Windows Networking

I need some help with my home wireless network, probably pretty basic so I'm sure this won't be too difficult. I have Comcast high speed (cable) IP access and had them instal the wireless network in the house.

XPPro to XPHome network tickin us off...
Ok. . here's the jist of what's going on. . . two pc's, networked through a auto negotiation switch. Can see each other, through the network, Host pc can access the internet (using dsl), but client pc has no internet access what so ever.

networking help
What is the difference between the brands netgear and d-link? Which would you recommend? Which is faster/longer range?

SBS 2003 - IIS 6.0 Help.
I have recently set up a Server for a medium size business running SBS 2003 w/ IIS 6. 0. Currently if you go to their site Http:\\www. soitx. com it pulls up the default web site. All of the switches /exchange /remote /backup all work after the http address.

Home networking with Windows 2000 and XP Pro
I have 2 computers that Windows XP 200 with Fedora Core 4 Server. How do i make so the 2 computers so that can read and write to the server?.

Making Windows 2003 act as a router
Good day people, I have a silly question. how do you join 2 networks with different ip's on ONE network using Windows 2003 acting as a router? I would like to join these two ip ranges as one 172.

Loosing internet
Hello. I have a 4mbit dsl connection and it keeps disconnecting every time i start to use it heavy. like starting a download. or something happening in a game. it starts to download. but after a few minuts.

myspace password
can any one help me findout someones paswor? the stole my password and posted alot of bulettins about me using my acount and i want to get them back

Connection Speeds
Hey all. I've been having a problem with my internet recently. It is an interesting thing relating to the speed. I'll be surfing websites, they'll load fast, all of a sudden, I'll click a link and it will just sit there loading.

Blocked Pages at work!
Hi there all. Would like some advice on the following matter! Websense is the in-house web filter at my work-place. Our network is comprised of two parts. 1) Client side & 2) Staff side. I am on the STAFF side, obviously! The web filter operates over the two sections and therefore, most off my web-browsing that I d ...

Network Permission
I have a wireless network using a wired Linksys router and a Belkin Wirelessadapter. I have a desktop running ME A Dell Inspiron 8100 running XP Pro A Dell Inspiron 6000 running XP Home All computers happily connect to the internet via the wireless network.

Looking for shared resources calandar shareware NOT EXCHANGE
I am looking for a shared resources (like conference rooms etc) program that is free or inexpensive for a business that has no plans to install Exhange. The only thing I found so far was CalendaX which runs with Plone, but that seems to take up to much resources for such a minor task.

Exchange server problem ( I think )
Hi, I have set up an Exchange 2003 server ( on win2k3), behind an ISA server. : ISP - (staticwanip)cisco router(10. 0. 0. 99)-(10. 0. 0. 203)ISAserver(192. 168. 0. 2)- (192. 168. 0. 1 )domain network And exchange server only port 25 is open for incomming mail to the exchange server.

Backing up the ISA server
I have been trying to backup our ISA server for some time now, but to no avail. Using Backup Exec 10. 0, I continuously receive an error message claiming that the program could not find the ISA machine on the network.

network at fault?
ok we think there is a fault with our network. . . . we are both on xp pro and connect to the internet and each other through a bt voyager 240. we are networked together fine but after some digging around we think something is wrong with the set up as we cannot connect to some sites on the internet, we just get tim ...

Linksys WVC54G Wireless Camera - setup
I have a Linksys WVC54G camera. I have it set up and working on my LAN, but cannot get it to send out emails to my AOL account, also, I cannot see the camera from the interenet as I must not have set the port forwarding correctly.

Remote control of PC
I have a high speed internet connection available on my Office PC. How can I work on Office PC thru Home PC by connecting the 2 by Dial up Modem connection. I ahve tried pcAnywhere but failed as I am not aware of required settings.

run NT telnet as command line and batch mode
We have an NT mail server that needs to submint a telnet command to another mail on a regular (scheduled bases). I was thinking if I could type direct Telnet commands from a dos line then I could schedule it in a cron dos batch file.

Network Lost
Wondering if anyone can help with this one. Network in the office here with 20 computers. . . all running Windows XP Pro. all in the workgroup workgroup. All link up to a pc that is running a Shared documents folder However one pc cannot see any other pc's on the network or any other Workgroups on the network.

harddrive locked in PIO mode
my primary drive recently went into PIO mode, and i wuz wondering if ne one knows if its possible by software, or some other means, 2 take it out of PIO mode. it wuz my fault, and it may b damaged. i wuznt paying attention and my elbow slammed into it, hard, hard enough 2 freeze it, and knocked it into PIO mode.