Windows Hardware

Hey, I just recently reinstalled a fresh copy of windows 2k on my desktop and now my video card, ATI Radeon 9550 (256mb AGP), does not allow windows 2000 to boot up when the driver is loaded. I updated Win 2k as much as possible with the windows update tab.

Help!! Chaintech 6600GT nvidia 77.42 forceware can't play vidio on MP/ winamp/ r
i can't play any video when i use 77. 42 nvidia forceware on Media player, winamp or realplayer. . can when one help me?.

Chronos Video Shuttle 2
i have a Chronos Video Shuttle 2 and i dont have a driver can someone help me plz

worthy upgrade?
one year old: sapphire 9800pro 128mb (w/ artic cooler) $240 thinking: sapphire x800xl 256mb $325 looking to sell the 9800pro for around $140 (still taking offers) worth it for gaming?

ATI 9800 Pro 128MB 8x
Well what I wanted to ask is if anyone knows why my computer will not boot up when I install a 9800 Pro 128MB card! I plugged everything in properly and even have a 400W power supply! Everything should be fine.

VGA/video card problems
I recently installed a new intel d915pbl mobo along with a pentium 4 3. 0ghz 800fsb 530 hyperthreading cpu. The video card I installed was a radeon x700 pro PCIE. When I boot up from just the floppy, the screen displays random colors in a grid like fashion.

NT 4.0 Compatible mainboard please
Hello, I have been searching in vain to find a decent mainboard that supports oldie-goldie NT 4. 0, for a small-office server. I'd LOVE to eventually run Pentium D but will accept HT for now. Queries to Intel, MSI & Gigabyte told me to look on their terribly incomplete websites.

Serious ATI 9800 Pro Problem (i think)
Ok heres a real brain buster, I built a system fairly cutting edge: AMD ATHLON 64 3200+ 2. 0GHZ 1MB L2 CACHE SOCKET-754 CPU Thermaltake A1838 Silent Boost K8 Venus Series Cooler ASUS K8V Deluxe AMD Athlon 64 CPU BOARD Kingston Hyper-X 1024MB DDR400 (PC3200 / CL2) SAPPHIRE ATI RADEON 9800 PRO 128MB DVI/TV 8X AGP BUL ...

X850XT PE -Or- 6800 Ultra/GT
With the above cards in mind, which one would be best in terms of quality and value? I just got my first job (I'm 16) and I'm getting my paycheck in 2 weeks. . . I make $13 an hour working 75 hours per 2 weeks.

cpu/mobo compatibleness
I'm trying to piece together a computer for my parents, and my question is so simple I feel dumb not being able to answer it myself. How do I know which motherboards are compatible with the processor they want? Specifically, I'm basing this computer around a Celeron 2.

Problems with Linksys Wireless Router and Printer Sharing
Hi All, Hopefully someone can help with this frustrating problem I am having with printer sharing only. I just went from a wired home network to wireless with Linksys WRT54G. I have 2 desktop computers and 1 notebook computer that were all sharing the same printer hooked up to my main Desktop computer.

Chaintech 6600gt 128mb AGP-HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK, my first post, as I expect of most its when you've got a problem that not even the A-Team could handle. First my system. 500W PSU (+12v = 15amp) AMD64 3000+ Newcastle Gigabyte Nvidia MB 1024mb Ram - 2 x Ballistic PC 3200 DVD RW DVD rom BT wifi PCI blah blah blah I was running this system fine with a R9700 Pro, ...

HELP USB Problems
Hi All Im Having Problems With My Usb Ports. I Tried Hooking All My Usb Devices And The Pc Stays The Same As If Nothing Was Hooked Up, I Tried Scan For HardWare Changes And Nothing. Does Any One Out There Have Any Ideas What Could It BE And How It Can Be Fixed? Thanks In Advance.

windows xp or hp recovery restore point
is there any where where i can download of the net a restore point on my pc or windows xp coz ive lost the disc and my pc is playin up and i cant get any programs up to reset to factory settings and cant do anything else plz HELP!!!!

Bluetooth and headsets
so i've been looking around to buy a headset to use for my computer (talk on msn and on ventrilo for games) but after reading many reviews ive come to the conclusion that those bluetooth devices wont work for this.

Help Updating Award Flash Bios on Asus P3V4X Motherboard in Windows 2000 Pro
Hello All! I hope someone can help me. I have just purchased an old Asus P3V4X Motherboard on Ebay for my older machine and would like to update the Bios. I am having trouble getting into DOS so that I can run AWDFLASH.

I have to run any program via ctrl+alt+del
;( My computer is totaly stuffed when I start it up al it comes up with is my screensaver (no start menu or icons) I have to go via ctrl+alt+del and new task just to run a program and I've tried to restore factory settings on my pc via pressing F10 on the boot screen but it just carries on loading and I cant go to ...

Hey all, yea, I'm in need for a new video card upgrade, and having a bunch of troubles deciding which to go for, I've read everywhere that ATI is the way to go and that's what I own at the moment, but your input would be cool, thanx

Building a system ... heavy problem - Asus A7V266E
First of all, Ive been building system for a while now, im pretty much always building the same stuff (AMD with asus mother boards, maxtor HD etc. . . ) The system im building now is pretty much similar to the other one ive build, but the mother board is a newer one that im trying.