Windows Networking

Well hello, this is my first time trying this forum, and I hope it will help. Well. . . basicly I need to open port 8000 (or any other port) so that I may broadcast using Windows Media Encoder. . . I have a Linksys WRT54G router for wireless connection for my laptop, which is connected on a Dray Tek Vigor 2500 seri ...

Hair on Fire -- Explain Everything plz
Whoa. I am a comparative IT novice, just passed A+ desktop hardware and OS cert. I have an opportunity to intern as level-one support at a small organization that contracts out all of their IT. If I can spin up fast enough I may be offered the opportunity to plan and oversee a major (for them) network expansion and ...

Load Balancing Router?
Four and Twenty
I would like to put a load balancing router in between my private network and my T1 + Cable. Right now I have a T1 a SDSL and a Cable modem I have somewhere in the area of 25 computers in the building with many switches and routers connecting different groups of computers to different connections.

bold textCan som1 please help me i desperatly want to play sims 2 and i did the installation perfectly but when i try to load the game it comes up with this message 'cd/dvd emulation software has been detected please disable all cd/dvd emulation software and re-start the game' i cant figure out wat to do and i majo ...

Windows 2K and Speedtouch USB problems
Hi, I've just upgraded my PC from Win 98 to 2K and am now unable to connect to my ADSL. I have a Speedtouch DSL modem which is not showing any errors on the device manager and the diagnostics tool that came with it also shows that it is working fine.

Wired/Wireless LAN with Dialup Connection
I'm trying to set up a LAN for a friend so her two daughters can both access the internet over a dialup connection. I have the network set up, but the computers can't see each other. Here's the setup: 2 PC's running Win2K Pro.

it's me again with a dns or dhcp problem
well i was in a rush and i didn't think clear. i was trying to fix my dsl connection, but i turn off my dhcp or dns, i forgot which one but prob the one the assign ip addresses. now i dunno how to turn it back up.

Remote Install Network Printers HELP!!!!
Hi, I work in IMD IT at a large military hospital and I need away to install network printers on several machines on a very large domain. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks to all. . . . .

Untitled thread
why should i have to fork out about £20 for a new video card to make sims 2 work. i have payed loads of money to get the game but now they want me to spend more money. has anyone got any suggestions.

The Sims 2
I am having real trouble trying to install the Sims 2 on my computer. I have an Acer Aspire 1300. For a while i was unable to install DirectX 9. 0 but i finally managed to sort that out. Now i have installed The Sims 2 but when i try and play it i get an error message saying: Failed to find any DirectX 9.

BT Broadband Basic-HELP!
First of all soory if there are any threads under this topic already ( I couldn't see any ). Anyway I was wondering if anyone could help me fix/diagnose the problems I am having with BT Broadband. I only got it about 2 days ago and it is way too slow.

the sims 2 versus voodoo 3
I am having the same problem as another person only i have a different graphics card. . . it is a voodoo3 3500 3dfx I cant seem to find a driver that is compatible with directx 9. 0c. . . My OS is XP.

Network browsing in XP - Crashing explorer.exe
Hi there, Right, got a h000ge problem with our network here. 3 computers all running XP Pro + SP2 (2 of which are fresh formats). Using a Netgear DG834 for routing services with ADSL, which is working fine.

network printer under TERMINAL SERVEUR (TSE)
Hello, Is somebody khnow a website with the procedure ton install A network from SITE 1 , which should be use from distant computer using a TERMINAL SERVER SESSION. . . I only have when i want to ADD the printer from tge server the LPT 1 Printer Thank you Bye bye everybody Manu from PARIS.

Making a logon script
Michael Nielsen
I need the code for a logonscript that makes a dir on the client, can sombody help me?

the sims 2 versus voodoo 3
I am having the same problem as another person only i have a different graphics card. . . it is a voodoo3 3500 3dfx I cant seem to find a driver that is compatible with directx 9. 0c. . . as when I try play the sims 2 it comes up with a message reading: Failed to find any DirectX 9.

Strange Network problem on home LAN
I'm currently have two computers connected through a hub using UTP cable with straight through wiring. When both computers are turned on the network doesn't work. But if I set PC 2 (PC 1 has a set IP address all the time) an IP address then run the 'setup a small home network' wizard the network will work fine.

NFS 5 PU i cant turn on that game on OS XP HELP
Hi NFS 5 PU i cant turn on that game on OS XP HELP. I have ati radeon 9000pro CU.

Hello I need some advice, I have some small home LAN network(Win2000pro)
Hello I need some advice, I have some small home LAN network(Win2000pro) with two comp. with 3com 3c095-tx cards with cross-over- IBM shielded cable 1,5m. In standard operations I have about 5-6 mb/s and in copy with Total Commander I have 7-8 Mb/s.

two nic in the same subnet
Hi! I write from italy and i hope my messagge is understandable. I have a windows 2000 server in a network. The server has two nic with ip address in the same subnet: 1 nic) 10. 0. 0. 1 255. 0. 0. 0 10.