Windows Software

yes ! me again ! I would like to automate this little utility but when you execute cleanmgr, a window appear and ask for which drive. . . If I want to use it in an automated way, it has to start by itself i tried cleanmgr -? and cleanmgr c: dont work.

Ie6 Sp1???
Was just wondering if Microsoft will release IE6 with SP1 for Windows2000/98/ME or will Microsoft do what they decided with Windows Media Player 8, just ignore people running older OS's to try and get them to buy XP? Thanx

How to create a "hidden" user ?
I had to create a user for my task manager to work properly. . . but when i boot up XP, this user is in the logon screen and I dont want it to be there. . . I want the computer to automatically boot into windows without this screen.

NT Backup for Win2K Pro - backup file size limit?
Is there a file size limit for an NT Backup file? I have a 20 gig 7200RPM drive I want to use for backing up our 7 gig network drive. The problem is I get a message saying that the media is full. It's not even close to full, and it always ends with a file size of 3.

Wierd grey screen problem
I have a very wierd problem with XP that I can't seem to find any info on. Sometimes when directing explorer to a web page my entire desktop will go grey and a folder task will appear in the task bar with no title.

run command
when i click on the start button the run command is missing any ideas im running xp pro on a toshiba 8000 laptop any suggestions or ideas as to why and how to restore it thanks guys fjack

Roxio sucks so bad!
What the hell is going on with them? I had installed ECC 8 months ago after I installed WinXP, ran the update to 5. 01d, and the xp patch and it all worked fine on the first try back then. I just got the 5.

Need link on how to edit mpeg
I downloaded a 255MB mpeg file. I want to post part (2 or 3 MB) of it on my personal webspace. What kind of tools do I need to accomplish my goal? Links to helpful sites would be most appreciated. .

Problem with ntbackup... wont start planned tasks
WinXP PRO. Want to backup some of my files to another computer i have via network Using ntbackup, I can easely start manuals tasks and they will be backuped on the 2nd computer but if i plan some, they wont automatically start.

Scandisk or Norton DD help
I have a weird problem when trying to run Scandisk or Norton Disk Doctor with the fix errors option enabled. I get an error that says the disk check cannot be performed because exclusive access to the disk cannot be obtained.

F5 option durning setup?
The of the 4 choices in the F5 option durning setup what are the I486 and SMP (or something like that) choices? I tried to search M$ site but couldn't find anything. Is the first choice 'standard PC' the same as not choosing F5 in the first place?.

legacy virtual device----learn me something
hello everyone could someone plz tell me 1)legacy definition 2)is there a legacy free system setup(hardware?) the thread that started this is on my main rig i don't think i have ever had a vxd error.

Help! Compatability mode in 2k
I'm using W2k and I can't seem to get to the compatability mode like I could in XP. What's wrong? My friend says he has compatability mode and I read some posts and they seem to confirm this too, is there some way to activate it or something?.

You've mentioned before that you run EPO on your network. I've just been given the task of managing it here in our domain. I was wondering if you could help me out with the answer to this question: All the clients are running McAfee 4.

URL's in threads won't work in XP Pro..
I need help. If I click on a link in a post or thread nothing happens. I don't get forwarded to the corresponding site. In order to get to the site I have to open another browser and paste the link I want to see in it.

explorer.exe taking up 20% CPU
Is anyone else having this problem? Explorer. exe takes up, on average, 20% CPU usage. . This makes all my games skip every few seconds, and other programs run crappy as well. . I know it's explorer, because if I end task on it, and run a game without explorer running, the games don't skip, and I get, on average, 2 ...

Messenger (again)...
Hello all. . . I have Microsoft Windows Messenger 4. 6 installed and since yesterday it won't run. Everything is working great, but when the system starts there's no Messenger running as all the days before it was.

Windows XP + Visual Studio.NET = Performance trouble???
Dear All, I was wondering if other people seem to be experiencing SEVERE performance trouble with Visual Studio. NET installed on a Windows XP Professional Machine. Even when VS. NEt is not running at all the machine seems to be super sluggish! I have an AMD Athlon Thunderbird 1.

Missing files from a repair boot disk in 2k
I tried twice to make a Emergency Repair Disk using 2k w/sp2 installed and keep getting missing files in the boot disk when I try to boot from it. IFSHLP. sys System\VMM32. vxd and something about a name of a windows loader.

Printers In W2K
I have a large W2k Network using active directory, is there any way to force a network print onto every user's profile so they dont have to install it and set it up on every machine they log onto. This is very frustrating in a school situation.