Windows Hardware

I want to format my hard drives. I need help installing xp raid drivers on a custom xp pro install disk. I don't have a floppy drive to install drivers from. this thread explains it in detail: I have converted the files with cabmaker and I tried what is said but i renamed the files from his driver name to mine and ...

FAT to NTFS - insufficient memory
I'm running Win2k from a 30,7gb HD. I've succesfully converted it to NTFS once before, but for some stupid reason I converted it back to FAT32 with PM6 a little while ago. Now I want to convert it NTFS again, using convert d: /fs:ntfs /v from the cmd, and rebooting.

Hp Monitor Mic problem...
hey guys. . . i got a small problem. . i installed the driver for my hp pavilion mx50 monitor and its working fine but the mic is not working. . how do i install it or make it work. . thanks for your help.

Removing a mirror from a Dynamic disk
Hi I'd be grateful for any advice I can get. . . The situation is I have one drive from a mirror the other is totally lost. I attach this drive to a different system and when I import this disk using MMC it lists it as failed(active) and underneath another new block appears which says Missing.

western digital

Getting WinXP Printer Driver to Work Under Win2K
Regarding post at: I have a similar issue and would like your advice please. I have a Panasonic KX-P2130. It works fine under Windows 9x and Windows XP, but when running under Windows 2000 I cannot control the page size (width and length).

How do I get WinXP drivers in Win2k?
I have a Panasonic KX-P2135 printer but the drivers for it are Win98/Win3. 1 & they do not work in Win2k/WinXP. Now the server we have is Win2k (which is where all the shared resources, shared printers, etc; etc.

help with installing video card geforce mx 4000
x) hello, here is my problem, im not knowledgeable of this kind of thing although i can defend myself a little, im trying to install a new video card, geforce mx 4000, i have a hp pavilion my old video card is geforce 4 mx, okay now ive tried to install it deleted my old drives, and tried to change the bios and i a ...

3.5 Diskette Won't Work!!!!!
I used the forum to correct the Floppy Disk (40) error. I rotated the cable 180 degrees and the constant led went off. But now the drive won't read any disks. I thought it was the drive it's self so I tried another one, and that doesn't work either.

Can Creative Modem Blaster V.92 Run on NT?
I have an NT4. 0 machine and am trying to install an internal Creative Modem Blaster V. 92 PCI onto it. So far, I can't find any drivers or tips that work. Can it be done?.

Microsoft force feedback wheel(USB)
I lost my software 4. 0 version CD for my Microsoft force feedback wheel ( USB). My wheel works fine with XP windows but i am unable to program any functions to any of the buttons on the wheel because I dont have any game profiles, with out the 4.

Untitled thread
If this isn't a clue to buy a new printer I don't know what it is!!!! I'm trying to get my dad's printer to work. It's a cannon C555 multifunction. I'm trying to install the software and drivers from the install disk, and I keep getting the error : c:\winnt\system32\autoexec.

memory under xp
Hi all, i'm brandnew in this forum und i tried to search for my problem - no solution found. i tried to add memeory ddr400/512 Mb to my system. memory test from bios is ok. detecting harddrives is till ok but when xp tries to start up i got intermittendend boots.

need win2k usb driver for visor handspring any help pls
Hello, I'm am new member and have question. I can't find infor on this website. Question is? Where can I find a driver for win2k usb for my visor Handspring. Serial synch works but usb was better on old Win98 machine.

Untitled thread
I have been trying to update my Nvidia Geforce FX display drivers and after I uninstall the older version and install the new one, nothing happens, the wizard says the driver has been installed, but when I check the list in add/remove programs nothing is there.

sidewinder drivers win 2000
I recently upgraded to Win2000 and now cannot install my Microsoft Sidewinder Dualstrike and Precision2 controllers. They are no longer supported on Microsofts website. When i put the software CD in I get an error message-16 bit Windows Subsystem-c:\winnt\system32\autoexec.

PCI card
Donna Novak
If I install a PCI card in my computer can I disable the old/original one in Device Manager or does it have to go through the BIOS. The old one is attached to the Motherboard. How do I go about installing a new one? Thanks.

ATI TV Wonder Pro help! (Question about the Cable line)
Hey everyone, I have a slight problem with my new ATI TV Wonder Pro card. I only have one cable outlet near my computer, and I use it for my cable internet. I went out and bought a two way splitter, which seemed to work fine.

DVD-R Compatibility with Other Systems
Old Dog
Hey everybody, my first time here. Got a DVD-R/W drive for Christmas. Works great. The problem is that none of what I put on these DVD-R disks can be read from any other computer in my house except the one where the drive is installed.

DVD External Enclosure error
Lord Rhinehart
I just got an external enclosure for a dvd burner. When i plug only the power supply in, the dvd drive opens jsut fine. However, wheni plug in the ide too the drive no longer functions. The light doesnt even turn on.