Windows Software

Thanks to Brett Hill at and his zippy little IIS Newsletter for this; the NSA has updated their site on securing Win2K Servers and Workstations along with IIS. Just thought you might want to check it out:.

Loading order in systray ?
Ant -|- One
Does anyone know why resident progs. do not load always in the same order in the system tray, and if there is a way to set a special order (for example: AVP, Messenger, sound card, and so on. . . ) ??? Thanx for any welcome hint !.

Let's talk about VIRUSES, for once !?
Ant -|- One
I'm asking this to everyone who come accross this thread: > What do you think of Viruses ? > Who create them ? > Is it really the truth: Viruses are made by those who sell Anti-Virus programs and other security tools! ???? To which extent ??? > According to questions above, what is the best parade again ...

chkdsk keeps reporting errors
When i run a chkdsk from within windows xp it tells me there are errors in the volume bitmap and other errors it cannot fix in read-only mode. Then i run chkdsk /f and reboot andlet it do its work. But then back in windows when i run chkdsk i still get errors.

Help with Ghost 2002?
I want to use ghost 2002 to backup my server to a scsi tape drive, but not having any luck. It seems that the dos drivers does not intilize my scsi controller. I have a Dell Power Edge 1400SC, AIC 7899 scsi controler.

Living with XP since it was released....
It has been a very very good experience!!!! It has not even crashed. . . . until the latest web upgrade. What is up with that? Once in awhile when I close my web browser I get the blue screen of death and it reboots.

Sp 2
Hello. I just installed win 2000 pro. Yes I know it took me long enough lol. But it was hard letting go of my 4. 0 LOL Anyway I'm very happy I insalled it. My question is. I heard that SP 2 wasen't that great and they had problems with it.

Fancy search gone
ThC 129
Ok this is gonna sound kinda odd but i don't know of any other way to put it. The 'fancy' type of search with all the cutsey Windows XP buttons and the search assistant have gone walk-about. I don't know what happened to it, its just not there anymore.

Problem with 16 bits programs in XP
Hi ! I've got the following error message while clicking on some setup. exe programs (such as VIA 4in1s 4. 37 for example) : (I'm sorry it's translated from French) Unable to run 16 bits Windows programs.

IE not loading newest page - please help!
Hey guys, A few days back I had this problem - my web pages were loading VERY slowly. I had this problem before, and at that time I just updated my LAN card drivers as was suggested on tweakxp. com.

Screen capture in dos games ?
Ant -|- One
A friend of mine asked me why he couldn't use the 'print screen' touch of the keyboard in order to get a screenshot and later to paste it in Paint or any other prog. ? Is there another way to manage this, an option to activate or disactivate ? Thanx for any hint !.

Computer keeps restarting!?!?!
I was playing counterstrike and when I exited, it locked up. I restarted it, started up gamespy, and walked away for a second. When I came back it was restarting. I typed my password and before I could do anything it restarted again.

A $10 battery dammit!
Just a little note that might help someone else: Yesterday I came down to my comp and was trying to open a file a friend sent me for some brochures he had made but I couldn’t open the file in Corel 8.

NTIOWP... cannot start service
the NTIOWP service on my machine says. . Event Log (System): 'The NTIOWP service failed to start due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. ' Event Log (Application): 'Installing the performance counter strings for ContentIndex failed.

Failing to use Windows Update. ARGGHHH!!
I can't use Windows Update. I enter the site and it tells me: New Windows Update Software Required The Windows Update site has been updated. To update your version of the software and begin using Windows Update, click Update Now ok, so I click Update Now.

machine keeps rebooting under WinXP
Folks. . . Please help me. My machine keeps rebooting on its own every hour or so whether I am working on it or not. Evidently this is making me quite P. O-ed. Would anyone suggest what might be causing it and what course of action I should take? Thanks in advance.

norton ghost
I'm using Norton Ghost 6. 03 that came as bundled software and trying to make a backup, if anybody out there is kind enough to tell me how to do it, i'd appreciate it. Only have one physical drive with 3 partitions c: & d: are NTFS and e: is FAT32, I guess I should have the backup in e: partiton.

Can anyone suggest me a exe just like kazaa. Due to some firewall problem I am not able to download thru kazaa. .

System Icons
Whenever I restart my system the icons are never being the same before. Sometimes all the icons in the desktop looks like Adobe sometimes like winzip. I use Tweakui to repair the icons. I would like to know the real reason behind this problem.