Windows Software

My mom's hard drive crashed; I've recovered most of the data on the drive, including the Office 2000 install directory. I'm going to put an O/S on a good hard drive, then transfer the files over. Anything special I need to do to get her Outlook data back?.

XP themes/appearance and profiles
Hi all, Quick (and I suppose trivial really) question for you all. . . . I reinstalled XP Pro last night and (as always ) the first thing I did was revert the desktop and logon screens to the classic look using the rainy day theme (not that Im depressed or anything, just the shade of grey it uses goes well with my ...

Firewall question.
Does anyone tried Outpost Pro Firewall ( ) ? I currently use ZoneAlarm pro and a friend of mine suggested me this one above, so i would like to know if it's worth swapping to Outpost Pro ? thanks.

Win 2k - Routing And Remote Access
Hiya, With a bit of luck someone out there will be able to shead a little light onto my problem, it is as follows. I have a win2k server system, which i need to provide utilise to provide remote access into a network, and having done this before using win2k I thought this would not pose a significant problem, howev ...

Kerio PersonalFirewall (Tiny PersonalFirewall) vs. ZoneAlarm
I prefer tiny personal firewall. I used zonealarm ages ago but didn't like it, can't remember why now. . . doh But i always advise friends and clients to go with tiny.

NetMeeting - Remote Desktop Sharing
Hi! Which ports must I open to use the RDS of NetMeeting ;( I have opened port TCP1720 and TCP1503, but RDS don't work for me

Win2k question
Aravi Nemiji
I've heard rumours about Win2k reformatting all FAT partitions to NTFS during the install. I've got two questions about this 1. Is it true? 2. If it is true, does it discriminate between partition types (ie.

Odd Windows 2000 instability problems!
OK this is *really* strange. My computer with it's current hardware is about a year and a half old now. I have an Athlon 1. 2ghz with 512MB RAM, TNT2 vid. card running latest nVidia drivers, running Windows 2000 with SP2 & all other updates applied.

Outlook xp rules dont work
the other day i upgraded to outlook xp (i have office 2k installed) which came with my pocketpc. i know i didnt have to but i figured what the heck, the new one probably fixes some email security flaws and such.

Windows XP Pro and Java Virtual Machine!
have windows xp pro. - i don't know why but java applets on several pages do not work. i got the notice to download Java Virtual Machine. okay, i click download button and i then am send to microsofts page, where it says that download link isnt avaliable anymore.

Nero settings
I have an occasional problem when verifying files after burning a data cd. It fails. My question is this, is there recommended settings over the defaults that I should be using in Nero when burning data files?.

Win XP Bug & General Questions about config.
Hi There, Running XP Home on P41. 8Gh, 256mbDDR, 32mbSIS vid. I'm having some problems, firstly the most annoying one is the searching for files function. U Know: Start -> Search -> Files & Folders Yeah well, apart from that god damn annoying dog that pops up, when i try to search for files eg.

Well, my question for the day is: Is there anyone out there that could, in a very simple way, tell me where i could find/download a already made BootCD ;( Packed and ready to be burned to another CD.

I need some help finding a program
There was a cool program that came with Windows 98 CD that removes the dead links in the start menu Sadly I dont have Windows 98 Cd or the CABS and I was wondering if someone could tell me a download location and/or the program's name.

Windows XP home oem(bought it) vs window 2000 sp2 or sp3
attention dosfreak what os is the best? if i do go with windows 2000. should i use sp2 + pre-sp3 fixes until sp3 has been out for 30 days. thanx.

Anyone.....windows update doesn't work.....why???
DARTH maul
I can do the Office Updates, so I did them all. But when I try the windows updates, it does nothing and usually stays at 0% done. Maybe 25% done if I'm lucky. What gives? Any alternative windows updates site(s) that work?.

Computer wont restart!
Very frustrating, but for some reason when I go to start and shutdown, and try to restart, or shut down, it doesn't do anything. Just a few apps quit and then it sits there. . . I can continue working and everything.

Outlook XP doesn't send working (i.e., clickable) links :(
Outlook XP (not Outlook Express) refuses to send working (i. e. , clickable) links. If I am on a webpage, say for example, & go to File > Send > Link by Email, the link shown in Outlook (in the email about to be sent) appears as The.

W2k SP3 French
Does anyone know where I can dl the french version of W2kSP3? Thank you very much!