Windows Hardware

Traffic officer
I have recently connected to broadband. Bt provided a voyager 205 adsl router which has 1 usb connection and 1 ethernet connection for the computers. Both computers are usb how do I connect both to router and broadband and does software have to be installed on both.

WINDOWS XP sev 2 desktop icons and task bars do not apppear.
Windows XP gets to the login screen where I input my password as usual. My chosen Windows XP background screen appears but the desktop icons and task bars do not apppear. I can bring up the Windows task manager window I have Windows XP ser 2 and has been working great for months.

Untitled thread
Windows XP gets to the login screen where I input my password as usual. My chosen Windows XP background screen appears but the desktop icons and task bars do not apppear. I can bring up the Windows task manager window I have Windows XP ser 2 and has been working great for months.

pc hangs....plz help frnds
my pc hangs at d windows xp pro loading screen when i remove d power cord of my cd drives (i hv a sony dvd writer & a lg cd writer) it works fine if i want 2 use my cd drives i have 2 remove my Realtek lan card(internal) thn it works fine im totally confused anyone if pls know d solution of any kind of help welcome ...

Sound CARDS not working (Any of them!!)
Hi Guys. . . I wonder if you can help me. This is what happened to me: I was trying to configure an old TV Tuner Card but couldnĀ“t find any good driver for it (VHXtreme) and one of those drivers locked my windows XP and it didnt booted any more.

Keyboard disables itself
i am using a logitech keyboard through the usb connection, and the system often reboots itself following a blue screen of death message. Once restarted, the keyboard doesnt work, and checking hardware profiles shows an error on human interface device, which i have to uninstall and reboot before being recognised.

My sound card stops my computer from loading up.
Hi, i have recently got my 5. 1 surround system working again. I had it workin 5 months ago. when i have come to get it working again the computer wont load up. It will only load up when the sound card is disabled I have had it working before.

ATI Graphics Card Problem
I got a ati 9600 and a 9550 my games wont detect the memory and thus directX dosesn't work or Opengl I didn't know that untill I tried to play AOE3 TRIAL which told me I got 0mb of memory on my graphics card, and then sometimes my comp will just show the error blue screen and it happens at least once a day.

Help My Cd Rom Drives Disappeared???
Lynn Williams
All at once under Windows 2000 I open My computer and no cd roms. . So I look at Device Manager and they are both there but they have an exclamation mark with a yellow circle around them on both cd rom drives.

HP Pavilion 533c won't stop restarting
Hello all, I just joined the NT Compatable site and I would like to say everything has been great thus far. I have a challange that I can not get past. About 2 weeks ago a friend came to me with his HP Pavilion 533c desktop PC (! IT SAYS Pavilion 500 on the back of the PC but, 533c on the cage that holds the HDD's ...

problems with radeon 9600 xt
i have a asus radeon 9600XT, and a asus A7N8X Deluxe mainboard. Sometimes when I start my computer, when it enter in windows i recive black screen and i can`t do anything. When i enter safemode and disable the video card windows work normaly.

Graphic card problem
Hey everyone, i have a sucky graphic card that originally come with my compaq presario 2100 notebook. But i want to upgrade my notebook with a better one. Can i use something like geforce 4? does it even fit in a notebook graphic card slot? if it doesn't what are some good notebook graphic cards and how do i find o ...

Problem with MSI 865PE mainboard
I have recently purchased an MSI 865PE platinum board (ICH5R chipset)with amongst others a 300Gb SATA drive. On trying to load XP, the install fails after loading the initial driver files with a DMBOOT.

HELP! Partition is missing or damaged!
Today for some reason I felt that I should do some de-fragging on my HD, haven't done it in a while. After completing the defrag, and while I was working on something else, a notice popped up saying that my OE had an error.

direct sound test results stop at step 19 (failed) (user verification of softwar
on sound 1 and 2 i received the above message along with this HRESULT=0x00000000(error code) HELLLLLLLLLLLP PLEASE I HAVE NO SOUND

Please insert disk - what disk!?!
I have a problem with a USB flash drive on both Windows 2000 and XP. The device is plug and play. Yesterday I connected it to w2k and the device was recognised as a USB Flash mass storage drive, and a new drive popped up in explorer.

Help my computer....
okay here is the case. one day i went to animesuki to download some anime. I went to the site and clicked to the another site which held the anime file i wanted. Then i started downloading through bittorrent and suddenly my computer crashed so i shut it down.

Power supply makes high pitched noise like a fork is scraping across a dish, or
A while back I picked up a new hardrive an when I first fired up the computer I thought it was making this high pitched noise. The sound was like a whistle, or a screech, this is high pitched, but not extremely loud.

Radeon 9800 Pro 128 AGP Question
Howdy, (Before I start I will list system specs:) Windows 2000 Pro SP4 AMD 1800+ CPU Enermax 400W PSU KT4 Ultra MB (MS-6590) (Has 8x AGP Support) Radeon 9800 Pro 128mb DirectX 9. 0c 1Gig of Ram I went and installed Max Payne 2 today, found it in a bargin bin for like 10 dollars so figured why not.

A Note On Overclocking CPUs
Alright, I discovered an interesting fluke while overclocking an Athlon XP 2500+ Barton. I jumped the voltage up too high and ended up cooking the chip, and of course, thought to myself Well. I'm screwed.