Windows Networking

I'm quite new at this, so I'm sorry if I'm asking dumb questions. . . So, I'm trying to set up an IIS web server behind my LinkSys router. I set the IP address of the server to a static number (192. 168.

Linksys Router droping connection intermittently
I have a linksys BEFSR41 router, that drops my connection intermittently. I have 4 computers hooked to this router then onto the interenet through a cable modem. Everything has been working great for a few years now but just a few weeks ago this problem occured.

specified network name is no longer available
i have a win xp machine and me both computers have 100mb nics, when i send small file to each other it takes a pretty long time maybe 2 to 5 mins for 1mb file, when i send a big file or directory it says like 6mb 10mins and about 2mins into it i get a error specified network name is no longer available, please help

Slow SBS2003/win2k network
Hi, I'm a bit new to networking and would appreciate some advice on the following matter We've just had a new Windows SBS 2003 based server installed (replacing a win2k based machine), along with a full reinstall of win2k on all client machines.

Windows Xp Pro 64 Bit Error
I have been trying to install windows xp pro 64 bit edition on my computer, but it keeps coming up with the message that the setup is not a valid win32 application. I do not know what I need to do about it.

cant get to my own web page or the provider?!?!!?
All of a sudden today, and yesterday, I haven't been able to access from my computer. I use them to host the site I am building and I also made a page a while back for this lady (its probably messed up now that they edit it themselves) but it is I cannot access that page either!?! I cant access anything that is hos ...

Network cable boost
I have a network setup running 10 systems one of the nodes is in my back shed but it is over 120 meters away so it drops out all the time because of the distance is there a network cable booster that i can place in shed the will boost the data signal

Re: Win2000 networking error or is it a serious bug!!
Hi everyone, Need your help here. Basically, We run win 2000 on all our machines(eight) in the office. everything has been running on smoothly without any networking changes being made when some time last week this issue cropped up.

linksys router connection problems
Having trouble hooking up a linksys router wireless-b. i am using a toshiba pcx2600 modemon a on a Compaq Presario sr1023wm. I cannot get a connection on an h/p pavillion laptop with the linksys wireless adapter.

Setting up Active Directory (AD)
This is a copy of an old post, and I will try to update as I have more links (and for some reason the forum software will not parse the tags correctly on most of the links). Windows 2000 DNS and Active Directory Information and Technical Resources (298448) How to Configure Active Directory on a Home Network (260362 ...

I have a dell dimension 4600 and i want to put on a new case.
has anyone ever tried to do this? and do they know if it will work out. please let me know.

Untitled thread
Hi, I have been sharing my printer on my wireless network by enabling Netbios over TCPIP. I was told that enabling netbios over tcpip is not a secure idea. An IT friend said that I can share my printer through my IP? He was in a hurry that he didn't explain it in details.

Home Networking/Wireless Win NT
Got a promotion! Great! Got a new laptop! Great! Runs NT 4. 0! Not so great! I would like to connect to my home network, preferably wirelessly. Is there any way to do so? On my old laptop with 2000, I had no problem connecting either with the ethernet cable or wirelessly with my card.

XP Home crashes when networked
I have an HP pavillion desktop running XP Home edition, it is connected to the internet with Bell sympatico (using their high-speed modem) and is connected to an SMC router. My older PC (which was on winME, now upgraded to WinXP pro) and my work laptop (running XP pro) can both get on the internet either through th ...

a win 98 pc do not enter a win2000
in a small network ( about 20 pc with win 95, 98 and xp ),with a linux file server, with fixed ip adresses, I installed a win2000 pc : win 2000 se all he network and pc with win95 see the win2000; the problem is that a PC with win 98 do not enter in the win2000: the system ask for a password, even if I did not put any.

Routing and Remote Access
I have a network with one Windows 2000 server as the PDC and DNS server using Active Directory. It is connected to the internet by a Cisco router with internal address 192. 168. 2. 1. The server NIC info is as follows: IP : 192.

Mail Headers
Hi, I've just set up a mail server (Winmail), and when sending email through the server the email show both the local IP and computer name of the sending computer, along with the local IP of the mail server.

Internet connection suddenly unavailable
We have three E-Machines desktops and a Toshiba laptop on a home network using BellSouth as the DSL provider, a Westell modem and a Linksys wireless router system. Last week the E-Machine desktop that is linked directly by ethernet cable to the router lost its ability to connect to the Internet.

Virtual Networks and Routers Using VMware or Virtual Server
Are there any users of Virtual Server 2005 or VMware Workstation/GSX/ESX? I am working on a how-to to create a virtual router using routerlinux 1. 1, which will let you create and use multiple subnets on the host.

Convert a workgroup to domain with a router?
I have a win2k3 enterprise edition box that I want to be the PDC, but I want the router (linksys wrt245g) to continue to hand out DNS and DHCP, is this possible? Do I need to disable DNS on the router? I am joining (2) 2000 boxes.