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Windows Networking

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Windows SBS 2003 VPNs

I really need some help here. I've set up VPN access, and people can connect fine. However, they don't have access to any of the domain's resources, and it's really slow. What could I be doing wrong? Thanks.
4 3323
avatar Last reply by jazzdrive,

Crimping Colour Codes pls

When ever i install kde3. 2. 1this is the message that libXinerama. so. 1 is missing when i do a locate i only find libXinerama. a. this is the fifth time i try to install kde and crash. I will like if you will help me thanks Edd.
1 5490
avatar Last reply by AndyFair,

Mutiple ISPs

I have a cable modem and DSL modem connected to one computer. The cable is always on the dsl I dial into ISPs network when I do dial it connects and I lose the cable connection. Same thing happens if I bridge the 2.
1 1393
avatar Last reply by bickeler,

Move from domain to workgroup, lost data

First time on the board. . . hope anyone can help a bit. I just finished helping (well, screwing) a friend who recently purchased his laptop from his former employer. At work he was on the work domain, and I told him that he didn't need to use that profile anymore, so just configure the computer to not use the work ...
2 3692
avatar Last reply by blockage,

Windows Server 2003 user rights.

I'm getting a little confused with some of this Active Directory stuff. For instance, even though my username has been placed in the Administrators group, I can't access folders that have allowed the Administrators group full access.
7 9476
avatar Last reply by jazzdrive,

Network connection able to start via batch file?

Cool Hand
I am running a batchfile that starts firewall, antivirus and some other programs at once. I would also like it to start my network connection. I already tried executing a shortcut of my network connection in that batch file, but it wont work.
3 3875
avatar Last reply by iradi8,

Untitled thread

Hello everyone, When I try to open an exe from my LAN or Network Drive, I receive the IE Secuirty warning which says that this type of file could harm your computer. . . The checkbox is grayed out.
0 898
avatar Last reply by hadian,

WinXP Pro Network Permissions

I don't know if this was answered already and if it was please direct me. Ok, I would like to know how to set up the permissions for a network so that my other computers can see it. But when i set up the permissions for users all I see is users for the computer the folder is on.
0 3168
avatar Last reply by Âron™,

How to save images in different formats

I am running Win XP SP2, on most web sites, I can save images as BMP or JPG's, but on one specific site, it will only let me save in BMP. It's not a big problem, 'cause i can simply convert into JPG, but if the images are 2,000 by 2,000 , BMP file is over 11 MB, while JPG would be few hundred KB's, and I'm waisting ...
0 3703
avatar Last reply by bushrat,

networking xppro problems

I am using motorola4200/modem from comcast/cable,linksys 4 port router,modem to uplink, computer A in 2,B in 3. A sets 68 IP and gets internet B does not show up,B gets 192 and gets no internet,buts gets to router ping 192.
2 1899
avatar Last reply by WalleyeSlayer,


I am using comcast/cable,motorola4200/modem,linksys 4port,modem to uplink,computer A in 2 B in 3. A gets 68 IP B gets 192 IP A gets internet and B does not show. B gets no internet but hits modem send recieve packets ok.
0 1271
avatar Last reply by WalleyeSlayer,


Im also having the same problem but i can access the internet perfectly ok. Its just that i havn't got a solid ip address and therefore cannot create dedicated servers on online gaming aswell as other things.
1 1142
avatar Last reply by BillyG.,

windows - system error

my dsl keeps disconnecting every 30 mins. im on a laptop and the error message comes up saying windows - system error there is an ip address conflict with another systme on the network. im useing a adaptor btw, thx for you help, my internet keeps connecting and disconnecting, i wonder if it has to do with the messa ...
0 3517
avatar Last reply by yhcln1,

DOS Scripting

It's been so long that I almost forgot DOS. I hope someone still has a fresh memeory of it because I need help. I like to have a. bat script that look at a file in a directory, say file1. txt and compare to other files, if the last file is file003.
0 2484
avatar Last reply by bytemangler,

NAT and Dynamic IP

Hi, I installed a Win2K server with 2 nics 1 internal 1 external The internal IP's are in the range of 10. 0. 0. X 255. 255. 255. 0 My external card is connected to an ADSL modem. Now I want to enable NAT on the external card to allow user to access Internet thru this card but I do not have a static IP with my ISP.
0 1996
avatar Last reply by sammuts,

home networking with router on xp pro one pc cant access the other

I have a router set up feeding both pc's with internet conection computer A ,, cant view anything on computer B even though i have set both pc's to share with each other ,, when i go to my network places in windows explorer on computer A , i see Compter B ,,, but when i click on to view the contents i get a message ...
0 3413
avatar Last reply by starman47,

Small network help setting up......

Hi everyone. . . I am setting up a small office network, here is what I got n need from my network. . . I have 4 desktops which will be wired in to a server, and a laptop that is on a wireless network whilst in the office and the ability to dial in when I'm away.
1 3951
avatar Last reply by AndyFair,