Date: 2025-03-16 06:33 | Last update:

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Free ASP.NET Editor from MS

This looks pretty cool, and you can get it here: There is a manual for it, and they have support forums at already that can help out. It looks just like Visual Studio. NET, just stripped down for ASP/ASP.
3 4093
avatar Last reply by Uykucu,

IE history lists question (How to Clear it in, e.g. Google.c

Go onto your desktop and right click on IE Explorer. On the menu that comes up click properties. On the screen that comes up there is a button that says clear history. Click that and that will clear your history on everything including the websites that you have visited recently.
2 6511
avatar Last reply by Alien,

New to Win2k

At the place I work I have a user that since day one has been working on windows 95/98 machines (about 2yrs worth of it) and has a 98 machine at home. . . so all she knows is 9x. . . Here at the office we are slowly migrating everyone to win2k and winxp.
4 1197
avatar Last reply by FrogMaster,

McAfee VirusScan 6.0?

I have a problem with McAfee VirusScan 6. 0? I have it installed on Windows XP. Everytime that I try and get on the internet (through MSN Dialup)it keeps popping up with the box that says that Windows Messanger has something about going out of boundries and changing from the last time that it was accessed.
0 6027
avatar Last reply by embj,

Property sheet gone

Gone property sheet for folders (right click on folder > Property) under Windows XP Pro 8). For Drives and files - everything is OK, but not for folders. Thank U. .
1 1023
avatar Last reply by Alexiz,

Terminal Services cut n' paste

I found that allows cut n' paste of files within the Terminal Services frame work. It won't install though. Says it can't upgrade certain files. Do I need the resource kit installed in order for this hotfix to work? Or is there a workaround?.
1 1838
avatar Last reply by Durt,

"Update success" message at bootup

Every once in a while, there seems to be no pattern, I get the Update success message at bootup even when there has been no hardware or software changes. I don't see a pattern to it, it happens about one in every three or four starts.
11 1346
avatar Last reply by jdulmage,

Couple of service have problem to start up!!!

It alway pop up a message said that 'there is more then one server/service can not be start up' and then is ask me to check the event log. But I still don't understant what wrong with it after I read the event log.
5 1441
avatar Last reply by Wehndee,

Why is NT4 slow with U160 disks?

I threw together some SCSI perfomance benchmarks noting differences between past/current versions of Microsoft's premier OS. NT4 really shined with my Ultra2 disk, but struggled with the newer Ultra160 disks.
2 1174
avatar Last reply by Ron_Jeremy,

Your Favorite Email Program/s?

Anyone got any email program that they reckon is great? I just find the regulars such as Outlook, O Express, Netscape rather annoying and restrictive and akward to make good backups of emails. Confusing to try to send as different users with different reply-to adresses ect.
7 1667
avatar Last reply by clutch,


In our work place Lunix has been installed. I feel Winnt would be a better choice than Lunix. Any comments for me. .
8 1781
avatar Last reply by Xelerated,

Foreign Language Fonts

Does anyone know how to get foreign language fonts to display in Yahoo mail? I can get foreign characters on websites to display fine when using IE. However, when I check any e-mail that contains foreign language fonts such as Japanese or Chinese, it's displayed as gibberish.
0 753
avatar Last reply by pikapan,

CD player Clone

Does any body know of a Win2K CD player Deluxe clone? I'm asking this becouse it's my favorit cd player but the fact that the album information download doesn't work is a real payne. .
0 723
avatar Last reply by DragonSoull,

searching a macro command

hey. . . i know that there is a macro command that can do a miror image to a selected text. . . . . i just can't remember what it is. . (MS Office) (i tried to copy and paste a hebrew text from a web page to a text file ,but the paste command gave me a mirror image of the text,so i need to do another mirror) thanks ...
0 1056
avatar Last reply by Vulcan,

Virtual Machine?

Hiya all, I've just had to do a fresh install of XP. I went off to my online banking website, it asked me to install Virtual Machine, so I said OK, no probs. Next thing I know, I'm sitting on MS's site with a message saying MS no longer provide VM support for XP!!! I installed the latest Java from the Sun website, ...
8 1526
avatar Last reply by Ekstreme,

internet explorer 6 setup on win2k fails after reboot

I've had this error a lot of times. I have a full download of internet explorer 6 so i don't have to go through windows update all the time and wait till everything downloads again. I run the internet explorer setup, the computer then reboots to finish the setup, there's a window that appears on the top left corner ...
1 904
avatar Last reply by Wehndee,