Windows Software

Odd graphics glitches
I get really weird graphics glitches with my Geforce2 GTS & Win XP Pro. The backgrounds of my icons in some dialog windows are blue/pink (probably depending on which is set as the transparent colour for the icon) For example, nero looks like this: MSN looks the same except all the icons have pink backgrounds.

Sound Files...
I seem to be having a little trouble. . . when I right click on a sound file (MP3, WAV, etc) WINXP takes it upon itself to play the sound file. . . no application controls the sound, and I can't seem to ctrl-alt-del to end task the file.

Windows 2000 compatibility issues
Hi, I'm currently working on a project to migrate computers from Windows 95 to Windows 2000 in a big company (more than 500 users) and I need to know if some applications can work under Windows 2000.

Need some trouble shooting tips..
Ok I've been posting quite alot on these boards recently and most of the replies I've recived have been most helpful so heres hoping someone can help me with this mess:- I've recently reinstalled Windows 2000 Professional on my PC after X-Setup destroyed my old one.

sfc and event id 64004
Im trying to use the system file checker to restore files from the win2k cd. The event viewer fills up with this on all files. . . . The protected system file c:\program files\common files\system\ole db\msdatl2.

windows installer
where can i find windows installer 2. 0 for xp i am trying to install a program in xp on a computer with no internet access and it needs an up dated version of windows installer and i cant access the xp updatesite ;(.

Undeletable file remains on disk after system crash ! PLEASE
I was copying a huge file on my disk while Windows XP crashed. An UNDELETABLE FILE now remains on disk. Windows says file is in use by an other process. Any attempt to delete or access this file from windows makes explorer crash.

Dos Apps and 100% CPU Utilization
Bob Purdy
With any DOS App window running, when you type at keyboard, move mouse or make screen change, The CPU utilization will go to 100%. If you pause it will go back down. Just makes a workstation kind of dog, but Win 2K server really goes downhill after a few users start DOS APPs.

cda file format
No sound is produced if I try to play Audio CDs maybe because the. CDA format is not supported. If I play MP3 and WAV file, it works just fine. I can also play VCDs without any problems. I tried to play the songs from the cd drive itself and also I've copied to cd's songs to hard drive and tried to play but no use.

VOB Instant CD - ??????????????
Jedi Master
I've been considering switching my CD burning software from Nero to VOB InstantCD (). They recently released a new version. By chance has anyone tried this under WinXP? The features look to be great, and I've seen a couple of postings in newsgroups that it's packet-writing software is excellent.

Windows Update
I have a small problem. When I go to Windows update it says Update was unsuccessful. I have tried everything but I can't get windows update to work. Has anyone had the same problem. If so let me know if you fixed it and what you did.

Quicken 2001/2002 and IE 6.0
Quicken 2001 and/or 2002 can be installed and appear to be OK but will not start claiming that I need IE 5. 5 or later. I have Win2000 and IE 6. 0. Talked to Intuit but they say it is a Win2000 problem.

audio codec problem - some Divx AVI's play without sound
Typical scenario: when I try to play them, windows media player contacts the site activex. microsoft. com trying to download appropriate audio codec (couple of times), gives error message and then plays the file with no sound.

Audigy + Internet Explorer 6 = MEGA SOUND LOOPING!!! :(
Hi, pff and i thought the nvidia/via infinite loop was bad enuff, this is driving me crazy! I never used to get it, it's only recently but i haven't changed or added any driver that could have done this.

NT4 boot logging
I have a machine with nt4 server on that doesn't boot properly. How can I turn on boot logging? Does nt4 have that capability? It has nt4 server with full service pack installs. Cheers, Lee.

Anyone know a good TV viewing app
That works on capture cards that are not based on the BT chipset. .

Any good *.DOC to *.PDF converters?
i want to convert my word documents (i'm using office 2000) into PDF format. does anyone know of any good, free, programs that is able to do this?.