Windows Networking

ok I have tried this with winxp sp2 and win2k pro sp4. I have a microsoft MN-520 wifi card in my laptop. When im on my wifi network or the one at the coffee shop i frequent out if the blue the mouse and sound start skipping and i notice that the cpu is stuck at 100% (namely the system process is).

I can't see all the files and folders over the network (xp pro)
Hello, I'm having a problem with the network. It would be great if you could help me out thank you in advance! My home lan is made of 2 windowsxp-pro-sp2 machines connected to an adsl modem/router.

Increasing access to windows XP inbound connections.
Hi everyone I am new here. I just want to ask if theres a way to increase the inbound connection of Windows XP pro which is only limited to 10 connections simulteanuesly. Please reply soon I really need help.

Help With Home Network.
Hi guys, I have a basic home network. Two computers, one switch. I don't have a router, I have dynamic IP (automatically set by isp) so I don't have to set IP's at all. My problem is this. I cannot see the other computer on the network when the internet connection is plugged into the uplink.

[Problem] Intel wireless pro 2100 driver for WIN 2003 server
hi, i just upgraded my windows XP Prof. to windows server 2003. I have a problem with the wi-fi driver. i couldn't find the driver for intel wireless pro 2100. does anyone has the same problem with intel wireless pro 2100 driver on win 2003 server? could you please tell me where to find the driver? I'm desperately ...

IIS, secure ftp
Anyone know how to implement secure FTP using iis 5? Is it possible? If not any suggestions? Thanks, Ry

Getting Win95/98 to speak to Win2000
I'm sorry if someone else has posted a question like this. I have Win 2000 Pro on my machine, and when I go to LAN matches at my friend's place, the people with Win 95/98 either get prompted for a password when they look at my computer under Network Neighborhood or get told that it is an invalid network resource.

Hello, somebody can tell me if is possible to share internet from a Windows Nt, like in Windows XP. I am waiting yor answer Andres.

Sharing my ADSL line with other computers with one nic?
ok, i have adsl modem (which does not work as a router) and i need to set up my win2k machine as gateway but only one nic. is that posible?` this means that adsl modem is connected to a hub with connect say 3 other computers, one of those has a internet connection with the modem and serves as gateway to other compu ...

Portable Add-Ons Ethernet+ PCMCIA Card
Does anyone have a driver for the PAO Ethernet+ Card for Windows 2000? I've found it really difficult to get hold of one - the one on DriverGuide. com didn't work for me. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

IP address being dropped
I am running XP home edition, and for some reason, the IP address suddenly gets dropped. Address winds up being 0. 0. 0. 0>0. 0. 0. 0 on cable modem. When this happens, I can ping 127. 0. 0. 1, but nothing else.

is it the modem?
I've been trying to solve this problem for a week now, and I just don't get it. . . I bought a linksys router to split my roadrunner connection between an iMac and my pc running xp sp1. when I set it up, I got a connection on both computers, but for some reason, the connection was really slow on my pc.

XP Home Edition and networking
I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to network xp home to xp pro and 2000 pro?

got another question for you all.. ^^;
I'm trying to figure out how to transfer files from my mac running os 9. 2 to my xp machine. . so far I've read that it'd be easier to emulate os 8 on my xp box and do it that way, but I don't think that's the only way.

Unable connect to a shared USB external drive
I have a new WD external drive. I have two computers networked together, both using Win XP 2000 Prof. The drive is setup to be shared, but I'm unable to Map or even view the new drive from my networked computer.

exchange activesync issues
I have ju7st installed an exchange e-mail system into my network. I am now at the point of addin in all the periferal devices. I am able to access the mail boxes from my PDA using the web access but when I try to access the exchange server directly over the internet using either the pda active sync or setting up ou ...

Hello everyone I hope someone can help me, Today I put in a replacement dhcp server (Win 2k) and took the old one off dhcp, I copied the exact settings to the new one but for some reason it does ont issue any ip's.

System freeze when wireless card installed
I have purchase a Blitzz Super G router with firewall. On my old PC I had a 801. 11g wireless card and started having problems. My solution was to buy a new PC and new Blitzz Super G wireless card. Following the instructions I installed the software first and placed the card as far as possible from the AGP port.

VPN issues
We are trying to connect with a Nortel Contivity client through a Linksys router, and are unable to do so? Are there any known issues with Lynksys in regards to VPN? We've pinned it down that it is probably the hardware since we can connect at other locations that have the same ISP.

DNS Issue
Have DNS running on my 2k Server box. Have no problems resolving any names except my own domain hosted on that box by IIS. I can switch the DNS server on the client systems to any public DNS server and it resolves my domain back to my IIS server.