Windows Software

Outlook Express 6.x users: A question...
i disabled the splash screen, get Xteq 6. 02 final and you can disable it in there.

Experiencing Slow Logoff on W2K Servers
I'm experiencing a slow logoff on W2K Adv Server. Is the Logoff behavior different on W2K Adv Servers and WinNT ? I'm facing a prob with logoff which is taking a long time on W2K Adv Server when my applications are running.

Downloading Pages to Local Disk for Offline Viewing.
Hi Guys, I would like to download some documents from the internet so that they when I open them from my local folder they appear as it is It is like the Cisco Academy Program with lots of flash and html material.

Windows .NET setup issue
Windows. NET Standard Server setup fails on my test server. I got the follow BSOD a few seconds after the “Setup is starting Windows” message: STOP: 0x0000007B (0xF9E7B63C, 0xC000034, 0x00000000, 0x00000000) Any ideas? I think this problem has something to do with my SCSI controller My server configuration: Tyan Ts ...

"Save Picture As..." in IE6 problem
For some very strange reason, when I right-click and Save Picture As. . . in IE6 under Windows XP, it wants to save as an untitled bitmap image, rather than the original jpeg or gif. It doesn't even give the option to save as jpeg.

Win2K SP3 woes
Hi all, I wonder if anyone can shed any light onto a problem i now have after applying SP3 to a server. Since the upgrade I am now nolonger able to resolve host's via DNS at all. The appropriate services are started, and if need bee i can roll back to SP2 however i would rather not do this.

Windows Update Problem
One of my friends installed XP Pro on his machine and when he goes to Windows Update, it just stays at 0%, sometimes goes to 25%, but then freezes up and doesn't continue. Anyone know what is wrong? I recommended a fix for him, but it didn't work.

Is XP suggesting 512 MB RAM is NOT enough?
I'm running XP Pro with 512 MB of RAM. Considering the fact I am about as far from a power user as one can get, I removed the pagefile from my C: drive, & set a very small static pagefile (24 MB) on my D: drive, which is a seperate physical disk.

Insane NT4 printer problem
Hi all, This is a really Bizzare problem, but when I print somethingin colour to the colour printer, it prints in Black and white, I've gone to the printer settings and chosen colour, It still doesn't work It's a network printer, and other people can print the same stuff fine If I right click on a picture on a webp ...

Whats the best Direct3D and OpenGL benchmark programs???
DARTH maul
For Direct3D is use 3DMark2001SE patch 330 version. But what about OPenGL? Is VulpineGL 1. 1p any good or anything else?.

Re-sized partitions and lost "C"
I have a dual boot system with 5 partitions; C = Win98SE, D = swapfile, E = data, F = Win2K, E = temporary storage of ghost files. I resized my partitions (using partition magic 5) and lost the ability to boot to C (my win98 OS) but I can still boot to F (my W2K OS).

Opinions on Registry Cleaner I wrote nearly 4 years ago I im
This reminds me of when me and my friends created that XP/2000 Tweaker and got heat for it. Better watch when you post your own programs on here. Not that I care, it was the past. . . . but good stuff man.

Add/Remove Programs in Win2K
I've got a few redundant entries that refuse to leave the list no matter how many times I click remove. How do I get them off permanently. I've tried some registry cleaning programs yet they don't work either.

Handy Application
I found this after getting a link to the same site for a inf creator. It's a directory listing creator (much like this awesome little TreePrint util I used to use) that not only creates listings but also has a listing manager that can search the created txt files for file/directory names listed during the scan.

XP and Explorer.exe at 100% cpu usage!
I am wondering if anyone has seen this. . . . all the sudden my explorer. exe is at 100% and seems like it's not stoping. I have checked out some other places about this and it does seem to happen on other comptuers too.

Microsoft.Net Server Family
In microsoft website one page says that: You can sign up now to receive free trial software for Windows. NET Server Release Candidate 1 (RC1)—via CD or download. Read about the Customer Preview Program (CPP), available in English only, then use the links on the right to make your choice But the other page is asking ...

IE 6 - Search Page Issue
When you enter an incorrect URL into the address bar, IE displays the MSN auto search page, which is I would like to completely eliminate this feature since more often than not, the problem with the URL is a simple typo, like using a comma instead of a period.