Windows Hardware

My situation is I took 2 harddrives out of my brothers computer to copy the important info off and make both bootable and put them into seperate computers but then I had problems. The first time I put them in my computer no problem.

DVD drive gets bezerk and XP freezes repediately
Yes, I have downloaded and installed the most recent drivers for everything in my system, yes, I have Googled on this, yes, I have cleaned my motherboard, yes, I have done several virus and spyware checks.

my video card does not work properly under win2000
I encounter problems in Windows 2000 with my video card. I have a GeForce 2 MX200 video card from Mercury that works perfectly under Windows 98 but in Windows 2000 I can't run any games in OpenGL video mode.

xp pro won`t start
Hi every one, i have a fujitsu laptop that did not have a operating system or a cd drive, so i reformated and installed xp pro on the H/D useing another laptop ( compaqe ) that has a cd drive and every thing works great on that laptop.

SP2 and scanner problems
Hi guys I've installed service pack 2 on both my home and works pc's, and since then i cant get the twain option to be recognised. if i goto say photoshop, paint shop pro, irfan view, mspaint etc etc and try to aquire a twain souce (or scanner) i get this message all the time : in work it's a new HP scanner and at ...

I had two hard drives in my old PC and I took them out. I tried putting them in my new PC one at a time and I could only get one to work. When I put the other drive in, I cannot see it on My Computer.

win2k 2195 & Hauppauge WinTV Vid Capture
Has anyone managed to get the Hauppauge WinTV PCI (TV and FM) to capture video? I installed it only with the latest drivers from the web site, in addition to the latest ir, radio, tv2000, tv32, and Vid Cap (3.

USB Flash Memory about Windows NT 4.0
I have a problem with USB Flash Memory about Windows NT 4. 0. I can't to use my Flash divice. I making a tests with some programs, it's working with some USB printers and scaners, but this software don't work with my Flash device.

Benq fp951 w/ ATI Radeon 7500
hey all, bought a new benq fp951 lcd and am having a real annoying brightness issue (using DVI). monitors preset was way too bright so turned contrast and brightness to zero on the monitor OSD but it made little difference.

May be hosed, but...
My registry became corrupted when I did not heed some warnings while installing some Win98 era software onto my WinXP Pro, SP2 OS. Error message is,Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: \Windows\System32\Config\System.

All in Wonder VE PCI - TV Garbled
Hi, I've been having troubles fixing my capture options for my All in wonder VE (PCI). It is garbled on all 3 connectors (Analog TV Tuner, Composite, and S-Video). Much distortion on the image as well as a scrolling image of another connector while I am using one.

Is this even possible?
i saw someone in some forum saying that he could o/c a R360 core MSI RX9800pro to 512. 43core/746. 7memory on modded giant 3 cooling, and some v modding is this true? is it even possible??.

Teac W540E cdrw drive
Dear all, I have the aforementioned CD writer and i have two probelms: 1 - every time i burn a cd it brings my computer to a halt (i remember when i first got it that this was not the case) and i cant even move the mouse without the cursor chugging accross the screen.

Two Promise controllers don't work together
I have a Giga-Byte GA-7DXR+ motherboard with an AMD 2000+ CPU. I use the onboard Promise 20276 PATA RAID controller with a pair of Maxtor drives in RAID 1 configuration. This works well and is fairly fast, no problems I have just fitted a Promise S150 SX4-M SATA RAID card with a set of Maxtor SATA disks.

Help, Computer suddenly restarts!!
Hello I have just finished building my computer and installing all my programs. ect. After about a week or two, I pressed the minize button to my web broser, and the computer just restarted. So 2 days go by, I didnt think anything of it.

Problems With my GeForce...
Hi there. . I was wonderin' maybe there are some people out there who can lend me a hand. . . Here's my hardware config : Mobo : Epox 4PDAPI Processor :Intel pentium 4 @ 2. 8 Ghz Memory: 2x 256Mb + 2x 128 mb Running at Dual channel AGP : Sparkle GeForce Fx5200 120 mb/128 bits (SP8834DT) Sound : SB live!5.

ABIT Nvidia GF 4 MX 64MB & XP driver problems
Hi, I recently purchased the 'ABIT Siluro GF4 MX-8X E 64MB' graphics card, which i have installed via the AGP slot on my motherboard. Unfortunatly when i added the driver it made my system extemley unstable.

Pentium4 3.0GHz Prescott
Just recently upgraded my PC's CPU to an Intel Pentium4 3GHz Prescott. To see if it's fully functional I ran CPU-Z. These are the results: Why are there two CPU entries (the 2nd says Logical) when in fact there's physically only have 1 CPU? This is kinda bothering me.

Not recognizing second drive
Ok here's the problem I have a two hard drive system with several partitions. I had ran out of space on the partition with the OS. So I went and bought a new drive and installed Windows XP on it. I could see the partitions when I was installing XP but when the system comes up the second partition on the drive with ...