to install ISA Iomege zip zoom card for SCSI ZIP 100 in W2K? Do i just run Ioware 2. 0? I tried installing the generic AHA-Adaptec scsi controller driver(equivalent to zip zoom in W98) from W2K CD and it gives me a blue screen.

Does GeForce Card is good to play movies?
Hi, I have a P4 2. 4 GHz and Intel 865 GBF chipset machine. Not impressed by the quality of the video's(VCD's) and games, i bought a Geforce FX 5200 card. The Game quality of the card is good with almost all the games like Maxpayne2, quake3, HalfLife2 etc.

Installed new DVD-RW drive,win2k pro keeps asking for driver
Everytime I reboot the system the hardware wizard comes up asking for device driver but the drive is working for almost a week now. If the drive is working why does it keep asking for the driver?.

Computer restarting unexpectedly
The power supply on my PC recently broke down. Luckily I had another computer which had a power supply with similar specs, so I replaced the broken one with the one from the other computer. After plugging in all the bits and bobs inside the computer exactly as they were before, (apart from the new power supply, obv ...

Problems with ECS N2U400-A ....
I am having problems with this board. . . ECS N2U400-A. . . There are 2 problems 1) It doesn't like the pci soundcard. . . it comes up an exclamation mark on the gameport and on the another setting within the device manager.

Abit AT7 with 8500 stops booting after memory upgrade and disks added
help!! System config that worked AT7 with gigabyte 8500 , 512MB and 60 GB Harddrive. upgarded to 1GB mem and 2X 120GB disks in a RAID 0 config. the system no longer boots. Stops at the XP screen with the load bar.

Maxtor HD stopped working !!!
Hi, I left my PC on (as normal) before I go to work, when I came back a few hours later my PC had fallen over and was restarting. The problem being is that it will go to the point when you have the Win XP boot screen and then it falls over and restarts the PC and will not go any further.

my usb devices are not working and i dont really know why. i have 2 gamepads that are different brands and if i plug in either it does nothing. nothing happens unless i unplug them, then it finds the hardware and says an error occurred during the installation of the device.

New motherboard, installed drivers, reboot.... will not start!
I just upgraded from a k8 A64 to a 939 Nforce 3 ultra A64. I booted up the system. . . . it went nuts looking for drivers. I ran the newest forceware, installed the video drivers and then reset the system.

share a scanner
Is it possible to share a scanner across a home network as u do a printer??. . i dont see anywhere to set a share for it in XP. . i have a MICROTEK Phantom 336 CX. We need to share it to offer a full service for our charity custommers in each PC.