Windows Software

James Lawson
I'm really getting tired of haveing to click OK every time that I log on, does anyone know the name of the DLL file for the CoCreateInstance for the MyYahoo DLL that keeps annoying the $#@##$ out of me? Or hoe to make it go away?? I would be eternally greatful for the solution to this annoying problem.

Cleartype and IE
I have cleartype enabled on my XP machine. It looks great and really does read easier. My preferred font looks something like Arial. In IE I have to choose User defined from the View, Encoding drop down.

CD ripping program ?? ...any recommendations??
The subject says it all. . . ThanX in advance. . . -Klark.

Where to download FULL MS Internet Explorer 6 French
Hi I would like to know where to download FULL MS Internet Explorer 6 French. . I mean the FULL install not the <1mo installer. . in FRENCH thanx a lot.

Question about CD-RW
I have a cdrw and now i have no more space on the cd. So i used nero and did a full physical erase on the cd. It seems that it did not clean the whole cd. When i check the medium info in nero it says only 10 megs are free.

Window file protection...
Can you please tell me how to turn off Windows File Protection in WinXP Pro? Thanks. .

IE 5.5 Restrictions
I am attempting to restrict certain features in IE 5. 5 SP2 and I'm running into several problems. I have IE on a Windows NT Terminal Server running Metaframe 1. 8. When I attempt to use the restrictions discussed in this article only some work for me.

FCB Unavailable ERROR
I recently migrated some DOS programs from NT 4. 0 to Win2000 Pro. When I execute them in a DOS shell, I get the following error: FCB Unavailable Suspecting the problem was due to reduced DOS support in Windows 2000/XP, I tried the same program under XP-Pro and it worked fine.

MS Outlook 2002 mailsender´s details
Hi! I´m using MS outlook 2002 with my Hotmail account and my ISP´s mail account. I created Hotmail account, because of some of the messageboards i´m registered to (not this one:D ), and i don´t want to show my real address.

Hit 'n miss DVD playback
I don’t know what’s going on with some of my DVD’s. I have looked very closely at them to find imperfections (scratches, blemishes, ect. ) without any discoveries of such, but the DVD’s still come up with message ‘can’t play due to possible scratches…’ yahda, yahda, yahda….

Diskeeper 6 server finish in one pass
Gambler FEX online
Is there a way to get diskeeper 6 server to finish the defrag in one pass? Some partitions it defrags just a little and quits. If I was to restart it everytime until it was done, I would sit there for hours.

Outlook 2000 attachments
Greetings, Just started work at a new office and who are having some unusual problems with attachments. Here's how it goes. . . NT 4 Server running Exchange 5. 5 Workstations running Windows 98/Office 2000/Outlook 2000 When e-mail is sent to most (not all)customers running Outlook Express, the message is recieved w ...

Making Icons in My Computer
ThC 129
Anyone know how to make Icons that will show up in the My Computer section, like how drives and such do?

How do I change the Win2K startup wav?
I can't remember how to change the wav file that plays when win2K starts. It's not critical but any help would be appreciated. TIA Terry.

Games & Dual Display in 2000
I have a GeForce 2 GTS PRO 64MB and a Voodoo Rush (no comments plz) Running dual display in Windows 2000. The GeForce is the primary monitor. Is it possible to play games on one display while still seeing the desktop on the other? When I try the game either crashes or I get a no D3D or Hardware XL detected error.

Windows XP Service Pack 1 anytime soon?
ThC 129
Does MS plan on releasing a Service pack one for XP? Or are they going to say hell with it and instead release Windows XP SE? I know there are a lot of bugs in XP that i would like to see fixed and I don't plan on getting a new OS just to fix a few bugs

win2000 inaccessible boot device - HELP
Hi, hope someone can help. I have a machine that was a file server for an office, as well as being an internet gateway, mail server, print server, well, lots of things. It had a horrible cheap KT133 mainboard in which has died.

Two Odd Crashes
Hello guys, I am running Windows XP on my system, and all is going more-or-less well, except for two problem spots if you will. There are two things that consistently cause crashes on my system. I was hoping that maybe someone may be able to help pinpoint a cause or solution to either of these problems I've include ...

Virus question.
Not strictly an application I know, but I wanted this to get noticed, and I suspect there is a trojan involved - which IS technically an program. . . I have a recurring virus on an NT 4. 0 server. Every couple of days I'm finding a w32 Nimda virus has found its way into C, the virus is undetected by Mcaffee corpora ...