Windows Networking

How do I browse an active directory under windows xp, similar to how you do under windows 2000 with my network places. . . I can search the active directory under windows xp, but can't find where I can just browse it.

Terence Watts
I have two PCs on a wireless network, accessing the internet via a D-Link router. One PC, just recently installed, (call it 'A' for id purposes)accesses the other and all the shared files, printer, etc.

Motherboard LAN
My motherboard has lan right but sometimes when u have lan it stop for like 2mins and then it goes on for 10 second then it stop for 2 mins and i cant do any thing when it does this

Cable to Hi-Speed not working
gef4000 mx
My problem is plain and simple I have recently switched from regular cable by mediacom to Hi-Speed cable by mediacom. The problem is my Hi-speed internet is not hi-speed its still regular cable and the download speeds are only 4.

Need more network speed...
I'm trying to capture uncompressed. avi files (roughly 21 MB/s) of data to a network server. The program I'm using lets me select a drive in XP to write to, it is already mapped to our server, so I imagine this is using SMB for data transfer.

Problem loading profile off domain
Hi, I installed Vista Beta 2 build 5270. I was able to join our windows 2003 domain. But when I log in I get an error telling me that my profile could not be loaded. It then seems to log me in and gives me my own home directory etc but a temporary profile which disappears when I log out.

Active Directory and Linux and Unix PC clients
I am looking to install Active directory on Windows 2003 server SP1. Can my clients run unix (Solaris 10) and linux (FC4 and Mandrake 10. 1) platform ?.

Windows Xp on a SATA hard drive
hi, i need help. i tried to install windows xp on my sata hard drive. i did the F6 thing at the begining of the install but the files i copied wernt recognized by windows xp setup. i copied three files, a secutrity catalog, a system file, and a setup information file.

Terminal Server printing issue
This one really has me baffled. A customer in a remote location gets a new computer. The old one was connected through terminal server and could print fine to her local Color Laserjet 3500. I tested her connection and it was fine.

ntfs/share permissions over a network using xp pro
hello i have a network with a few computers that has xp home edition on it, on 1 computer there is a folder that everyone on the networks use. . . i want to able to limit a few computers on the network so they wont be able to get in to that folder, while other computers left as before so they are able to access tha ...

Help cannot renew ip address!!
well im behind a router which is connected to a desktop, while i have a laptop with a adapter. it keeps saying cannot renew ip address when i hit the repair button. im just clueless on the situation.

My New Wireless setup GPRS/EDGE
Four and Twenty
Haven't been around here for a while but I thought i would drop in to talk about my new toy. I bought a Sony Ericsson GC-83 card off of ebay for $150 and go an unlimited data plan from ny local wireless provider (Unicel) and now I have internet on my laptop every where that there is GSM cell service.

AIM Drops My Connection (>.<) behind router
I've had this problem since September and no one I've contacted has helped me, only offered the same solution. . . just different steps. When I'm connected on a hardline ethernet cord to my Westell Modem (Verizon DSL ISP)my connection to: Browser, AIM, Online games, etc.

USB not recognized, then power loss
I was attempting to fix a USB not recognized today on a joystick. I determined that all of the USB devices were not working with the same USB not recognized error. As I was working on drivers, etc. my computer shut off and I could not get it to reboot.

Routing Software?
Hi guys. I need a software which allows me to Route or redirect some ports for an IP surveillance Camera. I know I could do that by simply using a hardware firewall which has the option of Ports redirecting, but mine is not working right now, so I need to know if there's any program that allows me to do that.

Shared files not updating over the network
At work there are two networked computers. They connect through a wireless router (linksys, but not sure of the model) and are not connected to the internet in any way. When the second computer was added someone would try to access the shared documents folder and everything in it was out of date.

Wireless Woes - Linksys WUSB11 and Loss of signal
Hello everyone. I am hoping some of the experts can assist me in a very frustrating problem that I am 6 days into I have just setup a game room with 6 new rigs ranging from an AMD 2600 to a P4 3GHz.

DNS timeout issue.
Ok. At work, when someone enters a domain name in the browser, it times out. But when they try that same domain name immediately after, it resolves it fine. When people are VPN'ed into our network, they have to enter the domain name 3 times, and then it resolves.

USB port ....Help
Please can any 1 help me? I need to change my usb port over? My mouse dosent work in the usb port i have set, how do i change the setting to use the other usb port? Yes im that stupid, please help me.

how to share folders on my network
hey eveybody, i have a problem with file sharing. i want to know how to share files between my laptop and my desktop. my desktop is connected to my laptop with a wireless network. i can also connect it with a ethernet cable.