Windows Software

Something that would give min max average etc would be great. I dont like the way Fraps works.

Event Log error
I am getting this error in my Application Event log. Not sure why. Anyone know what it is and how I can fix it? Win2k Server The Open Procedure for service DNS in DLL C:\WINNT\System32\dnsperf. dll failed.

OpenOffice Error
Dear All, I have just installed OpenOffice 1. 0 form OpenOffice. org. The install went OK as it seems, but OpenOffice ALWAYS seems to not open up. EVERY SINGLE TIME I attempt to Open up OpenOffice or any of its components I get the following error: Note that I have tried everything from a re-install to a reboot, ye ...

Office 97 and XP, changing file permissions
HI All I have a question about how to change file permissions using XP. I have been told that there is a compatability issue with Windows XP and Office 97 (apparently it has something to do with permissions).

Winxp - Email Clients - What do you prefer?
Been using Outlook 6 (xp) and looking at switching to something different. Dont like the secuirty hazards and the resource hog that Outlook is. What are other Window Xp users using/prefer?.

How do I create a V-LAN...
Morning all! Worst case scenario here. I am in desperarte need of a router with DHCP and V-LAN capability. Emergency situation where my CISCO router has died. I have now setup a Win2K Adv. Svr box to temporarily route with DHCP.

Diskeeper and defrag error
I am using diskeeper 7. 0. 393. 0 and it seems almost every time I try to defrag I get this error. Defragmentation of WINXP (C had been cancelled due to inconsistencies that were detected in the filesystem, Please run CHKDSK on WINXP (C to repair these inconsistencies, then run diskeepr again Now I know what you gu ...

no shortcuts working in XP
I need help! for some reason, no shortcuts work on my XP Pro build. These include the quick launchbar, desktop and start menu. Anybody got a clue how to resolve this? Any help appreciated if I can help re-installing it all again!.

Help me delete this dang file!
C:\Documents and Settings\GiB\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\CD Burning\Backup CD 2\Palm\gizbug\DocsToGo\Backups\- Getting Started Tips -1. BK1 I am trying to delete this file, but i am unable to.

List the problems you have had with XP :) :)
And maybe in the process we can all help each other out with having to have a service pack

Sonic Foundry Sound Forge 6 under W.NT.4.0 Workstation
I downloaded a full version of SF6. 0 on my computer but it needs Microsoft DirectxMedia Runtime 8. 1 to perform the instalatI wondered through the web searching for it but all i found was a nt4dx5. zip if you know what i mean.

Slow shutdown
I saw it somewhere in the forums about a command in the registry for the timeout for services shutting down faster. Can anyone give me some info on it. My XP takes too long to shut down.

C&C Renegade and Tiberian Sun
Lord Davis
Does anybody know where i can find a backup CD crack for C&C tiberian sun(not a nocd crack) but a backup CD patch. i downloaded a nocd crack and it still says please insert the cd On mega games they dont have one for version 1.

Faulting application.... need Help bad!
All the sudden. . . . most of my programs. . . (IE, Gamespy Arcade, Sof2) seem to crash for NO reason. I get errors like this at random times. Faulting application sof2mp. exe, version 0. 0. 0. 0, faulting module sof2mp.

How to decode files
I've encrypted some of my files with EFS in Windows XP. Then, after reinstalling Windows XP I (of course) can't access my info. What can I do to recover (decode) these files. Thanx everyone who can help!.

Low Volume
I am getting very low volume. I am using Avance Sound Manager sound card. Is there any freeware available to increase the sound capacity. Thanks,.

Outlook XP Contacts Sharing (and tasks, and journals etc.)
Hi Guys. Is there a decent piece of software to do this or am i missing something on my deployment. Here is the scenario i face regularly: Small 100MB Lan (5-10 terminals) no server W2k P2P Networking with static IP's etc.