Windows Hardware

Mugen C
Hi There, As subject, it has been 2 days that I've spent, :x trying to get the onboard NIC (3C940-MV) working with my W2K & XP-PRO. Downloaded the latest drivers from ASUS (couldn't find anything from 3com) W2K didn't even picked it up although I have pointed it to where the *.

NVIDIA Display Properties Extension cannot be created
Please help anyone. I keep getting an error message stating NVIDIA Display Properties Extension cannot be created… when I right-click on Desktop => Properties => Settings => Advanced. The History.

VgaSave help.
Anyone know how to get rid of the VgaSave mode? i only reformatted the harddrive, didn't install any new video cards, it was working normal. . before. .

ATI Radeon DNA-drivers
Hey, I wanted to know if the ATI Radeon DNA-drivers 3. 2. 4. 10 drivers will work with the Windows XP Home (Service Pack 2)?? Thanks.

ATI Radeon DNA-drivers
Hey, I wanted to know if the ATI Radeon DNA-drivers 3. 2. 4. 10 drivers will work with the Windows XP Home (Service Pack 2)?? Thanks.

Does the Audigy 2 exhibit the problem of the Live ?
About a week ago my Sound Blaster Live! Value (hey the 1st model) burnt so now I get to work with the integrated CMedia audio card. Problem is noise ratio, with crackling during volume changes (winamp, games).

Zalman ZM80A-HP on a Intel D865PERL motherboard?
I'm planing on getting a new mobo, probably a Intel D865PERL or a D875PBZLK. . . now to the question. . both those cards seem to have huge chipset heatsinks, so i was just wondering if anyone has tested the ZM80A-HP on any of these boards? the ZM80A is on a Leadtek Ti4200.

How do you do a Data Transfer?
I just bought a new 200GB IDE hard drive and I want to transfer the data from my old 20GB IDE hard drive to the new one. How do I go on about doing this? Is it even possible? Would Windows get transferred as well?.

Choice question to ask.
OK i am damn confused. Should i get the powercolor 9600xt with an expensive cooler or an original 9700pro. Will the 9600xt be able to overclock to speeds of the 9700pro? And which one will last me longer? as in play games longer.

Creative Dxr3 Probs
Hi i have had a dxr3 working in windows 2000 for ages using the sigma designs drivers. I come to load it up to watch a dvd and i get an error (cant remember exactly), so i remove the driver and app, and try to reinstall it, windows finds it and installs drivers, then when i try to install the application (sigma)it ...

Adaptec 19160 SCSI Adapter Card
I flashed the adapter BIOS. After the flash and reboot, the adapter did not respond like usual with SCSI BIOS, instead with a blinking cursor, and I could not bootup the PC in anymean to restore the old BIOS.

How to convert a file system from NTFS version 3.x to NTFS version 1.x ???
I understand that when an NTFS hard drive from an NT4. 0 system is removed and mounted (as a secondary drive) on a Windows 2k/XP system, that some sort of automatic file system conversion is done and the file system on the NT4 drive is converted to NTFS version 3.

HELP!!! Can't update video driver in Win2000 AS
When I first installed Win2000 Advanced Server I installed the nVidia Win2000 378 drivers (I have a TNT2). Everything worked fine until I tried to upgrade to version 513 and 514 of the nVidia drivers.

Win2k Software for Creative Nomad released
For all those who have Nomads and were pissed when creative didnt have software that worked for win2k, it is now out. Get it from -> software downloads i havent tried it though yet so its entirely possible that creative made a shotty program.

Sony Viao Driver
I got a Sony Viao model PCGTR5MP which i install with XP software. The problem is that I can't access my function key, modem and sound. All the bluetooth function and the wireless function is ok. Can anyone help me to obtain the drivers for the 3 items that I mentioned.

Upgrading MoBo
I am looking to upgrade my system. . . I was looking at the ASUS K8V SE Deluxe with a Athlon 64 3000+. I was wondering if anyone has this board or has hands on experience with it that could let me know how the good and bad about it.

HELP! I Cannot see tv when i put a pci card when i have my ati aiw 32 DDR
I have an video card AGP Ati's all in wonder 32MB DDR, and when i put it alone or i put in the motherboard's setup that start first agp the tv works out perfectly, but my another monitor with a card PCI by sis will be blocked.

XP won't recognize SCSI device
Junior Member Posts: 1 Joined: 2004-10-27 Member No. : 45466 I have a Minolta Dimage Dualscan scsi that works on win98se. Trying to intall it on a new Sony Vaio but it won't see the device. Used a scsi adapter card.

usb mass storage or usb hardrive problems
hello, a Question, Some time you know that if you plug an usbkey (memory) or an usb harddrive, windows know and install it, but you can see it in the my computer drive because it's trying to take a drive letter your are using.