Windows Hardware

I am wondering if anyone else is only getting black and white tv-out with thier leadtek geforce video card. I have tried multiple versions of the nvidia drivers both reference and the ones leadtek supplies and none of them work.

NetRaid 1M - mraid2k.sys - disaster recovery
Hi all! I have a huge problem. My system disk broke this week and of course the disk wasn't mirrored. . I have Bootable Disaster Recovery CD-rom and a machine specific floppy, but when I use it it stops at the following screen: The entry mraid2k.

Logitech help - plz help me
I have a logitech cam and i have lost the disk and it was working somehow dont no how but if i sent a voice clip or used anything to do with voice on msn with it it would just log me out so can someone help me with wht to do.

Logitech Webcam
Hi all I hope someone cam give me some help I recently bought a Logitech Webcam, everything works fine but for some reason if I send a video to someone all they get is sound and no picture, just visualisations like on media player.

Microsoft SideWinder Joystick Throttle Problems!
HI. . . I am having a problem with my Microsft SideWinder Joystick. It is just a plain black joystick, theres no forcefeedback, no POV hat, just three buttons and a trigger on the stick and four buttons and a throttle on the base.

Interesting digital media pro issue
Ok, I installed a ms digital media pro keyboard a few weeks ago due to a wife and wine incident. I was connected to a usb port and worked fine for about 3-4 weeks. I installed another 512mb by removing 2x256 and adding 1GB 2x512mb, of memory today and now the keyboard dies when windows starts to load, but works in ...

Interesting Install Tid Bit
I was reading those stupid billboard messages during the WinXP install (yes I have nothing better to do) and I noticed this little piece of text See How Innovation Works For You Can we say corporate propaganda anyone?

Hardware Compatibility?
Hi, I was hoping I could get some help with a computer I've been wanting to build but I want to make sure all the hardware is compatible first. If not, please let me know what kind of tweaks I should make to maximize performance and reduce the likelihood of problems I may encounter.

Changing AGP from 1x to 4x
I have an ATI Radeon 9600 and was wondering where in the control panel do i go from to change the agp 1x to 4x? also to turn on fast write? thank you. .

New video card?
I recently have decided to upgrade my video card, now before you start to type out GeForce 7800 GT (I've been seeing that said a lot lately) be sure to note that I only want to pay ~150-200$. I'm looking for a good gaming graphics card that wont go out of date too darned quickly but stays within my price range.

Compatability question with Windows NT
I am interested in getting a USB flash drive for transporting files to and from work since it is quicker and cheaper than burning disks and more reliable than email (from the lousy computer network where I work anyway).

Odd Graphics Problem
Well I got a GFX card for one of my old pc a HIS 9600 runs fine and all except that the performance is the same on all settings IE if i play HL2 on 1024X768X32 and high texture and get a frame rate of 40 I would also get a frame rate of 40 on 640X480X16 and low texture 3dmark 2001 se score 640X480x16 = 5956 640x480 ...

Individual Data Recovery
Hello there! I formatted my HDD, but forgot some important files on one of the partitions. I seached and found several programs that restore a formatted HDD or partition to it's previous state, but that is not what I need.

Migrating a 2HDD into 1HDD raid0 WITH DATA to the same model motherboard
I like to move my 2 hdd raid0 array to a different motherboard of the exact same model. The old board broke. I don't want to screw around because I don't want to lose the data. KEEPING THE RAID0 DATA IS A TOP PRIORITY The mother is a p4c800e-deluxe.

Media pc help
Hey everyone, I have one more question. I have just purchased a windows media PC with the ability of recording TV shows. Now, out of curiousity, is there a possible wireless setup that would enable me to view the prerecorded shows in a different room? In other words, without the use of wires, is there some kind of ...

Microsoft Force Feed back wheel won't work with windows XP
;( ;( someone help me, i just recently upgraded to winows XP, and my sidewinder force feedback wheel GAME PORT version won't work right. Here the problem i have, i can get to the control panel for it and i try to re cabrate it, but the same thing happens.

help with ATI TV WONDER USB2.0
I've got the thing and it worked wonderfully for a couple of months until one day when it just stopped. now, all it does is show a blank, silent screen in the video window. the only problem that the pc check detects is that DMA for DVD playback is unavailable.

External HD questions
I am just double-checking that this setup will work the way I plan. Am I correct in thinking that this hard drive enclosure: will work if I simply plug in this HD: is it compatible and is there anything i should know about setting up a HD just to back up my photos on?.

What video cards will work in an AGP 1.0 slot?
I need a card for an older computer. . . every card I look at says 2x/4x or 8x. But does not indicate if it will work in an older board with the 1. 0 spec. I have downloaded some of their manuals and still cant find anything.

screen has orange light instead of green?
I worked on computor got it all ready then the screen went black. I thought it was my mother board. Bought new mother board. Did all again. Screen went black then lelf computor on it stayed black. Turn computor off till I came home from work.