Windows Software

Even after I have unchecked the option to have Outlook XP run Messenger when I launch the program, it still runs a process in the background that enables people to see my online status and send me messages even though Windows Messenger is not running in my system tray or taskbar.

Windows 2000 SP3 replication error?
Hi folks! After i innstalled SP3 on the win 2000 servers, it seems like the replication doesn't work correctly. When i'm registrating a new user in AD, he is getting registrated, but he doesn't get an e-mail adress based on recipient policy.

Media Player 6.4 Codecs
Where do i download the complete collection of codecs for MS Media Player 6. 4 ??? Sometimes when veiwing different video formats the player has to link into to download a particular codec. This is almost allways unsucessfull on my dialup connection so where can i download the whole package of codecs for the Best M ...

VNC problem
Ok, I am trying to use VNC with my web browser. If I try to connect to my box internally using my 192. 168. 0. 1 IP address and the correct port, I can pull up VNC in my web browser, connect and everything works great.

Excel linking and file rights
Well - here is one for all you office users out there. My question is regarding office 97's excel program. A question was asked at work today if one can link to a seperate spreadsheet and edit it within a spreadsheet that has a huge collective of forms, but at the same time the user may access the file that it link ...

clear out msconfig startup list?
I'm often using msconfig to clear out junk that gets started with the PC. . . but over time the list gets cluttered. . how can I clear out old/duplicate entries?.

Application error - pctspk.exe
When I boot-up my laptop (running XP pro) I get the following message just after the desktop icons are displayed. . . pctvoice MFC Application. I am then invited to send an error report to MSFT. The error occurs on cold-boot only, not warm-boot.

HI I've just reinstalled windows xp pro. Now when I insert a blank cd the autoplay dialogue pops up asking me would i like to create a disk with nero. What I was wondering was how do I activate windows own inbuilt cd recording software? Before i reinstalled xp when I inserted a blank cd, I used to get the option of ...

Outlook XP
I am looking for a free/simple to use program to backup outlook pst files weekly. Thank you in advance,.

IE6 sp1 picture bug
Since I installed the SP1 for IE6, I have a new wierd bug. I dunno exactly what create it but sometime I can't see pictures from web-site anymore. (maybe only pictures cached). To debug, need to stop iexplorer.

I want to host a site off my computer. I have IIS installed with all the options. oviuslly i can access my site from my own computer by going but im having trouble getting other people from different computers to access it.

Can;t re-install messenger after uninstalling it
I like thousands of other XP users chose to at least disable Messenger when XP first came out but un-hiding it and uninstalling it. Things worked great. Then after SP-1 for XP Professional was release I chose to uninstall Messenger the conventional way.

The Best MP3-CD Burning Program?
What is the Best Cd Burning Application when it comes to burning CD to be Played in an MP3 Player. My obvious concern is compatibilty, because i have heard some MP3 players are touchy and will not play MP3's if the filenames are to long or if Bitrate excedes 256kbps or if VBR is used ect.

Windows 2000 Server
On my windows 200 server I have 2 networked printers, when a job is sent - its in the queue for only seconds, then disappears. 150 jobs that are all 10 MB (CAD Drawings) could be in the queue and it does not show them.

program needed
well guys, i need a program which allows me to recover a password such as a dial-up connection, but working under winxp

ie6sp1 - what are the changes?
is this just the entire program w/all the bundled fixes to date, or are there changes to the app itself as well?

MusicMatch Skins Question
Hello all, I am one of those people (seems like there are fewer and fewer) that absolutely hates skins in software, especially like MusicMatch where all the skins seem to give it a bubbly rounded look.

Strange out of Memory problem
Alright I am having a very strange problem here. For some reason after a while my computer thinks it it out of ram when in fact i have over 300mb of ram free. It gets to the point where when I right click the little menu won't even come up.

Any other good programs like Hypercam?
I want to record avi's while playing games, I have a very fast computer and HDs but hypercam keeps giving me BS about to high FPS. .