Windows Hardware

Excuse me if you find this hard to understand. For the past few months my screen has been flickering after about 20 minutes or so of turning the pc on. Then the screen goes to about half the size and the bottom half is black.

Help Please.
Hello, I know this isn't a 98 forum, however I can't figure this out. I have a Geforce MX 4000. And I have it connected to my television via a S-Video cable. However, the output is only in black and white.

DVD re writer poor performance
Hi I have just purchased an internal Aopen DVD rewiter mounted in a Safecom portable case,(ready assembled), I have not used it for writing yet but have tried playing a DVD on it, Everything seems to operate OK but as soon as the DVD has a lot of sound and graphics at the same time (eg a concert) the sound stutters ...

Need Desperate help with my Radeon 9600
Currently I built my own personal computer that included P4 3. 0 ghz DFI motherboard with a gig of ram dvd-rw drive a ATI Radeon 9600 Shortly after I built the computer, It began to freeze when I ran high quality games.

Calling all you TFT monitor owners
Hi, now here's something to investigate, especially those of you with TFT monitors and running Windows 2000. Have a close look at the Taskbar at the bottom of the screen. Okay, if you haven't configured Windows to make the Taskbar disappear when you're not using it, do so, by putting the mousepointer into the Taskb ...

What is this rubbish?
HI All, I am considering buying a copy of Prince Of Persia: Sands of Time, but their site (as well as some people I have talked to) say that my video card will not work with it. I have an Nvidia GeForce4 MX440 128MB 4x AGP video card, which is a very capable card.

Re: scroll bar goes up and down uncontrollable
Hi, I just bought Dell's notebook and installed win2k, ms office, ms visual studio. Then, when I ran applications such as MS word or Excel or VB, the scroll bar went up and down or right and left uncontrollable.

Drivers for Modular Tech MM100PCTV
Does anyone know where I can get drivers for XP for the Modular Tech MM100PCTV card, I have tried everywhere and I just cannot get them. .

Hello long story but here goes. I have an old motherboard about 4 yrs old and I bought a 160Gig maxtor harddrive. I was able to install OS but it gave me a halt screen error so I partitioned it everything was fine, while looking for drivers i was using another PC when I reconnected my new pc, the monitor did not tu ...

Microsoft Sidewinder Precision Racing Wheel
I've got a Microsoft Racing Wheel without force feedback. I tried to install it today on Service Pack 2, but after recignising the USB port, it's not working in a game and windows does not see it. Does someone has decent drivers? Thanks in Advance kreek.

Screen suddenly not displaying graphics cleanly
Dean M
Hello, I have a laptop with Radeon 7500. I've had the laptop a couple of years and it has has decent enough spec. I'm a graphic designer and suddenly yesterday i noticed my laptop LCD screen is displaying gif and Jpeg images as if there are bits missing out of them.

Windows 2003 Enterprise Server DOESN'T SUPPORT INFRARED!!!
i got this from the windows help file: In the Windows. NET Server 2003 family, only Windows. NET Server 2003, Standard Edition supports infrared networking. somebody have any idea how to get it to work?.

What's the best ADSL router-modem to buy?
I'm thinking about swapping from dial-up to ADSL broadband. Which brand/models of external ADSL router-modems are most recommended? I'm after a 4-port wired version (ie not wireless), with built-in firewall.

SoundBlaster Live Crashing Windows 2000?
I have discovered an extremely annoying problem with my main PC. It seems that audio crashes it. I first noticed this when playing Warlords Battlecry II, once in a while when playing the game it would completely hard crash the system, no Alt-Tab, no Ctrl-Alt-Del, nothing short of a hard reset/power off would get me ...

Need help with Windows XP install
Im trying to install Windows XP over windows me and after the first reboot, it says its coping the install programs and then asks me to insert the CD but it is already in the CD rom drive and wont let me go any further.

nf7 s won't boot
I'm helping my friend build a new box and we hit a problem. no matter what I try, the pc won't boot. everything's getting power, the power led on the motherboard is on, but when I push the power button, the power supply turns on, but no picture.

Transcend JetFlash 256MB USB 2.0 - problem!
hi, i was conecting to my mainboard, the cables of the USB ports of the front side of my case, and i think that maybe i conected bad one pin, then i plugged-in my flashdrive transcend. . . then my PC recognized a new hardware but then it saids an error occured.

Athlon XP vs Athlon 64
I consider myself a fairly educated computer geek. But when it comes down to these new processor speed designations i'm lost. For example, the Athlon XP 3200+. The name implies its basically a 3. 2 Ghz proc.

Standby, not available?
After reloading w2k pro and resetting my bios(award)I find I don't even have a standby option in my shutdown menu. Please tell me what I have to do to get it back. .

1st off, yes, I'm running 2k3 like a desktop. I followed the whole Windows Server 2003 to Workstation Guide @ and everything went perfectly. I am so GLAD that a lot of the background services have been cut out.