Windows Software

I used to have a program( I forgot the name) which would analyze the file and seperate it into the seperate songs based on the amount of silence between each song. Can anyone help me here?.

I know this has been decided already but I am just curious w
Which do you feel is better? The latest IE or the latest Netscape and why?

Weird DVD skipping problem
It's been happening for a while now, but whenever I watch a DVD, it'll play fine for about 5 minutes, and will then skip ahead 2-3 seconds. This then repeats throughout the entire film. While it doesn't seem like much, it can often mean missing an important part of dialog, and it can ruin the whole film.

Gamma issue with 28.32 drivers?!....help please....
DARTH maul
I installed the 28. 32 official NVidia drivers on my Windows XP Pro rig. I changed the gamma setting from 1. 00 to 1. 40 because my monitor is very old and I want to see whats going on, especially when gaming.

Wierd grey screen problem
I have been having this same problem on several different winXP boxes. To replicate I do the following. Reboot machine. Bring up the My Computer window Type a URL in to the adress bar and hit enter When this is done the entire screen goes grey and an untitled folder bar appears in the task bar.

Quick Outlook XP question
Thanks to the great cash rebates Microsoft are currently doing on Office XP I decided to take the plunge and upgrade from Office 2000 to Office XP. So far I am liking it, some nice new features, and thankfully it's playing nice with everything else on my PC.

Microsoft Visual Studio .NET being a pain to work. Please he
Dear All, As soon as i create a Visual Basic. NET project, I get the following error message! I have no idea what it means or what it implies. All I know is I cannot edit the form like I can in VB6. Does someone know how I can resolve this issue? NOTE: The link has been fixed (above).

URLScan 2.5 Update
I was just wondering if I need to re-run the wizard to get the latest URLScan security in place. I have URLScan 2. 0 installed and configured and when I double-clicked on the new 2. 5 Update, it told me it udpated the software and it was successful, but I'm not sure if I should rerun the wizard.

Win2k Login Problem
Once i start my system up to the logon screen there is no problem. but after that it's only blue screen. System gets hang Not able to get into my Desktop. If i choose the Safe Mode option while login the system gets in without any trouble.

3dsmax 4
Hi, I have problem with 3dsmax4. When I start it, have a message that c-dilla is not functional under XP. And XP want to install some hardware (??? I don`t know what it can be). Please help. . . thanx.

New (?) LiveWare 3 for WinXP
Has anyone tried it yet? That is, if you didn't mind downloading around 300MB. Is there anything else in there apart from drivers and the usual creative apps (like the recorder, surround mixer etc)??? I know I will hate myself for doing it, but I will download it (using my forever trusted 56K line).

when i change res or start a game my icq2002b pops up and is annoying, this doesnt happen to a friend, i have previously edited 2001 to not have ads in msgs maybe that interfered? any advice

Cyberlink PowerDVD for Guest account
I have a PowerDVD that doesnt work with my guest account in XP. The message was drive not responding. But when I use my Admin account it works perfectly well. . . Is there any way I can let other users play PowerDVD? Thanks.

Yet another reason to NOT like XP.
Cutting a long story short. Since Kodak image viewer wasn't included in WinXP, my users have been forced to use Image and Fax Viewer for a. tiff file that gets sent around our network weekly. The viewer is useless, it is incredibly slow (even on 500 Meg P4's) to open the images, and navigating them is both difficul ...

Windows XP taking over my pc
Hi, I'm considering buying win XP. I currently have 3 hard drives installed, 2 of which are running win2k. I would like to keep these running win2k and have winXP on the third for a while to make transition easier (I don't want to loose all my programs).

WinXP CDRW Software - Thoughts/Recommendations needed
Jedi Master
O. K. I admit it. . . my age is catching up with me. . . I can't decide. . . looking for some thoughts/input as to which CDRW software to use. Recently purchased a new system that came with a Lite-On 24/10/32 burner and Roxio EZCD Basic 5.

IIS Security Roll Up
Just got this newsletter, so I thought I would pass along the whole thing in its entirety: Quote:IIS Admins, As you know, I don't issue bulletins unless the info deserves your attention. Today, a buffer overflow was announced that exploits ASP.

Installing applications into multiple profiles on NT 4 or W2
I have been installing a lot of apps in a mixed NT4 and W2k environment. The problem is that some of these applicaitons require administrator access, and even when I give the user local admin rights, the apps still won't install.

Outlook w/ Exchange Server... traveling and sending mails
One of my friend has a laptop. . . His Outlook 2000 config is 1-Exchange Svr 2-Internet mail ( with pop and smtp ) he use this account to send/receive mail When he travels with his laptop and he wants to send a mail, he just cannot because Outlook tries to contact Exchange Server.