Windows Hardware

My video freezes & sometimes restarts. Sometimes VPU recovers. If not, i just get a black screen, but can still hear audio. I have PowerColor 9800XT CPTECH & am extremely p**sed. I can understand if it was just one person, but the fact of the matter is that there is a substantial amount of steammed ATI customers.

TnL problems Geforce Tornado MX2 help needed
Well i have Battlefront (star wars) my graphics card is TnL capable, however i get a message on the start of loading up battlefront saying tht it does not detect TnL. does anyone know if iv missed something out or know how to fix this little problem.

Dual Monitors but settings to change Primary are greyed out
Can anyone help, I attach a larger screen to my laptop so as not to strain my eyes 🙂 It was working fine, ie it would display exactly the same as the laptop screen. Now however I can only get it to display the background, no icons or menus are shown.

Untitled thread
Second solution: According to the original Philips webcam website there's this solution: remove the half installed drivers and reboot your computer. XP wil recognize the camera, and will install a universal webcam device driver.

How to tell NT 4 it's really running on a uni-processor system?
I've got NT 4 server running on a single-CPU system. It was originally installed on a dual cpu motherboard a few years ago before the drive was moved to a new motherboard. Every time there is a critical update from Microsoft, I have to see if files like NTOSKRNL.

XP Rebooting on Start-up
I have a problem with 4 identicle xp machines rebooting on start-up. In one of the machines I've replaced MB, CPU and HDD. When I had replaced the HDD with another one out of a fully working identicle machine it worked fine, so obviosly the HDD is the problem.

monitor problems
I have a 1 month old computer (3. 2ghz, ati graphics card) and I keep loosing my monitor signal. I have bought a new monitor, in case that was the problem, but it can take several re boots before the siginal is recieved by the monitor.

HOW-TO: Move Windows XP from RAID to NON-RAID???
Hi, Currently my install of WindowsXP is installed on a RAID setup. I recently got one of the new Maxtor HDD with 16MB cache and want to relocate my XP install onto it. I Ghost'd my current installation to the new Maxtor HDD.

Windows 2000:Windows Explorer not working when using right-click ona file
In windows explorer when I right-click on a file in any folder to use copy , paste. . . . . ect. My windows explorer closes down and my desktop refreshes. Please help!.

Nvidia gforce4 mx 64 mg VDO card running on winXP...Problems getting mohaa to ru
The New Guy
If anyone has any idea how to install 3dfx on a Nvidia Gforce4 MX 64mg video card ill HELP YOU WITH ANYTHING!!! Seriously here is my problem i can't play mohaa on my windows XP 2800amd 512 ram system.

Ati tv wonder pro A/V sync
Hello, I am knew here and have already searched the boards but I have not found any answers to this topic. I have just installed the card a few days ago and it seems to work good with one exception, It does not sync the audio and the video, well it does at first but the further the video goes the more it gets off.

how will my preformance change?
Hi, im just wondering how much of a gain i will notice going from this, also what do you think of my new setup?: Asus P4P800 Asus 9600XT 2ghz P4 40 gig HDD Sound Blaster Live Super x Alien w/ 500w PSU 2 LG optical drives to this Amd Athlong 64 3500+, winchester Abit AV8 3Rd eye WD RAPTOR 74GB HARD DRIVE NIKAO OGRE ...

Need Help with Celeron
i recently bought an intel celeron 1. 8ghz 400fsb 128cache and a albatron pm266a/pro motherboard also 256 ddr ram and it dosent work at all the board gives powr to all the fans and drives but i get no signal on the monitor ive tried onboard video and using a video card and switching monitors and cables i think my b ...

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I am using windows98/pentium 2. The system just crawls. I mean it Takes a long long time to load anything. I have a up-to-date anti-virus, anti-spyware and also the registry mechanic. Tried all of this but the damn thing is still so slow.

Fast Media Remote with Packard Bell systems
I have a Fast Media remote that came with a Packard Bell system. I downloaded newest software for it from but when I try to run it I get a FMEDIA has caused a general protection fault in PBREMOTE. DLL.

Untitled thread
Hi I just upgrade from Win98 to XP-Pro. when I turn the cpu on, it does its usual system checks, then goes to Win XP loading screen, but then it switches over to a blue Win XP screen that reads: Checking file system on C: The type of the file system is FAT32.

mobo and HSF compatibilty
I have a GA-7N400 Pro2 Rev2 and I want to buy the Asus Star Ice universal CPU Coller. Now the problem is that there is a capacitor right next to the CPU socket (inbetween the back and the socket). The Asus Star points that way and I was wondering if anyone here has the same board and HSF? I tried contacting Asus an ...

Driver for Microsoft Internet Keyboard Pro
Can someone please send me, or post a link to a working driver for Microsoft Internet Keyboard Pro (IntelliType Pro 2. 11) ? The driver on microsoft. com is corrupt. I have downloaded the file (ITP2_1EngNoMsi.

Intel Chipset Installation Utility Questions
I got the bright idea to build my own HTPC from scratch. I have done surprisingly well given the fact that I'm no brainiack with computers. My hardware list includes: Intel D915PBL MOBO 2. 8GHz Pent.

help with ATI Radeon 9200 installation and setup
Hello there, I am new to NTcompatible. com. I have a sony VAIO with an SiS 651 chipset. I have been wanting to play some newer games and the graphics card that came with the machine is just not capable of running those games.