Windows Software

Four and Twenty
saw the link on the front page they sound pretty good but I was wondering if they are worth the switch from the super stable feature rich detonator 29. 42 drivers which i am running now. .

FTP server and XP's IIS
Hi there! I have created a new username for accessing my FTP server which is running under IIS. Everything works fine but I don't want this user to be shown in Welcome screen. . . Under Local Security Plicy I tried to add this username to Deny Logon Locally line, but then I am not able to logon to my FTP from anywhere.

burning .IMG

Best way to backup Outlook Express 6 emails?
Im getting ready to do a fresh format and reinstall of XP pro and would like to know how best to backup and restore my emails in outlook express 6. Thx.

Currently I am using PCAnywhere software to access the remote servers. I would like to know is there any other remote access software which is more powerful than PCAnywhere. Thanks.

Problem with Internet Explorer
Hello ! I created a new session under windows XP Pro yesterday. Everything is right, every application works fine, but I CAN'T GO ON A HTTPS website with internet explorer (v. 6). . . . It's realy boring because I can't go on my mailbox,.

Setting up server for IP printing in 2000, how to?
I have a Windows 2000 print server with a Lexmark 4039, which I need to set up so that other machines in the office can IP print to it. I installed the TCP/IP printer sharing service, but other machines can't print to it when configured to use its IP addy.

Corrupted Word
I am experiencing an annoying problem, and am looking for clues and suggestions. I'm using Word 97 on Windows NT. Sometimes when I try to open a document, I get an error message: Word cannot open this document template (D:\PROGRAM FILES\.

Grokster Automatically Shuts Down
please help me Whenever I start Grokster, It Automatically shuts Down After 2-3 Seconds. I Cannot Understand What's The Problem. Please Help Me Out, Also I Have Installed Newer Version Of It. .

Virtual PC vs VMWare
Warning long post! Im running Windows 2000 Professional at the moment, and although it runs most of the programs I like, not all of them (mainly DOS based stuff) run like they used to under 98. However I don't want to give up the stability of my 2000 system or waste valuable HD space with a dual boot setup.

Outlook express, IE and netmeeting major problems.
A very strange bug or something has once again cursed my computer! months and months ago i upgraded to windowsXP from win2000 because of this very problem. I've since returned to win2000 and have been fine for about 3weeks, but now its happening again and its very frustrating.

VM Ware...your thoughts?
Many times I have installed VMware on my system, but haven't really got fully familar with the software. Is it worth using? Maybe to even test something out like Linux on? Thanks.

MovieMaker Win2k
Does windows 2000 professional include the movie maker that comes with windows ME. Anyone know? I am going back to Win2k!! To hell with XP. What a nightmare!!!!!.

XP Service Pack 1
Hello, I was curious is Windows XP Service Pack 1 Beta available for download anywhere? If so, where? Thanks for your help Poxnor

Problem Prob Saving Files Using IE 6 & Win 2000 - Securi
I'm having a problem saving/downloading files using IE and am curious if anyone has a solution - or has run into a similar problem. Is there a security setting on Win 2000 that I may have inadvertently triggered? I am running IE 6 browser on a lapton with Win 2000.

Remote Assistance / VNC controlling PC
Hi all, me and my friend would like to set up some sort of remote connection for me to control his PC. He has an apartment in town, a couple of miles from here, but he is not there very much (lives with his girlfriend right now on another location) So, we would like for me to somehow log in to his PC and control it ...

l0pht v3
Does anyone have a download site for the demo of l0pht v. 3? The l0pht website just has v 4 now and I want to try v 3. Thanks. Ed.

When I try to shutdown XP I get a blue screen with the error message: driver_power_state_failure. When I start XP it can't create a pagefile. Anyone who knows it is that cause this?.

Turn off LiveUpdate for NAV coporate edition
i have NAV Coporate Edition 7. 51. 854 and want to turn off LiveUpdate from automatically downloading. how do i go about doing this?.