Windows Networking

I'm having trouble with port forwarding with a Billion 5100 router for Counter-Strike I've spent 2 days or more on this and I still get Couldn't allocate dedicated server IP port 27015. Any one into this stuff?.

Need help using Terminal Services in Application Server Mode
Anyone that has any experience using Terminal Services, Can you help me please?. Reply back and I will describe the problem. . . . . Thx.

Dlink Router Blocking Programs
I have RR high speed plugged into a DLink DI-514 router. For abotu 5 months i have had no problems, however about a month ago i stopped being able to log into AIM and other programs. My ports were open on the router, i have since then reset my router and i still cannot connect to aim or other programs.

VPN Setup Issues
I have two networks one in Hawaii and one in Tennessee. There is a server at each location. Both Servers are using Windows 2003. Here's the configuration: Hawaii Server - Win2003 ip:192. 168. 0. 7 subnet 255.

Untitled thread
Hi all, Topic (DNS PROBLEMS I THINK) I know all you pepole r busy but i was wondering if you could possable spare the time to help me out?. here go's 1 if any of my user mistype a URL in to IE6 eg (NO TLD) they get a website returned to the 2 the network look's like this windows 2003 server running ISA 2000 + patch ...

Windows XP problems in a Windows 2000 Domain
I setup a Windows 2000 Server Domain some time ago. At the time all our machines were running Windows 2000 Workstation. Then we bought some new machines with Windows XP Pro. I joined them to the domain, no problem.

DNS servers on different sites
What's up. I'm attempting to install win2k DC's on 3 different sites. Each site will have 2 DC's, no child domains. 1 forest, 1 domain. I want AD-integrated DNS zones for each DNS server( each dc running dns ).

SMC Barricade DHCP Server works for wireless but not WIRED XP clients
I have a wireless SMC Barricade 7004AWBR router and a Dell Inspiron Laptop 8600 running windows XP Home. I also have a laptop running Windows 98 and a desktop running windows XP. The problem is that the wireless clients are able to connect and obtain an IP address with no problems.

W2K to W2k3 Migration
Ok, let me get this straight. . . i have this server runing W2k server, then I'm adquiring a new server which will run W2k3. . . , the question is, what do i need exactly to migrate the AD of the W2k server to the new one?.

Slow Foxpro app performance on Win2k server
I suspect a big part of the problem is the application itself, but I was wondering if anybody here has a tip. When multiple users start using the database written in Foxpro (don't know what version), the app is horribly slow.

Using Terminal Services without a public IP address on the server
I have a customer that requires remote support quite frequently. The problem is that this customer's site is located in an area on which there is only one ISP, and it only provides internet connection though a cable-modem without the possibility of having a public IP address.

Files inside .RAR Archive are Corrupt
Hey, im having some trouble. I downloaded a 1GiG. rar file from bearshare, but when i open it with winrar, it says the file's Header's are corrupt. If it only was a. ZIP file, i could use the program Advanced Zip Repair, but it is a.

Constant internet activity.
Hello and sorry if i am not posting this in the right forum. Ever since i installed a bunch of windows updates, (not service pack 2 yet) i been having constant internet activity, i am currently using dial up and being receiving more than 3k bytes a second for no aparent reason.

Seems like my network is looking for something during startup...
when loading up windows xp ever thing seems to run normal till i rollover my taskbar and the time capsule just shows. It then takes 1-2 minutes to load up my taskbar and my internet. Im running a workgroup or network with my sister in the other room and dont know if thats causing it.

DHCP client on XP fubar
Help! Short of reloading XP (HE) I have tried everything with no luck. When I do an ipcongig I get the same bogus IP address. I have seen several threads regarding this same problem. I have downloaded the utility to clean the registry, but that didn't work either.

network routing with rras? need help
I got rras installed and configured manually to be a router. The problem is it doesn't route. What do I need to do to make the two networks, 192. 168. 0. 0 and 192. 168. 3. 0 talk to each other? The setup is as follows: 192.

Any suggestions for contacting Sprint.com?
Has anyone in these forums ever had any dealings with Sprint. com or, more specifically, with the performance of their servers? As an end-user, I'm wanting to contact them to complain about the extremely poor responses from some of their routing servers on the Internet which have been preventing me from downloading ...

Formatting a partition.
please, show me or teach me how to format a partition. Thanx in advance.

Shutdown DNS server on DC
Is it OK to stop the DNS Server (or even uninstall it) on a domain controller? This is not the only one domain controller, there are some more DC's in that domain. .

VNCScan 2005.5.27 Released!
Download: VNCScan is the leading manager for remote administration. VNC Features: * Wizard driven VNC deployment. You can push install the following VNC flavors: o UltraVNC o RealVNC 4 o TightVNC o mVNC o Tridia VNC o RealVNC 3 * Multithreaded (super fast) VNC scanner * Save profiles of VNC settings for standard de ...