Windows Networking

I have a new Laptop with XP on it with Service Pack 2 and all Updates successfully installed. The problem I have is that I can no longer see “Microsoft Windows Network” and the Workgroups under it. I am looking in My Network Places / Entire Network, where Microsoft Terminal Services and Web Client Network are both ...

3G Internet
Ok, i know this isn't an OS issue, but hey, I have this question. . . . I've seen that there are many adapters for 3G internet technology, but only for laptops, so I need an adapter for a desktop PC.

Wireless disconnects
I have set up a DLINK DWL-G700 Access Point to use WPA, so it connects to my Win2003 server acting as a RADIUS. Everything works fine. I authenticate and can connect and use the network. However, after 2 to 5 minutes, it disconnects and reauthenticates again.

Linksys Wireless PCI Network Card Antenna Extension
I have a linksys wireless PCI network card for a computer. This computer is in the basement of a corner of the house, while the wireless router is almost to the opposite corner of the main level. Obviously, the signal right now is very weak.

cannot see my pc
im running win xp pro and the problem is that while i can see everyoneo on the network, noone can see me, even me. any suggestions thanks.

Domain Admin Rights on 2 Domains
Hi, I have 2 domains, an NT4 domain and a win2000 AD domain. A 2 way trust exists between the two domains. I also have a user account in each domain using the same username, same password, and it is in the Domain Admins group for each domain.

Connecting to my computer in the office from home
Help Pleease! i want to access my computer on the office from home, sadly i am not so sure on how to do it, i am not even sure if its possible. i have no problem with security stuff or if the company allows it so let's leave it.

cannot see my pc
i'm running win xp pro and as i can see everyone in the network, noone can see me , even me any suggestions? thanks

Network Design Question (VPN)
Currently, our network runs through a VPN router to get access to a hosted email service. Everything, including internet browsing, runs through it. I want to know if it's possilbe to put a VPN concentrator in our network, so our remote staff can VPN into ours (become a part of our network) and get email from the ho ...

Remote PC
in my office we used wireless for connect to internet, but in the branch office we used dialup for connect to internet, how if we want to remote the branch office using the remote program etc. pc anywhere or remote admin.

Computer will not go to desktop
I am using an HP laptop with windows xp service pack 2. My computer keeps automatically logging me off. I cannot get to the desktop. I tried the fix that recommended but my comp still doesn't work. Any suggestions?.

SmartCode VNC Manager v3.0 Release Candidate
After 8 months of extensive development SmartCode Solutions is pleased to announce the general availability of SmartCode VNC Manager v3. 0 Release Candidate. New v3. 0 includes several new killer features, such as: * The only tool on the market that provides built-in SSH tunneling support for VNC and RDP sessions.

<<<How do i find which ports i need?>>>
I need to let my University know which ports I need them to open up! How do I go about finding which ports EverQuest and Limewire use? Thanks in advance! Quick response would be great! I need to let them know in the next couple hours.

Password change over a VPN connection from and XP machine to a NT4 server
I have had an issue for awhile that I'm unable to change the password on any of my remote machines that are running XP over the IPSEC VPN connection. I have no problem if the remote client is a NT4 Workstation or a WIN98 machine it will change the password with no problem.

Ics help me!
Ashley De Leeuw
still need help on setting up ics on my server. i want to share the internet to the workstations on my lan. Post #166043.

need help Expanding a network
Dear Sirs, I need some help. Currently I have a 4 port ZyXEL ADSL wireless moden router. This has been fine for my office, but now I hired 3 new people so this is not not adaquit for us. I want to know can I just buy another wireless router to expand? I need wireless as I have a three story office and do not want t ...

I was using my computer today and while trying to load a webpage the computer froze and gave me a BSOD. I restarted and got the message ERROR LOADING OPERATING SYSTEM. I set my bios to all the defaults and only connected my hardrive with operating system to the computer.

Port Forwarding DI-604 to run HLDS
Hi I have a HLDS and I had it all up and running, but now just got a D-Link DI-604 router and cant figure out what ports to forward or if I set up my computer properly. I have found several sites CLAIMING to know what they are doing.

ftp passive mode with iis behind firewall
Hello and thank you for reading. I have an iis ftp server running behind a freebsd firewall. When clients try to connect via pasv mode the ftp client is attempting to connect to the internal ip number 10.

Need help in win2k pro about routing....
Hi, I'm using the oldest version of counter-strike, the one which you can still use impulse 101,102 etc. . (P. S. this is just to let you know the version of it. . i don't use it. . ) I'm installing it on 3 of my pc all win2k professional, both the pc is connected to 1 center pc that has 2 NIC.