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NAT/ICS for Windows 2003 using an ISDN modem

Hello, I am new here and this is my first post. I was searching for my problem on the internet and stumbled upon this forums. My problem is I can not share our internet connection in our LAN. We have a Windows 2003 server which has an Alcatel Speedtouch USB modem connected to it.
3 3912
avatar Last reply by Ashley De Leeuw,

Synchronizing files on Windows 2000 Server

We currently have our Intranet on a Windows 2000 Server and are looking to synchronize specific files with a Novell server. The reason behind this is due to executives wanting to make changes to certain documents which are available on our Intranet.
2 3163
avatar Last reply by Myke,

Untitled thread

I have been installing updates for XP on a Dell Dimension 4100. Now that I have completed the latest express updates I can no longer access the internet. My LAN settings are all correct. Is there a paticular update that caused this on the 4100? Should I just go back to Win 2000?.
1 1054
avatar Last reply by mctonale,

Trouble accessing website... Help needed BADLY!

Ok. . I've never been able to access this website. It's This is the website for my college and I need to be able to access it to complete requirements to start school. I lived in Louisiana and on the same computer could never access the site, but on my parent's computer, there was no problem.
9 2393
avatar Last reply by Shakedown,

Combining multiple wireless networks

Hello Everyone I have 2 neighbors that are willing to share their wireless internet conection. Will combining all 3 wireless networks to one machine increase bandwith? How would this even be setup? We want to be able to upload large files to remote clients.
0 2124
avatar Last reply by darkbrady,

Linksys BEFSR41 V.2

La Negra
Hi, I'd like to install a router but I don't really know how to set up the router or the pc, I was looking for some user guide for this BEFSR41 V. 2 but no luck, please if anybody have some info about this please let me know, I'm tryng to connect the router to a desktop pc and a laptop both with xp.
2 4748
avatar Last reply by jmmijo,

please help meeeeee

bold textim trying 2 netwrk 2 puter. i has xp the other has wind2000. i have them connt but i cant get them to communicate between the 2 im so lost please someone help.
1 1272
avatar Last reply by HyperBlade,

Active Directory with Dynamic IP?

Hello all, I'm trying to set up Active Directory on a Windows 2003 server. Heres my setup: -Windows 2003 Server (standard) -1 router using DSL connection (dynamic IP) Basically, I want the Active Directory to use a real domain that I own (zeno.
1 4244
avatar Last reply by clutch,

DNS and Active Directory

I have a question that has been perplexing me for a few weeks now(it sounds so simple too): In a single domain, single forest network, I bring up my first DC and install an AD-integrated DNS zone. On my other DC's (some local, some remote, same single domain) when I promote, I look to that first DC for DNS.
1 2433
avatar Last reply by clutch,

Wireless network withowut a wired host

Can a wireless DSL connection be set up without a wired host computer? I have DSL and only want to use a wireless laptop card. Are there wireless routers that do not need to be hooked to a wired host?.
1 1690
avatar Last reply by ross_aveling,

DHCP server not authorizing in Server 2003

I have added the server to the domain, added as a member server but everytime I authorize it it says to wait a few moments for the authorization. Under the DHCP panel it shows the server as being not authorized but when I go to the Action menu to authorize it the authorize option says unauthorize? Can anyone help me?.
3 3456
avatar Last reply by fbolt2000,

Strange DNS replies

Hi all, Topic (DNS PROBLEMS I THINK) I know all you pepole r busy but i was wondering if you could possable spare the time to help me out?. here go's 1 if any of my user mistype a URL in to IE6 eg (NO TLD) they get a website returned to the 2 the network look's like this windows 2003 server running ISA 2000 + patch ...
2 1828
avatar Last reply by aravinds,

Windows XP Remote Desktop Host on dial up

Ok, so what I need to do, is setup a windows xp machine to be a remote desktop host. While this is normally an easy task, this time I want this host to be a dial in connection not IP. So basically, I would like to control this computer by dialing the number to the line the modem is connected to on the host computer.
0 8071
avatar Last reply by smokinkane,

Ugh im new: Where can i get a Ip Changer?

Can you link me? I want somet that can change my ip address i've been mistaken banned on a forums and i wanna get back on and explain reasons. Thanks for helping me and dont spam me im new and i dont udnerstand lol.
1 1232
avatar Last reply by badnewz,

Strange problem in LAN

Ours is a office LAN working with 28 computers connected to a server running NT Server. When any 0ne or two computers switched off in the LAN (may be xp or 98 or 2000), all other systems in LAN are becoming slow and could not run properly.
1 1410
avatar Last reply by peterh,

Network woes...

Hi, I'm trying to network two Windows 2000 machines (a PII 266, LX m/b and an Athlon 1Gig, A7V) - but with no success. I've put on a fresh install of Win2k (no SP) with the NICs installed (3COM PCI 3C905C-TX).
14 3724
avatar Last reply by dara146,

windows log in problems plz help

yes im new and ive had this problem with my pc for about 2 tadys and in those two days ive had to put atleast 6 or more into finding a solution for it. The problem is when i log into my account it amidietly logs me back out ive done the c:\windows\system32\>copy userinit.
0 1677
avatar Last reply by Win_freak,