Windows Hardware

Hi All, Thanks for your previous replays. I have a new issue to comment you guys. I have an external ZIP drive (Iomega 100) connected to one of the USB 2 ports of my PC. When restarting the PC with the ZIP drive connected to it the system never boots! (black screen before the win XP screen).

My name is Mariano Iannuzzi, I am a frequent costumer of yours. This time I am contacting you as I am having some problems with one of my PCs. I have a motherboard Intel d850gb - gb85010a, a P4 at 1.

Installing XP from W98
I have a motherboard Intel d850gb - gb85010a, a P4 at 1. 7GHz and a 80GB IDE hard drive. This machine had Windows 98SE installed and I wanted to upgrade to XP (Pro). I am constantly getting an error message saying “disk error” when windows tries to recognize the hard drive.

PRINTER DRIVERS FAILED message...(Jawpdf or fineprint or acrobat)
Hello, I ve just installed a new windows XP PRO version. . . Everything is working, but i can't install pdf printers. . . I tried to install fineprint (during ,addprinterdrivers failed), i ve the same problem with acrobat 7.

SiS 5598/6326 Drivers Required
i have Win xp. my display driver (SiS 6326) shows me an error in hardware manager(yellow exlamation mark in front of it). i need 2 update this driver. display proerties dos not show me any options (such as APPEARANCE, SETTINGS, etc) but dunno where to find it on the net.

GA-K8NXP-SLI 2 x 6600GT Help please SLI not working
have been running a single XFX 6600GT for about 3-4 weeks fine. I decided to purchase another for SLI. I followed the manual and read the Nzone instructions which were straight foward and basically said the optins will just appear LOL.

Dell Display Drivers
Jave a Dell Dimension 8200. Just recently formatted and re-installed Windows XP on it. There is no disk with the display drivers on it. Does anyone know where i could find these to download?.

Problem with a Philips Toucam XS
Hi guys, i've a problem with my philips toucam xs under windows xp. I try to download the drivers with the Vdownload (the update from philips) but the download don't work good. Where can i find the right drivers? or do u have any solutions to this problem ? tnx at all Nuaz.

WinTV XP Driver
i tried to install the latest wdm driver for WinTV (wdm327_20021. exe) and now it won't work i even tried to uninstall it and revert back to the old driver and still doesn't work. when i tried to install the new driver, it asked to reboot, i did, then upon restart, it said xp detected a new hardware and to install ...

Just curious in which TV tuner card would be good for WindowsXP. Need something under $100. Thanks.

Hi all Sorry to be a nuisance. One small problem. I had to reinstall Windows XP Home edition due to a major crash. Everything is fine except for one small iritating matter. The @ and have changed places.

Hi ppl. i have an problem. when i start a MS-Dos file/program a pop-up come up and tells the that C:\Windows\system32\autoexec. nt. isn´t proper to run Dos- and Microsoft Windows Program. What schould i do?! ;(.

Black screen, hard drive not responding
I hope someone can help me! I have an HP Pavilion ze4300 laptop. A week ago I turned it off one night, and when I turned it on the next day, nothing on the screen. The lights come on, the fan works, battery is ok, everything, but the blue hard-drive light in front does not flash.

Blue screen error on shutdown
Hi there. I just set up my system (PIII-450, 256Mb, TNT2U, SBLive) as a dual boot with Win98SE and Win2000 (build 2195). The problem is with shutting down Win2000. Now, I installed the updated TNT2 drivers (3.

Problem connecting NEC 3520
I've just bought a NEC 3520 and after connecting it XP won't run. The computer freezes after finding new components and before the XP-loading-screen. I've tried master/slave, slave/master, cs/cs (with DVD recorder and DVD rom) and only the DVD-recorder as master, slave and cs but nothing seems to helps.

Ugh have a dell Deminsion and need help
Ok my mom bought this for me 2 years ago and ive updated the Graphics card, sound card, put 512 mbs or ram into it now i want to update the motherboard and cpu can i put this in my computer thanks for any help! one with the most help gets a gmail invite!

Dead Hardrive?
I have a slave 80 GB WD IDE hard drive that I can't access. The bios will see it, but after booting, WinXP can't find it. This drive was working this morning, although I went through a really long chkdsk on one of the boots.

New Intel 915 and 925 Chipsets and Power Supply!!!!
Hey guys We have just assembled some 915G chipset motherboard (Intel D915GAV) and at the first sight I noticed a different connection for the power supply. Of course I don't have any new type power supplies.

sapphire radeon 9200se driver probs, PLEASE HELP!!!!!!
please help! i have a driver problem with my new pci 9200se, as the card just cannot install successfully. my system is 2. 8ghz p4 256 mb ram home xp sp1 internal 64 shared vid (intel) (a complete pile of poo) have now got a 9200se and really want it to work! when it comes to instalation, it has two parts, it insta ...

Windows 2000 Professional BSOD/reboots at the drop of a hat!
Ok, a popular topic this one I know, but Windows 2000 Pro just keeps crashing! I suspect it doesn't like my hardware (hell, I don't greatly like my hardware) but all devices comply with the HCL except for one unknown quantity: the motherboard.