Windows Software

mmm i just have a general enquiry. . . . reagard to windows 2000 pro and windows xp pro , i just thinking to buy a new pc. . . . but i still not decide , which OS i wanna use , either windows 2000 pro or XP Pro.

Removing / Reinstalling Detonator drivers
What is the correct procedure to do this? Right now, I go into control panel, add/remove, uninstall them. Then I reboot, and windows detects vga then gf3 adapter. It installs its default nvidia drivers, then I just run the exe file for the new dets, and install.

Winamp on XP
I have a problem playing songs which their name is written in a language other than English. Any tip?.

IE6 seems big...
Hi all, Im having problems with IE6 on XP. It seems after a reboot, when i launched internet explorer and went on different sites, they all seemed 'bigger' than before. As in text size, and image size.

Windows Messenger
Does anyone know how to uninstall Windows Messenger? Thanks in advance. Maybe. .

Problem with Outlook XP contacts and Word XP
For some reason, using Word XP as my e-mail editor for Outlook XP, I cannot access my contacts/address book through Word by clicking the To. . . button. It comes up with the error message The address list could not be displayed.

Win2k SP3 Indefinitely Postponed
For all you eagerly awaiting SP3 for Win2k, I've just received my regular e-mail from Sunbelt Win2k News. Here is what they have to say: The WinInformant site reported that MS has indefinitely delayed the third service pack for W2K according to internal documents they saw recently.

Windows 2000 Service Pack 3 released
I found this on another forum. . Just spreading the news. As of the time of this posting, the actual website to download the file has not yet been posted. .

Slow Browsing with IE6/MSN Messenger Problem
2 Questions today 1) Not sure if this is a fault at my end or my ISP's but since Wedensday i have been experiencing some really slow http browsing sometimes upto 10 minutes to get a single webpage I use IE6 under XP Pro, and have Norton Personnel Firewall (no difference to browsing if enabled or disabled) i have a ...

Windows Messenger
I unistalled Windows Messenger but, I found out that MSN Explorer needs to have it to connect to the internet. I disabled it before I uninstalled it and when I installed it again it was still disabled.

fidonet freeware
anyone know of any half decent win xp compat fidonet progs (freeware only no shareware thanks) have searched my arse off (google is often your friend) but stuff like sempoint and winpoint are problematic for me.

File Backup/Automation Software
Hi all, Can anyone recommend any software that perhaps they use that will automate the process of copying files from an XP Client box to a 2000 Server? - What I'm looking for is software that will say copy my entire MP3 folder from the Client to Server at scheduled intervals (as opposed to software like Windows Bac ...

Office 2000 incompatible with WinXP?
My trusty Office 2000 CD will NOT install on my XP machine. It brings up this bizarre error message as soon as I try to run setup. Is my system corrupt or what? Is XP worth the $300?.

You like JPEGS you say? Like em, while you can...
That sux that they are getting rid of JPEGS. .

Anyone sign up for .NET server RC1 yet?
That was posted from Philipp, and I have seen other postings about it. I was just wondering how many have signed up so far. .

Enhanced Music CD's under Winamp
Brian Frank
I'd much rather use Winamp, but I hit a snag with Enhanced music CD's that have extra data on them, and end up having to use Media Player-which isn't terrible, but it never remembers my settings (at least when it comes to video).

IE Save As....
When I click on File->Save as in IE6, the Save As Type field is always Web page, complete. How do I change it so that Web page, HTML only comes up as default? Thanks.

Alternatives to Winamp
Anybody know of any good MP3 playing software besides Winamp or Sonique, and Windows Media Player?