Windows Hardware

I want to get the area-51 but at the shipping tabs i cant find singapore, how the f. . . do i get my alien if i cant get it shipped to my home?? Someone pls reply!! HELP!!.

DVD-Rom Drive and CDRW Drive not detected..
I've been having problems using my cdrom and cd burning drives, I suspect Norton is the cause of it, and I've tried removing it but could only get it partially deleted. Anyways, I was wondering if anyone might be able to help me solve this problem, I can open my cdrom drives up and close them, the lights blink and ...

DVD-Rom And CDRW Drivers cannot be detected
Edit: I apologize, wrong forum, how do I delete threads. .

Sporadic Shut-downs
Hey all. I'm having a mite of a problem with my computer. . . it appears that every time I try to burn something, it decides to restart. This happens when I use both my cd burner and my dvd burner (I bought my dvd burner after the problem started occuring).

Weird noises . Soundblaster under XP
professor keller
Hi, I have a PCI 128 Soundblaster soundcard in my PC. It works OK under ME, but the same card and the same (updated) drivers seems to don't work so well under XP (I have a dual boot system). The sound is full of static noises or something like that.

Which one?
I'm gonna ask you this first without any info given so you are not swayed by my system or what I want out of it. Should I get this; this; or this?.

Problems loading sims 2 on windows server 2003
I recently installed server 2003 on my home pc. I know with server a lot of the hardware is not accelerated to it's full potential. I have a geforce4 mx 440 128mb graphics card. When i go to play the sims 2.

Question regarding Raid 0
Hey all, I just purchased a new DFI mobo with an Intel 3. 2E to replace my old PII 400 system. This new board (LanParty Pro 875B) comes with a bunch of extras. The one thing I see it has which I have never used is Raid 0.

NT Driver for USB MP3
I am looking for NT driversto plugg USB MP3 Player 256Mb. The Win NT machine doesnt recongise the USB MP3 player. .

XP Pro and Promise FastTrak 100-Lite Problems
I have a machine that I have been building for some time. I just put the finishing touches on it yesterday and now, all I am having is problems. I have an ECS L7VTA 1. 0 Motherboard, Athlon 2600+, 768MB DDR 333, GeForce FX5500 GPU, 40GB Maxtor primary drive, and two 160GB Samsung drives on the Promise FastTrak 100- ...

I have ATI RAGE IIC AGP graphic card and i cant find drivers for it, everyvere i look they say that windows xp support that card. But i cant run some games coz it dont have opengl installed and i cant find it enyvere!!!.

Nvr seen the inside of a Notebook!
Can anyone show me the inside of a Notebook? I have nvr seen the inside of a Notebook in my life!!! PLs post it with some images!

i am using the usb microsoft intellipoint mouse. every so often the optical light will go out and the mouse will not work. i unplug and plug it back in, and i will work again. also every so often the mouse cursor speed will slow down alot, and again i unplug and plug back, and it will return to normal speed.

avixe 14" LCD Monitor!!
Anyone can do a review on the Avixe 14 LCD Monitor?? nvr heard of it but looks good and has a protective glass to protect the lcd display. AT A VERY VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICE!!.

Gigabyte Radeon X300LE runnin doom3
wats the average FPS i can e\reach with a Gigabyte Radeon X300LE runnin doom3 at high??

Elsa video card line dead??
Has Elsa's video card reign ended?? Nothing has been heard from elsa recently. No breakthrough no Nothing!!!.

Sapphire VS Powercolor VS Elsa Falconx VS Hercules
ONE MORE TIME!! Which is better? This time its my new video card. Recommend me any radoen series cards from this brands pls! It needs to play games today withouht any problem. Pls help!!! i am now using a Asus v9520 fx 5200! and it f.

sound blaster 4.1 digital. help!
Hi i just bout myself creative inspire 4. 1 speakers along with a sound blaster 4. 1 digital. I installed the card, and the drivers, but i've been having a prob. when i watch movies/ listen to. mp3 once in a whine it jsut jumps 2-6 seconds forward.