Windows Software

Anyone found out how to set the refresh rate for the new nvidia 28. 32 drivers. Nvida Refresh Rate program doesnt' work! Any munual Registry enteries? ARC.

Big problem. . After playing with some of the permissions some how a group of folders on a certain parent folder have access denied to the administrator. These are important files. Is there a way to reset the permissions on them?.

had a random reboot while watching a dvd
this is the information in the event viewer: The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x00000076 (0x00000000, 0x81c25b98, 0x00000002, 0x00000000). A dump was saved in: C:\WINDOWS\Minidump\Mini040202-01.

Media playing problem
I have a strange problem I caused while messing around with media player a while back. I was trying to replace the Media Player executable with the one for version 6 mplayer2. exe since it loads faster.

Memeory Dumps
Not sure if this is the right place to post this. But. For some reason I'm starting to have memory crashes every few days. It seems like it happens when I surf. I can almost tell when it happens. The surfing becomes slow, and when I click to close the browser, win 2000 pro crashes.

Exchange 2k + Win2k PDC Problem
Greetings: Two boxes, both W2kServer SP2 + every update under the sun. They are both domain controllers, but server 1 was the server used to create the domain, so it's the PDC (although do we still use that term with W2K?).

Need a good (FREE) registry cleaner for Win 2K
Can anyone tell me where i can download a decent registry cleaner for 2k? In the past ones i've tried have been more for 9x, resulting in hideous errors under 2k All sugestions welcome!

Where is the 'enum' entry in the System32\Config folder?
I imaged a drive from one computer, ran sysprep, shut down, moved the drive to another computer and tried to boot. It didn't, I got the stop message per the M$ article 216915 (I didn't think it would work).

hi again i got great help last time i asked a question here so lets make another try ) I am burnig files with cdmate but then its says succesful i close the program and then the cd drive just shows me a empty cd!!!!!! but both cdmate and ezy cd 5.

How do i edit the start-up programs?
I recently removed my gf2. I had nvtweak load on start-up. I removed that with add/remove programs. Now i always get this message '' unable to load nvqtweak'' on startup only. The entire program is completely removed.

IE6 problems
Ok, I have a minor but EXTREMELY annoying problem with IE6. If I have two windows open at once, and switch between them, it takes a brief pause (perhaps 2-3 seconds) to show the new screen. It used to be much faster.

when opening autocadr14, a message appears saying 'failed to start heidi3. dll was not found' I reinstalled it, as suggested, but still same thing, any advice?.

XP Pro eating all my RAM during file transfers
For example, when I want to transfer a large file (400-800Mb) from one partition to another, or when I extract a big file of the CDrom, XP starts eating away at the RAM. Soon it's down to nothing RAM and it recovers some, but soon it's zero again.

IE Error
Can anyone explain the below error msg. I am using IE 5 - The page cannot be displayed There is a problem with the page you are trying to reach and it cannot be displayed. Please try the following: Click the Refresh button, or try again later.

When is SP3 for win2k being released????
An article on this site said it was almost ready just before X-mas! But now i see nothing about it here or on the microsoft site. .

Moving drive to another cpmputer.
I want to move a drive with all my programs to another computer with a different chipset (VIA KT-133E to a Wintell BX40). I have read M$ articles on sysprep and HAL's and all of that BUT I am looking for someone that has done this before that has a better way without copying all that stuff to a file and doing a mer ...

Cannot remove folder, Access Denied
I had this error when I first tried to delete it, so I set permissions up so the administrator group had control of it. Once I deleted it, I thought my problems were solved. However, when I try to empty my recycle bin, it gives me the error again! I can't move it out of the recycle bin to check its permissions beca ...

No Anti Virus scanners for W2KServer?
I was looking at both McAfee as well as Symantec web sites and it appears that their AV software is meant only for W2K Professional - is it that W2KServer is immune to Virus or what? Can someone clarify please? TIA.