Windows Software

Dear All, I have just found a working link to some digital audio. Unfortunatley, its all EXE filess, whcih are essentially MP3 files wrapped in a self-executing EXE files. This generates three problems for me: 1.

Dual Boot, help me out plz
Hi I want to make a dual boot here, but i was wondering how i'll do it here. . . I have a 40gb (C with Win XP on it. (NTFS) The second HD i want to install Windows 98 (FAT32) WinXP is already installed.

Outlook Express 6 very slow startup
Does anyone why outlook express 6 in WinXP Pro takes so long to start up? It takes almost 2 minutes. . . .

Propellerhead Reason in Win 2k
Hey, Since i installed win2k on my machine, Reason hasnt been playing properly. I get like a half second delay when using my keyboard, and changing the buffer settings in the Reason setup has absolutely no effect on this at all.

CDROM contents not updating
In XP when in my computer or explorer my system has stopped up the contents of the cd's inserted. The ICON for the first CD inserted after a boot up is kept there and the contents list remains the same as well really frustrating!!! Any Ideas?.

Hibernation Problem
Does hibernation in XP depend on ACPI ? Can it work without ACPI enabled ? As far as I understand, unlike Standby (S3), hibernation does not have compatibility issue with video driver, because everything is simply saved to hd, and restored to the original memory location when powered on.

Anyone have any idea why the screensaver is XP would just stop working. One day it would come up as normal after 10 min, then it just stopped working. I have changed to different screensavers but none of them will ever come up! XP will just stay in the last screen I have opened but never start the screensaver or tu ...

How do I reinstall DX in XP
Hi folks, can you please help me? I seem to be suffering crashes while playing some games. It blue screens blaming dx. sys. I was wondering if a reinstallation of DX would help? But how do you reinstall DX of the Windows XP Pro Cdrom? Please share the wisdom.

Applications hanging...
Guys over the past couple of days I seem to have alot of applications hanging. any ideas? Event viewer says its a fault bucket. I installed XP this time with ACPI on (previous installs I have it off) but that was like a month ago with no major problems.

User groups and account types in XP
Hello. How do I define Custom User groups like in Windows 2000 via Control Panel | User Accounts | and there was some Advance tabs so I was able to create new users, create new user groups with custom privileges and so on.

Apps under XP reacts very slow...
Hello. I have a problem under WindowsXP - Some of installed applicatios reacts extremely slow to certain commands. For example OutlookXP: it works just fine fo everything but when I create a new mail message application (word) stop responding for ~3 minutes.

Corel Draw 10 and WINDOWS XP
Any body here can tell me if COREL DRAW 10 , works fine under windows XP and Thanks

A New Problem New Error Message
Space Cowboy
Ok. . after all the probs with wifes pc,i finally reformatted. . 1st. for some reason i cant access windows update. . says security may be set to high,or i didnt select yes when trying to let MS access.

NT Driver for Epson Stylus Scan 2500
B''H Does anyone know of drivers for the Epson Stylus Scan 2500 to make it work with the NT 4 operating system? Thanks. .

permissions setup in XP
I have just put on 4 new user accounts on my XP box. My account is the only admin one, and the other are limited accounts. Now I want to set permissions on certain folders that the other accounts can not access.

Best FTP Client?
What is the best FTP client out there? CuteFTP Pro, Flash FXP, Bullet Proof, Winsock, FTP Voyager, etc, etc. there are so many little programs which one do you use?.

Low VR mem warnings on shutdown w/WinXP
Everytime I go to shutdown I get the following: Not enough virtual memory. Windows is increasing the pagefile size. I do not know what is causing this at all. I set the pagefile to 768mb and let windows manage it but no luck at all.

Remote Desktop on .Net Server
All, I'm trying to remote administer. Net Server from another XP box using Remote Desktop Connection. My problem is I always get this message: You do not have the proper encryption level to access this Session.

Outlook Express 6 Question
Is there a way to turn off or disable hyperlink searches when your downloading or viewing attachements on OE?? Thanks

Can you delete attatchements in Outlook Express?
Dirty Harry
Am I missing something obvious here ? Say you get an e-mail, and you want to save the e-mail (the text) in your inbox or a folder, but delete the attatchement hanging on that message. Is that really impossible ? Running Outlook Express 6, if that matters H.