Windows Software

Edited by clutch: Please don't advertise (or post press releases) in the forums. Simply submit them to Philipp at and ask if he'll post them on the main page. .

IE 6.0 help
i was wondering why, after deleting temp internet files, and clearing history, i'm still finding history in the address bar. let me explain just a tad though, i mean after i clear it all, there's nothing listed when you check the drop down menu on the address bar, but when you type in a letter into the address bar, ...

pcAnywhere 10.5.1 on .Net Server
All, pcAnywhere 10. 5. 1 works fine on XP, but it will give the blue screen of death in. NET Server Beta 3!!! If I go to safe mode to uninstall it, I get a message saying Cannot uninstall in safe mode.

icon background now white instead of transparent
Cool Hand
just deinstalled a program which could modify my gamma settings and now all my icons in the taskbar and programs list are on a white background instead of transparent. anyone know how I can revert it back to transparent? thanks.

Winamp cpu processing problem
Anyone got this very annoying problem with winamp? Normally, when I play a mp3, winamp takes about ~2-3% of the cpu time. When I close it, the process stay runnin in the task manager and the CPU time of WINAMP.

How do I get rid of one of the audio streams in a Bivx movie
Its english and french but I want to make just an english VCD

Outlook XP/Hotmail & IE
I have several Hotmail accounts in Outlook XP. Whenever I click on one to expand its contents and sync with the hotmail server, I get a weird effect. Specifically, Outlook becomes unresponsive, and IE hangs.

Ntvdm crashes when installing Hexen 2 win2k SP2
I tried compatibility mode to no avail. Any suggestions? the game section here lists hexen 2 as wrking on win2k Dual P 3 800, 640 MB, ram, ATI radeon, SP2 all uupdates and compatinbility updates installed.

disk imaging programs
Anyone know of any good free programs that will image my hard disk. I have Ghost 6. 5 but it isn't compatible with XP. .

Scheduling a weelky auto-defrag? Can Win2K do it?
Can I somehow setup my Win2K to automatically do a defrag every week when I am asleep? I don't see an option to do it anywhere. I would like to do it without using a 3rd party program if possible. .

System Restore Suspended ?!?
I just checked to see how much space the System Volume Information folder was currently taking up & it said about 23K. My 1st thought was WTF?!?!?, so I checked on the System Restore settings as although I had disabled it for drives D -> H I had left it turned on for C.

How do I burn a cd from a .bin file?
I have tried Nero but it just brings up the foreign format window

Streaming Audio Songs
I am really very sorry if someone feels that i am posting a wrong topic in wrong place. There is site for Indian mp3 songs. from this website I can't able to download the songs. When i asked some people they said they are using streaming formats so we can't download the songs.

Forcing an application to shut down
Hello, this is what happened. . . MusicMatch Jukebox 7 crashed when it had trouble reading one of my music CDs. At this point, I tried the usual approac of bringing up Task Manager and asking it to forcefully end MusicMatch.

Director 8.5 compatibility
I currently use Macromedia director 8. 5 at home but at uni director 8 is used. Is there a way of converting 8. 5 files to work with 8? Carl N. B. I currently use Windows XP Pro but uni currently run a mix of Win NT 4 and Win2k Pro pc's.

Adding public holidays to Outlook 2000
Does anybody know if anything exists out there that will add public holiday's to the calendar contained within Outlook 2000? Couple of the sales team and project managers have identified a need so it's down to me to try find something I shall Internet search, but if anybody can save me time it would be great.

Internet Explorer Icon in taskbar
Just loaded XP. In Win2k I used to have buttons next to my start button to launch IE, Outlook express and etc. How can I get that in XP? TIA.

A way to find out what is actually calling CPU space
when I open up Task Manager I have an Image Name of system that is constanly fluxing the CPU usage from 0% to 20%. I would like to know if there is a program that will tell me what exactly is causing system to use the cpu like this?.